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Ace Member


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That, and you could contribute to the site/server through money or general help such like spriting.

That and most Ace Members are core members of the community who have been with us for over a year or two.

And a lot of the ace members helped us with spriting, testing the game, help run the league, completed the league, technical help, server tiers, or supported the server/league/game/overall community in more ways than just one. Some were even moderaters or admins at some point in time.

A lot of the Ace Members and mods have a friendship that runs a little deeper than what appears on the surface. We have members who have ace member that have been members of our community for 3-5 years... believe it or not reborn has been a thing for almost a decade. I for one have been part of this community for around 4 years mmyself, and my best friend Maelstrom Co-Founded the community. Also, most Ace member discussion is normally more along the lines of a personal level. Our most popular topic is the "That Feel When" topic where we all just complain, brag, or contemplate personal matters with our real lives and give feedback to each other.

If you want ace member, and not hafta (or don't know how to) donate money or contribute to the community, you can buy it in the site shop. You can earn rupees by posting on the forums, contributing to the pokemon research center (I think we still hand out rupees for that... not sure), winning tournaments and contests, or attending community events, our most popular are reborn prom and our annual christmas party.

I also have an event cooking up that I am planning on running... and with ame's ok, it just might give out rupees... as to what it is and when it is... that's a secret for now why not

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Nice to be a help...

Oh ya, other titles...


your no longer welcome in the community.

Pokemon G Men

Your a moderator tasked mostly with watching the forums. Though Gmen don't have actual power over the server (with the exception of maelstrom who has power for convenience) they are still part of the staff and help make important staff decisions. Kiozo is actually a "staff" and I am a "pokemon trainer" but we got temporarly demoted for lack of computer reasons... we will get our proper titles back when we get... well... working and fully functional computers XD


mostly server mods who are at the greatball level with the exception of phoenix and nyu. Phoenix is Admin on the server and Nyu makes things work... period.... Most people with the staff title don't hafta moderate the forums, but they have the power for convienience.

Pokemon Trainer

Admins among the staff who mostly have Admin power or higher on the server. (I was the only exception) they are also tasked with both modding the forums and the server and have the power to pernamently ban people from the forums. Pokemon Trainers normally have a task outside of modding that directly inpacts how certain things work, ie. The game, the forums, the server, the league.

Fallen Angel

Quite literally run the show. This is mostly Amethyst, but Mashew/Makoto, Ikaru, and Edge really really contribute to this as well. Ame and Mash are only Fallen Angels atm, and Ame and Ikaru are the only owners on the server atm. (I think edge has admin atm)...

And there you have it... if I counted correctly we have exactly 20 people in our Overall staff... and ya...

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6000 Rupees for Ace Member...

Only 5027 left to go, Ackalacka, no big deal... ._.

*Plays Eye of the Tiger as he goes around the forums making posts that might not even contribute to the conversation for Rupees*

*By the end of a full day, he has only earned 50... FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-*

This is going to require more grinding than every Japanese RPG combined...

What's funny is I will earn Rupees for this. <;3

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is going to require more grinding than every Japanese RPG combined...

Even more than that, I'm afraid. It took me just over 5 months to get Ace status and that's with the old price of 3,000 AND frequently posting in a certain part of this forum...


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