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League of Legends vs Dota 2


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So I've been wanting to try Dota 2 for a while. I've heard it's quite better than League of Legends. I want to know some opinions from Rebornians on how is Dota 2 and how it compares to League of Legends. Thanks~

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Oh God why... You will be the cause of the end of Reborn, this argument will tear the forums and server apart...


Also I've never played either one because I'm too addicted to Team Fortress 2- I mean Hat Fortress 2, sorry...

Anyway, while I'm not really qualified to have an opinion on this, I would like to say League of Legends is MUCH more popular, and I would guess that's not for nothing. Of course, then again, Call of Duty is popular, and so is Justin Beiber, so I suppose that can't really be a valid point to the claim LoL is better than Dota 2...

I suppose it's just a matter of opinion. I intend to to try League of Legends soon, and possibly I'll try Dota 2 if LoL doesn't quite "tickle my fancy", never liked that phrase, but I digress. Try them both for yourself, then decide. Play whatever you like and don't let others bring you down for it. ;3

Also, please, don't do anything to excite the Rebornians, much like zoo animals they are easily aggravated. *shot* <xD

^Sorry, I had to... I didn't really mean it^ :P

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Playing DotA will get you surrounded by girls, proven by Basshunter:

In all seriousness, you can't really rely on anyone else's opinion about this until you play DotA 2. They have their similarities and differences so it depends on the person playing to decide on the gameplay he/she prefers. I'm a bit biased towards DotA 2 because I played the first one and I never had a chance to play a lot of LoL because my good computer broke leaving me with a 7-year old laptop that can't even hold a charge unless it's plugged =/

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In Dota 2, the meta is actually rather "flexible" compared to League of Legends, and despite how bullshittingly complicated it is, it's actually a very well designed.

LoL has a butthurt community, but it's simplistic compared to DoTA2, and easier to get the hang of. I find it better when it comes to casual play aswell.

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The community of both are ass. - check.

LoL is easy - can't check this, didn't play enough of it.

Dota 2 is a lot harder and has more variety imo. - check, but it has a tutorial too you know...

You can have fun with both unless you solo queue.

I'd say Dota. - Obv.

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DotA is more technically difficult and requires more study to be 'good' at the game, and even then each hero is hard to 'master'. It also has a massive learning curve. League is more simplistic, but in general requires more "skill" (more abundance of skillshots, more map objectives etc.), but is easier. IMO, DotA is the 'superior' game, but I find LoL more enjoyable.

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Those two games are quite different.

Dota2 is harder when you start playing it (last hitting AND denying, pulling creeps..), more punishing (you actually lose gold if you die) but every hero has a very strong kit, meaning that you can have hard counters. There is more fog of war plays potential, and you have access to every hero.

In LoL the mechanics and champions are pretty intuitive and easier to handle, but has a similar skill ceiling when we talk about comps, teamfighting tactics etc.

Just try both and play more the game you prefer, it's just a matter of taste really. =p

Edited by Soysauce
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What about Heroes of Newerth? Coming from a long time Dota player (i think i first played the original dota around about 10 years ago, damn im old.) i definitely prefer dota over the 2. I played a bit of LoL, around 10-20 games but have spent around 500 hours on Dota 2 and much more with the original.

If you think those communities are bad though, you would probably hate HoN. Even the devs would flame and troll in game. My only problem with dota 2 is the report system, let ppl talk shit its a competitive game ffs.

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I thought about linking that myself since I'd have fun playing either one so whatever; can't deny there are definitely differences between the two and I'm pretty sure that's the sort of thing he was asking for.

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Neither, both suck, go play Smite


Kidding, Dota is better in my opinion

In my opinion.

I don't like farming just so I can play a character I might not like, and be able to play a character on week and not the next. Plus Dota just looks better to me and feels better. Every character is MUCH stronger, you take a lot more damage from each skill, and most characters don't feel like facerolls (sorry but a lot of the LoL heroes the strategy is use every skill in a certain order to win.)

One thing I will give LoL, is that a lot of their heroes are badass looking and are more visual inviting then most dota heroes. I love the dota heroes, but some of them look like a fart...

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  • 1 year later...

okay dota vs LoL in a nutshell


-is less noob friendly

-punishes mistakes more by design

-has a much darker visual theme

-has slightly more variety between heroes; there is no formula for a carry/ADC, no support formula, heroes simply tend toward different roles

-has all heroes unlocked for no charge right away

-is slightly more dynamic

-has casters that scale less in particular, with less heroes scaling to lategame in general


-is easier to learn

-less punishing in general

-is brightly colored visually

-tends to follow set formulas for set roles; heroes are designed to fulfill a specific purpose in general

-operates on a weekly champion rotation

-tends toward less variation in team setups

-has more scaling for all heroes

Important mechanical differences:

-Dota has denying, or killing allied units to prevent enemies from gaining the bounty for doing so

-There is no gold loss on death in League

-Jungling does not grant buffs in Dota

-Dota works on a RPG-like stat system of Strength, Intelligence, and Agility; League items directly modify HP, mana, etc

-There are only two items in Dota that affect cooldowns and only one that affects gold gain, and the latter is an active ability on an item

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