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Since both games are designed to be plenty challenging without the need for any added rules, It's not really recommended for either of them unless you've already played through at least once and know what to expect. Plus with the way areas are set up and the increased shiny rate, encounter rules get pretty hazy too. Rejuvenation Casual Mode would probably be suitable for a Nuzlocke, but if you just want extra difficulty then there's Normal or Intense mode instead.

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Tbh id say Reborn would be easier in long run if you don't do Rejuv in Casual mode

Low Pulse bosses vs the Multitude of Rift mons
Harder base difficulty vs Casual mode
Use what you can find vs Some good gifted mons/events [Mawile]

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Well that be nice ..... I m playing Reborn right now  and i feel its easy  just need look around every thing available  for every Gym and Boss battles .  Ok so can anyone make me some rules for nuzlocks .. well i feel its gonna be more Fun if i play on  others rules  so anyone??


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8 hours ago, BlakeAK said:

Well that be nice ..... I m playing Reborn right now  and i feel its easy  just need look around every thing available  for every Gym and Boss battles .  Ok so can anyone make me some rules for nuzlocks .. well i feel its gonna be more Fun if i play on  others rules  so anyone??


Normal Nuzlocke Rules

  • Any Pokémon that faints is considered dead, and must be released or put in the Pokémon Storage System permanently.
  • The player may only catch the first Pokémon encountered in each area, and none else. If the first Pokémon encountered faints or flees, there are no second chances. If the first encounter in the area is a Double Battle in dark grass, the player may choose which of the two Pokémon they would like to catch. If there's a static encounter in the area, the player is allowed to capture them despite already capturing a Pokémon in that area. Shiny Pokémon also do not apply to this rule.
  • Other near-universally used rules include:

  • The general consensus is that players must also nickname all of their Pokémon, for the sake of forming stronger emotional bonds.
  • Strongly implied, though not explicitly mentioned in the comic, is the stipulation that the player can use only Pokémon they have captured themselves, meaning traded Pokémon, mystery gifts, etc., are prohibited. Trading and retrading the same Pokémon (for the purpose of evolving a Graveler, for example) is something of a gray area, and may fall under optional rules. As of White: Hard-Mode Episode 3, it is implied that the player can accept Pokémon that are received freely from NPCs.
  • Also strongly implied is a prohibition against voluntarily resetting and reloading the game when things go wrong. Being able to do so would render all of the other rules pointless.


Cont of last post

Nuzlocke's officially start after the first time Pokeballs can be obtained/given

Some Clauses are in that people do, like

Species-If you encounter a Pidgey but caught a pidgeotto earlier in the game, it can be skipped and you can reincounter
Shiny- If a shiny pokemon is found, you can catch even if the encounter was not the first one
Dupe- Encounter a pokemon you have caught already and can skip it as first encounter

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12 hours ago, Dreamblitz said:

Since both games are designed to be plenty challenging without the need for any added rules, It's not really recommended for either of them unless you've already played through at least once and know what to expect. Plus with the way areas are set up and the increased shiny rate, encounter rules get pretty hazy too. Rejuvenation Casual Mode would probably be suitable for a Nuzlocke, but if you just want extra difficulty then there's Normal or Intense mode instead.

Nuzlockes in general are meant to make an easy game have a challenge. We generally don't recommend running nuzlockes as the game is quite a challenge in and of itself. Reborn is the easier of the two if Casual mode in Rejuv is not thrown into the mix. Rejuv also has the intense mode difficulty which really throws you through a loop. So many resets.


Reborn doesn't exactly have an official difficulty mode but will has a small one in the final release. We have unofficial mods like Redux and Memeborn but they are slightly out of date due to bombshells being launched onto us this year. 

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