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I never thought I'd say this


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But I'm starting to regret the fact that Cain and Shelly are friends with my character. I;m struggling to get past their battle in the Glasswork Factory. And the worst part is I know that isn't even gonna be the hardest part. So, this really just for me to vent frustrations,, and hopefully  get some advice.


My Team:
Blaze(Charizard) lvl 90:


Heat Wave


Flare Blitz


Chomp(Sharpedo) lvl89:






Athena(Gardevoir) lvl 90:



Charge beam

Calm Mind


Vulcan(Metagross) lvl 89:

Meteor Mast

Hammer Arm

Zen Headbutt

Iron Defense


Zeus(Manectric) lvl 88:



Electric Terrain



Ryuko(Scrafty) lvl 90:


Brick Break


Rock Smash

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Any other mons in the PC?

Also it really helps to get rid of one of them first.

I'd recommend targeting Shelly due to your team being able to mop her team.

Also you can buy Revival Herbs in Obsidia Ward so those might also help.

Those herbs can carry you the distance needed/

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First off, enter with lower level 'mons so they don't disobey in the later fights - 88 should be fine for most things, 87 if you want to be safe with 'mons that level fast or don't have you as their OT.


As for strategy, Fire is incredibly good in these fights. Set up sun, send out Charizard and Mega Houndoom, and watch the fireworks; extra points if you set up Grassy Terrain -> Burning Field too. You can also abuse the factory field with Flash Cannon and Gyro Ball users like Magnezone and Bronzong, or turn off the lights and spam Shadow Ball to your heart's content (Cain only has one Ghost resist, and there's none in the final fight - just bring a few strong Fighting/Bug types for the 2nd fight).


Your current team would need some reworks to win as it is, I'd think:

- Charizard could do with coverage (e.g. Solar Beam, Focus Blast) or Sunny Day over Flare Blitz

- Manectric desperately needs Flamethrower, Crunch hits like a wet noodle off its attack stat so you're effectively running mono-Electric coverage right now

- Scrafty needs High Jump Kick and would greatly appreciate Dragon Dance and Drain Punch; alternatively, forgo setup and run 4 attacks with an Assault Vest

- Sharpedo definitely doesn't need to run 3 water moves (hot tip: you can just keep swapping Waterfall/Surf/Dive in one slot when exploring, and you can do the same for Rock Smash/Rock Climb/Strength on Scrafty) and can make room for two of Psychic Fangs, Ice Fang, Destiny Bond and Protect

- Gardevoir needs a replacement for Charge Beam, it's way too weak at this point and you have Calm Mind already, Focus Blast or Shadow Ball is probably your best bet

- Metagross is fine as is but Rock Polish/Agility or a 4th attack (Ice Punch or Bullet Punch, in this case) is probably more ideal than Iron Defense


Also make sure all your abilities are right - Sharpedo obviously should run Speed Boost, Charizard is best used with Solar Power and sun support, Manectric can get boosts from Minus in the factory field or use Lightning Rod to redirect Electric moves used on teammates, Gardevoir gets Telepathy to ignore teammates' area attacks (e.g. Discharge) but your team has none of those so Trace is the better choice, Metagross gets no benefit from Light Metal (Low Kick still hits it for 120BP) so it should run Clear Body instead, and Scrafty is very bulky with Intimidate which pairs especially well with an Assault Vest, or you can run Moxie and snowball with Dragon Dance.

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1. Get a vulpix from the dude in the circus (trade it for stunfisk). Soft reset until you have a vulpix with heat wave and, again, solid stats in sp. atk and speed. Make sure its ability is drought, you can use ability capsules if it isn't drought to begin with. Change your charizard's ability to solar power if it isn't.

(1.5: If you've joined Aqua gang, finish the Job Application questline to acquire Choice Specs.)

2. Evolve and EV train vulpix until it's about level 87. (Give the choice specs to ninetales.)

3. Spam heat wave with ninetales and charizard while the sun is out. If charizard's heat wave didn't finish the job, ninetales' heat wave will.


Also, level your pokemon down a couple levels. If they get to level 91 in the first two battles you're basically boned.

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