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Route 5/Bulbasaur Quest

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Shortly after arriving in Kakori Village I started the Help Center quests. 

I've turned on the Bulbasaur quest and I'm told to search for the Team Xen thief in a shack on route 5, however, I can not access route 5. There is a woman blocking it at the entrance who says only certified individuals may pass. 


I'm at a loss for what I need to do. Am I just unable to do this quest right now?


FYI I always Google before I create a thread here so this thread exists because that was unsuccessful. 

Edited by Devilish
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14 hours ago, Edo said:

You haven't progressed the story enough. You either need to talk to Crawli so he allows you to go there, or you need his badge, I'm not sure what it was

I have a feeling I need the badge. 
I kind of figured I needed some form of progression, thanx for clearing that up. 


Correction: It's not a badge that's required, you just need to do the cut scene in Crawli's office. 

Edited by Devilish
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