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Reborn Devolved - Meet the Gym Leaders!

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Hellooooo boys and girls and non-binaries of Reborn!



 Some music for the read OwO

As you probably know by now, this community has a sparkling new Pokémon League going on:

The Reborn Devolved League!


Now, if you´ve been hiding under a subforum and have no idea what I´m talking about, you might want to check this thread here by Elite 4 Member Bazaro for the basics; If you're already hyped to know more about the faces behind this fantastic challenge though, come along with me, Oficial Newscaster Sassy Sylveon, to find out more!

The Devolved League, keeping true to Reborn´s tradition of tough and diverse challenges, counts with eighteen Gym Leaders, an Elite Four and a Champion, all ready to give challengers a lesson in skill and – as important as that – loads of fun, challenging battles! In this topic I´ll bring you a quick introduction for each leader - a bit at a time to keep that hype up of course. OwO


Then, without further ado, I give you: the Reborn Devolved Gym-Leaders!

alias: Generic Gamer

“She may not look like it, with her small stature and wheelchair-bound status, but Beatrice is the Steel Type Gym Leader of the Reborn Devolved League. in the League proper, her role is to do the paperwork everyone else is too lazy to do, which leads to her temper being rather short.
-My Steelix is the most adorable thing on the planet!"



-I´m sure the challengers will be finding that Steelix the cutest thing indeed OwO.  That´s one lady you don´t want to ever underestimate folks!



alias: Dream Catcher

“Cecilia is the sassy and cheeky Ice-Type Gym Leader of the Reborn Devolved League, who is never afraid of an intense battle. While being a gifted Pokémon Trainer, she is also a very talented singer and ice skater. Her trusted partner Khione the Glaceon is always by her side.”
“My beautiful Glaceon is the best partner I could wish for and my other gorgeous Ice types as well!”




-I like this girl already! Also interested in meeting that Glaceon she spoke about 😊 … So coooool!



Leviathan Jayson

“He may be the youngest Gym Leader, but he is also a very decisive and thoughtful trainer. Along with being the Dragon-Type Gym Leader of the Reborn Devolved League, he is also the apprentice of Dragon Elite Four member Lucius. He focuses greatly on his training of his dragon types, which causes him to be more quiet than others.
-My brothers Lane and Cole and my Dragons mean the world to me."



-Ooooh the strong quiet type, cool! I´m not sure why people like them dragons so much with cute fairies like myself around though. 😜





Hey there! I'm Echo, Psychic leader and star of the show! My win rate might not be perfect, but does that really matter if the crowd enjoys the performance? Still, if you underestimate me, you're going to get swept off your feet! My Metagross is ready for playtime, so see you on the stage! Hope you're not camera shy~




-Who knew Metagross could be so cute, hope you trainers are ready to be on the stage ~ 




alias: Sage

“Hello! My name is Violet! I'm the primary Grass Type Gym Leader! It kinda goes without saying that I love everything flora related I find a strong sense of beauty in it. I think I'm pretty chill but I can be pretty sarcastic at times. I generally have your best interest at heart. This community is pretty and I'd love for everyone to be a part of it!

Cherrim and I wish you the best of luck!”





-Ooooh both of them are so lovely, such a good vibe! OwO



Dio Flamingo

Alias: Heavenly Dio

"y0u w0n'7 b3 4bl3 70 c0mpr3h3nd 7h3 p0w3r 0f my p0k3m0n. 1'll l34d y0u 0n 4nd m4k3 y0u b3l13v3 7h47 y0u w1ll r37urn v1c70r10u5, bu7 1n5734d b3 c4u6h7 up 1n 4 hurr1c4n3. 1f 1 d0n'7 f33l l1k3 b3471n6 y0u 1n 4 fun w4y, 1'll h4v3 d1m3n710 my p0ry60n-z c7rl 4l7 d3l37 y0u 1n 4n 1n574n7!"


Non Leet Version: "You won't be able to comprehend the power of my Pokemon. I'll lead you on and make you believe that you will return victorious, but instead be caught up in a Hurricane. If I don't feel like beating you in a fun way, I'll have Dimentio my Porygon-Z CTRL ALT DELET you in an instant!"




