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About the new Development Blog for Rejuvenation


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Have you guys seen it?
Jan posted in the V13 Status Thread a link to the new development blog they decided to create and I just wanna say that it was an amazing idea!

The V13 Status Thread had become waaay to big to newcomer to check each and every page for all the teasers of the new version, not to mention the amount of times the thread went in many directions that had nothing to do with the topic (theory crafting, people asking for help, etc) and I gotta admit I've done it myself too.. Ops.. Which was the reason Jan closed it and I don't blame him for it.

So having a blog where only the content that will be in V13 will be posted without having to scroll to the mountains of people posting along is just a great idea!
Good on the team! I wish you guys much health in these trying times!
(Also the completion went from 41% to 47%)

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4 hours ago, enderowl said:

I like the idea of the development blog, and it was getting a bit to hectic with the V13 thread.  I made the theory crafting thread because of the thread was getting off-topic.

And even with the theory crafting thread there were still many people posting theories there :X
And "Hectic" is a nice way to put it 😛

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Just now, Magus543 said:

Dang we suck. hahahaahha. I can't blame the dev team for locking the thread. Like i wasn't even part of the last convos and i still kinda feel guilty. 

You better feel guilty, alright!
There are plenty of times you went there with theories and shiiiiet 😅

Jokes aside, yeah, that thread was just pure madness at some point.. Better that way

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4 hours ago, MhicKy said:

You better feel guilty, alright!
There are plenty of times you went there with theories and shiiiiet 😅

Jokes aside, yeah, that thread was just pure madness at some point.. Better that way

Not to mention all the constant questions that made no sense. 


Still it was fun while it lasted, even if it wasn't the point. I still have a good laugh at the Animal Cross post from Jan.

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Most questions were things that were already asked and answered before or was "that dude" with the mega-mewtwo pic asking for something stupid again..
And I will admit, I LOVED seeing Jan getting peeved by those questions, heh

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8 hours ago, MhicKy said:

And I will admit, I LOVED seeing Jan getting peeved by those questions, heh

If you find enjoyment in (people) annoying the hell out of the devs then I recommend you go find a different hobby because it's not really that funny to us. There's a reason why we locked the status thread.

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47 minutes ago, Zumi said:

If you find enjoyment in (people) annoying the hell out of the devs then I recommend you go find a different hobby because it's not really that funny to us. There's a reason why we locked the status thread.

You and the rest of the dev team have my sympathies for dealing with stuff like that, and appreciation for being helpful on the forums regardless. Thank you for being awesome. 


I don't think MhicKy meant that in a malicious way. 

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11 hours ago, Zumi said:

If you find enjoyment in (people) annoying the hell out of the devs then I recommend you go find a different hobby because it's not really that funny to us. There's a reason why we locked the status thread.

It's what we call "banter", chill

Like Magus said, I don't mean it maliciously, I myself never indulged in annoying you guys directly on purpose just to make you people mad and, if I ever did, I didn't meant it, closing the thread is not something I think was a bad idea or decision, it was actually the correct thing to do EXACTLY to stop these kind of situations, I am sorry to say, but creating that kind of thread where anyone could post anything and it would be directly seem, and sometimes answered, by the devs themselves was a dumpster fire, that's why I made this thread congratulation you all for deciding to close that one and create a development blog so we can just focus on what's important without being drowned by thousands of comments from randoms, now there's really NO EXCUSE for anyone to ask the same question over and over when all they need to do is just read.

You people are still young anyways and I get that creating a game that suddenly gathered a massive cult-following can be stressful specially because of the loud minority that will come and annoy you with stupid questions or whatever else, my advice is to simply shrug it off or, like Jan do on occasion, reply with a meme, don't take these things very seriously OR just get a person to moderate the forum and reply to those people while you work on the game in peace without needing to bother reading things that annoy you, I still have respect for you devs and I still love that game anyway to the point I recommend it to my friends citing it being "the best Pokemon game I ever played" and will continue to do so even if all the devs grow to despise me.

Anyway I hope you guys are staying safe, specially Jan.

Edited by MhicKy
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