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[Discontinued for E19] Importing Pokemon Showdown teams into Reborn


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So, I've been doing a fair bit of online battling in Reborn, and at some point, it became too tedious for me to debug in every individual Pokemon for all those teams. Which is why I made this mod for lazy people which makes it possible to port over teams from the Pokemon Showdown team builder more or less directly into your Reborn game. The mod should be compatible with both the Game and Game-z versions of Reborn. 


Download: ShowdownImport.rb


How it works:

- Put the file into your Mods folder. If you don't have a Mods folder yet, go into the Data folder of your game, and create a new folder called "Mods".

- Make a team on Showdown, then click the Import / Export button to get the team in text form.

- Create a new text file, paste your team into it and save it in your Reborn folder as "import.txt"

- Open your pause menu and select the "Import Team" option. You will now receive all the Pokemon your text file defines.


However, since the way Showdown and Reborn handle some aspects of Pokemon are pretty different, there's a few things you have to keep in mind when creating your team. If you don't follow these restrictions, your game is most likely going to crash without importing the team, so try to avoid them.

What not to do:

- These are the things your Pokemon needs to have to be accepted by the Importer: An item, an ability, a nature, EVs and four moves. Everything else is optional but will still be accepted (Level, Gender, Shininess etc.).

- If your Pokemon has a changeable form (Mega evolution, Silvally forms, Rotom forms), do not put the specific form into your team, but rather the base form. (Silvally-Psychic becomes Silvally, Alakazam-Mega becomes Alakazam, etc.). Alolan forms however work fine, and the same thing applies to unchangeable forms that have a notable effect on the Pokemon (which is just Lycanroc so far). These can be kept in their alternate form without issue.

- Specifying a type for Hidden Power does not work at the moment. Just leave it on automatic type and set the IVs for the Hidden Power you want.

- Certain items exist in Showdown but not in Reborn and vice versa. You can still keep them in your team, but they will be changed upon importing:

  - Electric Seed becomes Synthetic Seed

  - Grassy Seed becomes Telluric Seed

  - Misty Seed becomes Magical Seed

  - Psychic Seed becomes Elemental Seed

  - Terrain Extender becomes Amplifield Rock 


Some other quirks of the Importer: 

- Happiness is set to max automatically.

- Importing Z-Crystals will not give you an error, but the imported Z-Crystal will not work. Instead, you need to apply them from the bag like usual.


If you get an error message while importing your team, make sure that your text file follows the rules above. If it doesn't, you can send me the error message and text file you were trying to import and I can try and figure out what went wrong. Also, this mod is most likely not going to interact well with other mods that modify the pause menu, so if the "Import Team" option doesn't show up at all, make sure you don't have another mod in the folder that changes the pause menu screen in some way. 


Update: Alolan forms should work again, High Jump Kick can now be imported properly.


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Wow this sounds really cool, but before I try it out, where do the imported pokemon appear? Do they overwrite the current party, or will they be deposited in the PC?


By the way, the text got cut off here:

  On 5/4/2020 at 6:51 PM, Cervys said:

Importing Z-Crystals will not give you an error, but the imported Z-Crystal will not work. Instead, you need to




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  On 5/4/2020 at 8:49 PM, Edo said:

Wow this sounds really cool, but before I try it out, where do the imported pokemon appear? Do they overwrite the current party, or will they be deposited in the PC?



You will receive them just like any other gifted Pokemon, which means you get the choice to either put them into your party or deposit them in the PC and also get the opportunity to give them a nickname if you haven't done so already in your import file. Also, thanks for catching the cut-off sentence. It's fixed now.

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This mod is even compatible with Rejuvenation, nice!


By the way, are IV spreads always set to max IVs? When I try setting one stat to some other value it still gives me 31.

Also there's a bug which causes every stat that has EVs invested into to have 0 IVs. Seems like it's caused when both shiny status and IV spread are specified together, removing either one solved the problem.

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Thanks for finding these bugs, I'll look into it tomorrow. Currently, all IVs are set to 31 by default, or set to 0 if they are specified, nothing in between. 

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Hey uhh, I've been having some trouble with alolan forms, I'm trying to get an alolan ninetales but it doesn't seem to be working, it has a full moves set EVs and everything, I'm not sure whats going on, may be just me

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  On 5/6/2020 at 10:35 PM, Sbeve said:

Hey uhh, I've been having some trouble with alolan forms, I'm trying to get an alolan ninetales but it doesn't seem to be working, it has a full moves set EVs and everything, I'm not sure whats going on, may be just me


Turns out one of the newer fixes broke how Alolan forms work, the current download should now import them properly again.


  On 5/7/2020 at 4:07 AM, crulla said:


Help me please?


Unfortunately I can't tell much from that screenshot alone, could you give me the file you're trying to import?

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  On 5/7/2020 at 8:34 PM, Cervys said:

Turns out one of the newer fixes broke how Alolan forms work, the current download should now import them properly again.


Unfortunately I can't tell much from that screenshot alone, could you give me the file you're trying to import?


Excuse, I'm having an issue as well. I have everything place orderly, but whenever I click import team, it say this:

"Script 'Settings' line 0: Errno::ENQENT occurred.

 "No such file or directory - import.txt."

May u help me?

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  On 5/7/2020 at 10:23 PM, Rising Emperor said:

 "No such file or directory - import.txt."



The only thing I can imagine for this error is that you put the file in the wrong place or made a typo in the name. Did you put the import.txt into the main folder of the game?

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  On 5/7/2020 at 11:18 PM, Cervys said:

The only thing I can imagine for this error is that you put the file in the wrong place or made a typo in the name. Did you put the import.txt into the main folder of the game?


Do u mean where the game icon is located or somewhere in the Audio, Data, Fonts, or Graphics folders?

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  On 5/9/2020 at 12:31 AM, FishTANK said:

can u tell me why its not working?

- btw does it work with ash- greninja or do u need a seperate mod?



I had the same problem my man. U probably named the new file import.txt am I correct? If so just changed the name from import.txt to import. It will work👍. Also this work together with the ash-greninja mod, because i'm also using that mod.

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hey, thanks again for the mod it worked great in reborn but can i get it working in rejuvenation? i tried but no luck


Same here, someone in the above comments said it was compatible with Rejuvenation but the "import team" option isn't showing up like it does with Reborn.

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