-...I can't comprehend anything already. [confused Sylveon noises]





alias: Shybe/Shye

Stella is the new Flying Leader of the Devolved League. She was formerly known as The Star during her Jormungandr days. Despite being a former terrorist, she is cheerful, optimistic and harmless. Despite that last part, she and her partner Gliscor are merciless in battle.




Name's Jolly. You can call me Jolly. I'm the Ground gym leader here in the league. I'm a relatively laidback person and enjoy any kind of strategy/mind games I can get my hands on. A lot of people like to sleep on the ground typing, but after battling me or my reserve they'll find out we're uncannily versatile. Don't let our calm demeanor fool you, we enjoy crushing our enemies both forcefully or softly. The world has a lot of blood in it, and the earth. Is. Thirsty.



- Ooh who knew the earth could be associctaed with vampires ? ~    





"Once a thief who stole from everyone, rich or poor with the help of his trusty ace Sableye. He now uses his dark types talents for other things namely battling!.

Being an old thief he knows how to prevent you from tricking him but generally he's pretty laid-back. However you wouldn't want to drop your guard against him or else you'd be facing a grin from his Sableye and a diminished team.




-Remember to always be on your guard and to keep those pockets tight and secure ~



alias: TridentGreen
“Hello, I’m Trent. I’m the water specialist of this league. Many people fear the water, not knowing what lies within it. To me, the deep is my home; I, it’s sentinel. With the power of my pokemon like Greninja, I have reached the pinnacle of power within this League’s Gym Leaders. If you wish to face me, you must play in my seas. So I must ask:

-Are you ready to face the depths?”




-Oooh this one sounds badass - and the Greninja over there helps to get that point across. Careful with the deep everyone ~



“I am Siggimondo, the Electric-Type Gym Leader. My favourite field is Water Surface, though I'm also known to use Mountain, Underwater, Electric Terrain and Short-Circuit depending on what I think may be most helpful against any given opponent.

I have almost every fully evolved Electric type available on hand in one form and/or another, should I feel the need for it.

Sadly, my time is not as flexible as my team these days, but I'm still here all weekend for those patient and determined.”




-Technical and straight to the point uh? Still I hear his battles are shocking!


alias: Arandomplayer1
“Rando ain't no regular hooman.... cuz hes a birb. A self described serious being, he hails from an alternate universes' Antarctica.

He can do anything, but doesn't cuz that requires work.


-Oh yeah, he's also the Poison-Type Gym Leader or something”




-Wait whaaaaaaaaat? How-
Sassy is confused! It hit itself in it's confusion! 




Alias: The Recusant

"A 3031-year-old ghostly knight who once fought in the Great War of Kalos. This isn't quite represented in his personality, however, as he tends to be a hyper, inquisitive spirit who will stab first with his trusty Oblivion and ask questions later. He hopes to defend his region and protect his friends... and maybe bully a certain Fairy Princess along the way."


"I am Xani, the Enduring Soul, the ever-suffering megaboomer in a knight suit!!! But if you ever call me a curmudgeonly old man I'll slice you in half."



"For some reason I think I was supposed to have sneezed just now. Did somebody mention me?"



“Hey I'm Pingu, I'm the rock leader. I got the funny type so I get to make all the rock hard pp jokes but I'd like to think there's more to rocks, studying the different layers of the earth's mantle is fascinating or studying the chemical properties of different rocks to be used in the refinement of products has some really neat applications. That's what I'd say if i were'nt 5 years old in my head...[Insert endless stream of rock hard puns here]”



                                                                                                         ~ Ooh, you do rock puns? I hope they're solid.~


"You can call me Jet. I'm a recent graduate of a notable Reborn University, but my studies haven't stopped me from training with my Pokémon. I'm originally from the Kanto Region, but my family moved to Sinnoh when I was young. Toxicroak has been one of my favorite Pokémon since then, so you may see it show up in some of my battles. I used to battle almost exclusively in Doubles, but the league recently nixed that format. I'm currently working on remodeling my gym and my team for single battles."




-That's our young, promising and stylish Fighting-Type Leader! 





