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Decent pokemon for future reference


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Gogoat, Gogoat, and more Gogoat.


Aside from our lord and savior (Gogoat), keep an eye out for stuff like Shroomish, Snivy, and Bulbasaur in the late game. Mid game is a tad barren for good grass 'mons it feels, but you can still make use of Tangrowth, Roserade and Shiinotic from earlier in the game.


As for Flying, Swellow, Noivern and Crobat are some of the best offensive powerhouses, and the latter 2 are pretty tough to take down too. Noctowl is a good screens setter with a surprisingly vast offensive movepool (but relatively weak stats), and some other weird picks like Sigilyph and Altaria have their niches.

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Whimsicott. Yes, i know it's NU, but Tailwind support is invaluable in Reborn, and Prankster is overall an OP ability, since it has a wide range of support moves, like Sleep Powder, Toxic, Taunt, access to terrain moves, Helping Hand and Sunny Day, but i highly recommend using Tailwind, it has been a staple in my playtroughs in Reborn, and my key to success in some harsh battles

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Xatu is a fun Flying type, it gets it best STAB moves, Air Slash upon evolution, and Psychic at level 35, giving you those powerful moves early. While I used it for the whole game, other flying types will defienetly outclass it later. I think you can get Togepi, and Starly from the mystery egg and those evolve into great flying types. Togekiss has a very diverse moveset, and great abilities 

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Murkrow/Honchkrow is a solid flying type, Moxie allows for some pretty gross sweeps some times, and is available at the Aqua Gang hideout on a windy day if I recall correctly. You just walk up and talk to it.


If you got Togepi from the Mystery Egg then Togekiss is an absolute boss, too.


A defensive Mandibuzz can be very strong too. Give it Big Pecks as it's ability, Iron Defense, Roost and Brave Bird and it's very close to unkillable once you get it rolling, this thing can survive Stone Edge hits lol.


Maybe I'm biased but I've always Pidgeot is a little underrated. Talonflame, Fearow are also strong flying types.


Whimsicott is fucking brilliant. Can server as a support or a massive wall with Leech Seed, Substitute, Cotton Guard and Giga Drain/Protect. Has access to awesome support moves, not a bad addition to your team at all.


Roserade is amazing for Reborn. Although it's missing some core abilities (like Sludge Bomb) you still have access to Sleep Powder, Aromatherapy and strong grass moves. Hidden Power for coverage.

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Honchkrow is one of the best flying types in the game. The AI doesn't really play around Sucker Punch (well, before 18.2, maybe it does now) so there are fights where it can just solo. It also has useful utility like Tailwind and Perish Song


I'm also a fan of Dodrio but it's extremely frail. Dual STAB/Swords Dance/Jump Kick is a strong moveset though and its offensive stats are great.


For Grass it kinda depends on if you want something offensive or bulky/utility mon. Bulky/utility is easier to come by as Tangrowth and Amoonguss are free. The good offensive Grass types are almost all starters or from the Mystery Egg if you want one early (Serperior/Sceptile starter, Venusaur if you can get it sun support; Breloom from mystery egg), with the exception of Lilligant. Roserade is also a good all-purpose grass type, it gets Toxic and has good offensive stats

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