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Event/Gift Run


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Ok, I wanted to do a run WITHOUT Blaziken easy mode on so I'm using my favorite grass type starter. After an hour of resetting (with around four fails) for a good shiny this came up.




The Sp.Def is a little low along with the HP but I'm thinking of making him Impish/Adamant later on depending on which is better. Also, 31 in attack is AMAZING!



Edited by Kasha
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Ok, just ran all over the ward and here are all the event mons I found.




They all have decent IVs with good natures (And it took forever to get a few). Here are the members I've added. Turtwig is in the post above so he'll be left out since you can see his stats.




I guess the game decided since it took almost an hour to get Turtwig it will give me a nice nature shiny. I used a Capsule to switch from Gluttony but going to pick up when I can. I may switch him out for Gulpin after the battle but bring him back for pick up while grinding the team up.




I need a fire type and he's it for now. First good fire type I find he's out. If you can tell I hate the monkeys lol.




Only water type I have for now (Till he evolves and becomes bug/flying).




Good Psychic type I can use till I'm able to get a good one and that will likely be far far down the road.




He's a decent mon to use for flying types. Plus the ivs make him a great mixed attacker. I may breed out a shiny later on.



I kinda ran through the game without looking around much on the Blaziken run so feel free to tell me if I missed a mon. Also if you have any good team suggestions.  Though I'm  not using any mons you catch in the grass, only mons from events, eggs, and trades.








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Since you're making a gift pokemon run, i highly recommend you a Kricketune. Great pokemon in the early game, demolishes Florinia and Julia, and cheeses the first pulses thanks to Fury Cutter. Also, change Espurr's ability to Own Tempo, since Meowstic (M) get's Prankster as it's ability, and as i said MULTIPLE times on this forums: Prankster is OP! You can get the ability capsule hidden outside the factory you raid with Julia, Florinia and Fern (I don't remember it's name)

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So, just got done with Corey and here are all the event mons I got so far.


These mons are also shinies (I got Linoone and Numel shiny by pure chance but I shiny hunted Pichu and Growlithe).




Here are all the event mons I have managed to find after looking all around the wards so far. I know of Bounsweet but until my group is high enough level to iv/nature hunt then it will have to wait.






I know grass starters have a bad reputation but to be honest having Earthquake is a blessing. I almost swept Corey if he didn't have Crobat. Also, choosing Curse over Leech Seed since I plan to change its nature to shell armor as soon as I find another AC to use.




Now, my main fire I decided to use is Arcanine and BOY did it refuse to roll good Shiny iv for over I kid you not 4 HOURS (Failing its Attack and Sp. Atk EVERY TIME). I did want to use a mixed attack Arcanine (Flamethrower/Heat Wave with physical moves but this is the workable IVs it rolled and I decided to just go pure physical. I got Morning Sun as a egg move so yay? Also, BEST SHINY EVER.






Now, as soon as I walked out of the station the wind started blowing so I have to run over to the power plant and shiny hunt Driftloon (Hoping it goes well since it can be psychical/Special or mixed) since all I have to do is encounter it over and over again (kinda like Pichu).



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Ok. just got pass Shelly and reordering my team. Also here are all the mons I got so far.


First, shiny mons I just happen to get:




And here's the new mons I got.




Atlas and K9 are staying along with their new team member:






I really REALLY wanted Dragon Dance but I guess Bulk Up is good as well? I'll make her Moxie later.




I can actually evolve Spritzee as soon as I ev train him up.






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I decided to relace Meowstic with Jynx cause it come with an ice typing and also Nasty Plot.






I actually found some plates while mining so the ones without items now have them.





So here are all the new mons I got.




Here is a shout out to this little guy. I only IV hunted him cause he would blow himself up every other time I did damage and my only ghost type would one shot him turn one.





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13 hours ago, espeon860 said:

marneie  from the mystery egg

Ya, but I prefer to use Swanna at the moment but I may breed out a good shiny one later. About to hunt down Aron in the railnet that I'll be adding onto the team cause he's a good mon to use for Rock Smash/Strength.

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