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Aya Troubles


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Okay so im having troubles with Aya. The most i have taken down of hers is 3 Pokemon, Tentacruel, who really isnt a problem, Nidoqueen, again no problem, and Drapion, who is a little bit of a problem but with Charizard Flame Burst 2HKOs it, and thats if I dont have Scrafty to Hi Jump Kick it first. I could take her Muk down but I leave it alive since it does the least amount of damage to my team, baring i dont bring in Lanturn before I kill it off. Heres my team:

charizard.png- Level 43 Lax Nature / Wing Attack, Flame Burst, Slash, Dragon Rage

roserade-f.png - Level 43 Timid Nature / Giga Drain, Petal Dance, Stun Spore, Growth

gardevoir.png- Level 44 Timid Nature / Shadow Ball, Physic, Calm Mind, Charge Beam

scrafty.png- Level 44 Impish Nature / Brick Break, Hi Jump Kick, Faint Attack, Crunch

lanturn.png - Level 42 Hasty Nature / Charge Beam, Confuse Ray, Bubblebeam, Signal Beam

I dont have a 6th member because I cant get Dribur yet, and because of school i hardly have the time to go catch new pokemon to train and use for this one battle then ditch it for the rest of the game. Can you guys please help me out here i want to move on.

Edited by Pokewatt
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Klinklang? Doubt you'd want Magnezone since you already have an Electric type. Same goes for Psychic types too, I guess.

Heck even Swampert would be great. Or one of the Ground types you can catch under the stairs in North Obsidia...

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Problem is i dont want to train those guys up then ditch them afterwards. Can i get the TM for Earthquake by this time?

No you can't get tm earthquake, it would be kinda broken if we got it this early.

Also why not add one as a permanent member of your team?btw what do you have the trouble most with if you tell us we could give you better tips.

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Umm lets see Gengar,Nidoqueen, Muk and Tenta arnt really a problem. I just tried the battle again with Drought Vulpix and Solar Power Charizard about 2/3 damage to Drapion. If i could keep Gardevoir alive i could possible kill the Serviper. But unless she sends out Daprion last i dont see Gardevoir living through. So my two biggest problems are Drapion and Serviper.

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There's level 35 pokemon you can train pretty quick.

If you're not having trouble with Tentacruel, Muk or Nidoqueen and you're able to handle the Drapion, then I guess that leaves Gengar and Seviper? Might be able to grab a ground type to finish up the Seviper easy but the Gengar has Levitate.

Afraid to say, but you should learn a lesson from Fern. Go find an extra pokemon. Gravelers have Smack Down to negate Gengar's Levitate or you can get a Quagsire for Earthquake which will be weak against Gengar's Energy Ball (I think he has that) but take on Seviper which I think has Aqua Tail.

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Ummm....well this is a bit embarrassing. Turns out all i needed was a bit of Drought help and the thought to actually switch out Gardevoir and Charizard for Roserade and Lanturn when Drapion decided to pop in. Then with Stun Spore knocking down Drapion's speed Charizard and Gardivoir could come back in and sweep the rest of her team.(since only Gengar outsped my Gardevoir but not my Charizard :D it doesnt like Solar Powered Flame Burst). I finally beat her but now i just learned that Roserade cant have Sludge Wave, its the whole point i wanted Roserade ;-;. Time to go find that Gastly and raise a Gengar to replace Rosie then,

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Yeah you'll have to breed it onto her if you want it. I was pretty disappointed wen i saw gengar doesnt learn sludge bomb OR sludge wave too. >_> I vote for Excadrill seeing as you cant get icicle crash on mamo, plus dem resists.

Wait, I've taught Gengar sludge bomb before in previous games, did they change it?

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