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How To Beat Devon Corp Battles


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As of right now, I am stuck at the part where you have to enter Devon Corp and are forced to battle Kiki, Arclight, and ZEL, and I can't win because it's too difficult for me, despite restarting the battle so many times. I was so stuck that I reverted to a previous save file because I couldn't win, and am now ready to train new Pokemon, or get better move sets so I can win. I am also aware that at this point, I am under leveled, but that's because there is no place I can find right now that is good for leveling up, since the trainers in the grand hall are in levels 80 and up, while my Pokemon are around level 75.  So if anyone knows some good places to train at, that would be appreciated. Just in case, I'll list all the Pokemon I have right now in case that helps, and they are also all level 75 and up, and I won't list move sets, natures, items, etc... because I don't mind changing them, or even getting suggested new Pokemon.

My Strong Pokemon: Greninja, Arcanine, Excadrill, Roserade, Alolan Ninetails, Eelektross, Luxray, Nidoking, Mamoswine, Meowstick.

Edited by Champ10
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You have good mons so that's good.But you really need to level them up.

The Grand Hall trainers change everyday.But you should try to exp farm against the kid with the Squirtle line.It should be easy with your Grass and Electric pokemon.

Excadrill is really good you should try setting up Swords Dance on a mon that would not hurt you too much and then spam Earthquake/Rock Slide.You can teach him Iron Head with a move tutor located in 7th Street.

If I was you I'd use for Victoria:

-Protean Greninja with Extrasensory

-Roserade with Toxik Spikes/Leech Seed

-Excadrill with Sand Rush

-Mamoswine to kill Togekiss with Ice Shard and teach it Sandstorm(found in the WTC with Surf) to trigger Excadrill Sand Rush

-Intimidate Arcanine to lower Victoria's pokemons attack

-A-Ninetails with Snow Warning and Aurora Veil.

With this you should be able to easily beat her if your team is 77-78.Her biggest threats are Raichu and Lucario because they benefit from the field very well.If Sand Rush is activated Excadrill should be able to outspeed both of them and ohko them with EQ.

For Arclight:







The ground mons you have are very good against Arclight because he doesn't have good coverage and they are bulky enough to tank and ko them.

For Zel:







Zel is the hardest but you should be able to set up on Zel's Umbreon with Excadrill.His Pulse is very strong because it has Levitate so Arcanine and Nidoking with Flamethrower should beat him.If you really struggle against the Pulse you can try using an Ability Capsule just the fight(not before Victoria/Arclight because Sand Rush can be usefull against them) on Excadrill to get Mold Breaker so he will still hit the Pulse even if it has Levitate.


You have top tier mons so the thing you should care about the most are levels and moveset otherwise you shouldn't have such a hard time playing this game.

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