Alias: Mizz
"Wassup Reborn, it's me Mizz, the new Fire leader. I've got a whole arsenal of fiery beasts to spell the doom of any trainer foolish enough to challenge me, ... or something. Coming straight from one of the hottest places in the world, I know a thing or two about the sheer power of the sun. Whatever you throw at me, I'm sure me and my Talonflame can take. If you ever wanna challenge me just give me an @ when I'm online and I'll probably be able to throwdown. Good luck everyone =] "



~ Loving that red hair, the trademark fire leader choice~





"Hiya there, I'm Autumn, your local traditional medicine doctor and bug leader extraordinaire! I'm next in line to an esteemed Kalos beauty products company, but that's super lame. What isn't super lame are my dear ace Railgun and my other bug types. So yeah, fight me all you adorable cuties!"





Wow, who would say bugs could be cool and stylish? You go girl!




The Elite 4 


Alias: Pikaclone God

“Hello there, I'm a rather odd individual, having spent countless hours with the most worthless of things... If you ask some people. Can you guess it? No?
Pikaclones! Pikaclones are great! I love those little things. Pikachu, Minun, Plusle, Pachirisu, Emolga, Dedenne, Togedemaru. Love the whole lot! Though, mine aren't like any kind.

 While the ones you know may be weak in your eyes, mine... They're special. Through intense training, moving through the regions of Reborn and Aevium, moving through... Questionable lengths, they have grown beyond, they've ascended. They're now extremely strong, and some of them even rather bulky!
Thought pikaclones were bad? I'll have you eat your words. Also, my Dedenne would like to speak to you.

It's got your name on a grave.
 Also. Due to my higher ups being a bunch of no fun, I weren't allowed to bring my Morpeko.. But it'll wait for its day to shine.
Also if you bring trickroom against me you're a simp.
Warning, establishing relations with me may result in the following: bad jokes, begging, overuse of dead memes, PUNS

Thought Dedenne lacked a usable fairy stab? Well... intense screeing is heard in the distance"


Believe it or not, you'll be having Pikaclone nightmares for a year after battling this one.



Strong tactician, will spend hours finding the best way to take down each challenger. Loves steel and fairy types, along with any Pokémon that have an easy story or narrative behind them. His favorite pokémon is Gardevoir. Time zone EST, ping on discord for battles.


Lucius Decimus
 "Death is endless peace, life is endless war. A soldier knows no peace, and so I know no death..."

Lucius Decimus, and his troupe of Kaiju will decimate you, mercy is not a word in his vocabulary. He'll drag you down to hell and claw himself back out before you even realize. But his demeanor isn't just cold ruthlessness and fiery rage, you may not gain his friendship but everyone in the league is under his protection, and who wouldn't want the protection of monstrous reptiles...

 "My enemies will bow before me, as darkness buckles before the dawn."



A Kaiju master, scary! You might want to bring an EVA or Jaeger for facing him OwO 


"Hhhhhhhhi I'm Bazaro, I've been around this cursed place for far too long. I like Ghost types because they're fun and spoopy and that's about it. I help Cervys sometimes with coding stuff, like the new field effects, and breaking things in general is my favorite hobby. I'm usually available for battles (EST) so just @ me in the server or something. Have a productive day.
 Long live the lamp."




                                                                                                                                                  -Careful with the lamp. Always.


League Champion

Lorisaur is the current champion of the neo-reborn league, he battles since he was 5 and he developed a deep bond with his pokemon, especially with his ace, Silvally. He is a nice and quiet guy and he really loves helping newcomers so if you want help with teambuilding or anything else, just ask him! But he often needs a ping or he might not answer so fast. He distracts easily. Rumors say that Lori's been able to defeat some of the best trainers in the world with his Silvally-Grass, and he started loving Silvally after using him in tournaments
"Uhm... do you like Silvally? I love battling with any kind of underrated pokemon"


That´s it for now! Keep an eye out for more exciting news and Leader reveals from the Reborn Devolved League!

Sassy Sylveon over and out!








Edited by Sassy Sylveon
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Bye the way everyone Sassy managed to beat out Chatty Chatot, Guidance Gothitelle, Handout Hoopa, Mouthy Mawile, and Pressy Pancham I voted for Sylveon because Sylveon has been doing a great job.

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Come join us Ojama there you'll get used to the constant barrage of owo s.

It's simple you just create a team put in on Pokepaste and we approve.

It's lots of fun.

