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Saki in V13.


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So according to Zumi, the dev team has hinted at Saki's new appearance massively. And i'm a sucker for a good mystery despite not being very good at solving. SO, anything come to mind on what Saki has become after the Surfer People affected her memories?  I would guess a hint would be something involving Thomas Blakeory and Axis High University since those are associated with Saki. 



Unless Sakitron is a robotized Saki. Never know with how wild this game can be. 



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Okay, if i had to guess Saki's new personality though, perhaps either she becomes more like Thomas Blakeory Jr. and is now a greedy inventor or teacher, or she's become like past Hazuki and thinks she's a warrior. Would be fitting. 



But i wonder if the Surfers changed Crescent in anyway. 

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Goddamn it, this is what Zumi was talking about. 




Might as well remove the pretext and make her a Japanese school girl. But makes me wonder if her hair color is going to change, like Valerie and Adam.  

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I dont know who, but someone said something about a Saki recolor in the graphics/characters folder 


and this is the original saki:



Edited by Baumina
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