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Pokemon Redemption (Or Pokemon Rebirth) Idea

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Poke Game idea, name: Pokemon Redemption (Or Rebirth) basically the premises are this: same pokemon from the games but new evil organization and a new gimic instead of gyms you help out others whether it's helping a kid get there pokemon back or helping defend a construction site from pokemon attacks, and it's open world as well. you can go in any order but the premises are the same (almost like crystal clear)


 nuzlocke mode for those who love the challenge

day/night cycle

Open World

A lot of cities refightable trainers for money and exp

brand new evil team

even a background story for your character

the background of your character: 

500+ pokemon with no fake ones

no custom shinies 

ability to choose starters from Gen 1 to Ultra Sun/Moon

no gyms at all but there will be an elite 4

trust meter for cities, get enough and you may just get a discount 

brand new helping quests that will act as a badge system in a way, help a city enough times and there you go

examples include: save a hospital from powering down permanently,  stopping a prison riot,defending a construction site from being attacked by wild pokemon, etc


Character Background:

you were the champion a ruthless one at that hand never cared for your opponents at all but one night a terrible accident claims your life and you meet Arceus (no regrets there) and since you were ruthless in life he wants to deny you access to the afterlife but that's when the game gets started, he'll forgive you and allow you in but only if you help out others unlike being a ruthless champion


Example Of the new system of quests/helping

Little Girl:  I was playing with my pokemon when another one came up and scared us both the last place I saw it run was into the sewers I'd go after it myself but my parents forbid me from entering there as it'd make me all smelly and stuff plus there are dangerous pokemon down there, could you go get him please



If you'd like to ask me more about it on Discord my name is RareRiotMasterYT#5279

Edited by RareRiotMasterYT
make spacing more better/readable
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