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Require for some help

Silver Boy

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Wow, how much time has passed since my last post on this forum...


Anyway, I lost my old save files, so i make a new run on Reborn. All was good, until I need to fight Cain and Shelly in abandoned Glass Factory on Rotue 4.  There are three battles in a row, so I really have some problems with it. Can somebody help me? I leave here 2 save files: one before this battles, and one after 2 battles (I think it's unbeatable, but nonetheless). If somebody been able to beat it, please make fast save right after the battles by pushing D button, so I won't miss the plot. Thank you

Game(3).rxdata Game.rxdata

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Beating that battle is really easy with the right approach. Like you, I struggled a lot with the battle until I came up with this strategy:

1. Get a larvesta with some solid stats in sp. atk and speed (rock climb in beryl cave)

2. Get a vulpix from the dude in the circus (trade it for stunfisk). Soft reset until you have a vulpix with heat wave and, again, solid stats in sp. atk and speed. Make sure its ability is drought, you can use ability capsules if it isn't drought to begin with.

3. If you've joined Aqua gang, finish the Job Application questline to acquire Choice Specs.

4. Evolve and EV train larvesta and vulpix until they're about level 87. (this will take a LOT of time if you don't use cheats.) Give the choice specs to ninetales.

5. Spam heat wave with both mons while the sun is out. If Volcarona's heat wave didn't finish the job, ninetales' heat wave will.

Side note: make sure to put volcarona in the first spot. If you manage to pull off 2 quiver dances in the fight with Luna she's basically done for if you spam bug buzz.

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1 hour ago, VividGrey said:

Beating that battle is really easy with the right approach. Like you, I struggled a lot with the battle until I came up with this strategy:

1. Get a larvesta with some solid stats in sp. atk and speed (rock climb in beryl cave)

2. Get a vulpix from the dude in the circus (trade it for stunfisk). Soft reset until you have a vulpix with heat wave and, again, solid stats in sp. atk and speed. Make sure its ability is drought, you can use ability capsules if it isn't drought to begin with.

3. If you've joined Aqua gang, finish the Job Application questline to acquire Choice Specs.

4. Evolve and EV train larvesta and vulpix until they're about level 87. (this will take a LOT of time if you don't use cheats)

5. Spam heat wave with both mons while the sun is out. If Volcarona's heat wave didn't finish the job, ninetales' heat wave will.

Side note: make sure to put volcarona in the first spot. If you manage to pull off 2 quiver dances in the fight with Luna she's basically done for if you spam bug buzz.

Thanks for notes, I really appreciate that. If i won't been able to beat it with my current team, I think i'll begin to change my team and use your advices

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4 minutes ago, Silver Boy said:

Thanks for notes, I really appreciate that. If i won't been able to beat it with my current team, I think i'll begin to change my team and use your advices

It all comes down to strategy in this battle. You can also play around with field effects, sending in the right mon at the right time, or just keep soft resetting in hopes that the RNG doesn't completely fuck you over.

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1 hour ago, VividGrey said:

It all comes down to strategy in this battle. You can also play around with field effects, sending in the right mon at the right time, or just keep soft resetting in hopes that the RNG doesn't completely fuck you over.

Must to say, I strong in Single Battle, Double Battle format is not my strong side. Anyway, if my team would be healthy for third battle, that won't be a problem. But strategy is the only way, I guess.

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19 hours ago, VividGrey said:

It all comes down to strategy in this battle. You can also play around with field effects, sending in the right mon at the right time, or just keep soft resetting in hopes that the RNG doesn't completely fuck you over.

Really want to say thank to you, the tactic that you told me about really works. I spent some hours to raise Larvesta and Vulpix, but it works brilliantly. 

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