And if you don't we'll fill this place up with even more owo.

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  • 1 month later...

After this we'll move onto the reserve leaders! OwO Be prepared for that.

I'll also be making a new section for old/retired leaders since we have gotten one recently.

So stayed tuned!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Some music to listen to.

As you know the Reborn Devolved League has 18 gym leaders one for every type. But our leaders can't always take challenges so some of them appoint reserves to take battles when they aren't available. These reserves are all as talented and diverse as the the leaders who appointed them. So come and meet them!

(The next page is for retired leaders.)



I am Thorn, Poison reserve leader. I spend most of my time wandering through the forests and gardens of the region, taking care of whatever flora and fauna I can find. Most people don't really appreciate nature for what it is. They might stop to marvel at a pretty flower or a vibrant butterfly, but that's not all it amounts to. Nature is the stubborn weeds, the insects skittering along your feet and poisonous mushrooms growing beneath rotting leaves. Maybe through battling, I can show people a bit of the raw, untamed beauty that lays right beneath their feet.



~Just make sure not to admire the beauty for too long, wouldn't want to get poisoned~



Hannah is the Grass Reserve Leader of the Reborn Devolved League. She is a very bubbly and outgoing girl, who likes to spend her time in her garden with her beloved Grass Type Pokemon. Her partner is a shiny Lilligant named "Leilani", who is on her side since she was a little girl.



~What a lovely couple, I hope your garden blooms~


Skyseer Arex

"Arex is the current standing Fairy-Type Gym Leader of Reborn, and the daughter of the Champion of Anima. Living up to the Gym Leader she reserves for, as well as her mother, is a difficult challenge, but with her Togekiss, Twilight, there's nothing she can't handle! Nothing but her emotions, and maybe a certain devilish ghoul, that is."


"My friends are my power, as I am theirs! Nothing can stop us!"



~Ooh, basically a fairy princess, nice taste miss! OwO



A former Meteor Grunt Etiam joined in hopes of seeing his deceased family again in the new world. However he bonded with many of his fellow grunts and after there deaths at the attack of Belrose Manor he defected. He still keeps the mon that team Meteor gave him, Minior, as his ace. He joined the league in order to help atone for his crimes as a Meteor Grunt and to hopefully make news friend in the league that will stay.



~ Ah, a tragic figure, sorry to hear about your losses, hopefully, you'll make friends in the league.~



Rage grew up watching battles of great trainers like Red, Steven and Cynthia. Battling and defeating every trainer to prove that he's the strongest trainer out there is his only dream. However, his thirst for perfection and power made him more and more arrogant and overconfident, even to the point where he would sometimes not even care for his own pokemons and seriously hurt his opponents' pokemons in battles. But after realizing the errors of his ways, he decided to embark on a new journey to the Reborn region, where he was chosen to be the reserve for the fire gym leader. His ace is his Charizard which he calls Dracyan. Dracyan is his most faithful pokemon and also his starter and can pack a huge punch when needed.



~ Looks like you've got a flaming spirit!



Athena is the Flying Reserve Leader of the devolved league, despite her busy schedule of running her family business as CEO, and being a mother of two, she always has time set aside for her battles. Do not let her short stature fool you, her and her partner Archeops can be quite the combination when they fight together!

"Ohohohoho! We shall hold nothing back, after all...I have a board meeting to get to in a half hour!"

That´s it for now! Keep an eye out for more exciting news and Leader reveals from the Reborn Devolved League!

Sassy Sylveon over and out!




This section is for retired gym leaders. Let us remember these talented trainers. Some may still stay around but others will move on and leave.

Prof. Zephyros
alias: pyrromanis

"Hello, trainers. My name is Zephyros but I'm known mostly as Professor Zephyros. I'm an old colleague of Ame from before she started working on the New Reborn League.

Life in Reborn City is harsh and I have difficulties funding my projects - even still, my talent as a Pokemon Breeder is paying off now due to the repopulation project of Azurine Island!

Unfortunately, that's not enough to make a living, so me and Gliscor decided to join the Reborn Devolved League filling the Flying-Type Gym Leader position."




-I bet the is professor going to teach the challengers a few hard lessons? Y'all better prepare to get passing grades! 


Edited by Sassy Sylveon
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