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Pokemon Reborn is BRUTAL... And i love it


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Just to add a level of challenge, I started the game off by inserting an OC trainer of mine into the game- someone who has rules built in to provide a challenge. It certainly has made the game hard in some aspects, but just like each gym, I adapt and overcome what lies ahead.


I will not go into more details unless you want to know more. Don't want to potentially distract from introductions.


Anyways, I have played pokemon ever since it first came out in red and blue- dedicated of it enough as I kid to where I got an honest to hearts event mew from back in the Gameboy era- where we had to go to stores they were featured at personally... Poor pokemon never made it past that version. But it did help to wipe the floor in pokemon stadium 1 and 2. Ah... good times. Nowadays...


I always consider myself a more casual individual- not really trying too hard, never into pvps with how competitive people can get as a whole. Even in terms of goals in life, I am looking more to live a simple life. No marriage so far, nothing fancy or expensive. Just living life the best I can without the trimmings. And yet I always tend to gravitate toward coop games all the same, as I like helping/working with others. Always feels more rewarding with the accomplishments by comparison to alone. Along with general rpgs.


Then this game came along while I was on furlough. I was interested in a pokemon fan game after playing some insurgence. My little bro played it and certainly had some frustrating moments- even some rage whenever Kecleon is mentioned in general. XD Found a shiny and wants to keep it imprisoned in the box. So I went in expecting a challenge... Then I struggled and had to retry the first gym numerous times... Crits aside, I couldn't blame the game, only myself for my defeats. And when I finally managed to pull a win, it was satisfying... Although now I cannot call myself casual with how I have been handling things moving forward. And yet I have not grown tired or annoyed with this game, only determined. As for where I am currently at now, I have 14 badges and moving forward from there. Enjoying the characters (Some I want to bury into the ground,) the story, and how the decisions make a difference. Always keeps me interested of what might happen next.


Sadly I have returned to my job for a week now, so I cannot enjoy reborn as I once did. But I am still making steady progress moving forward, making decisions some would call me insane on, and yet worked out quite well. Hope to hear back from you all, and I hope this game continues to be awesome. 🙂 

Edited by Zagaran
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