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Need some advice about my team!


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Hey there! So I've been messing around and theorycrafting for what I want my team to look like in the future.


The team I've got sitting in my party right now is Heracross, Marshtomp, Salazzle, Krookodile, Sylveon, and Bisharp. I was planning for it to look like Heracross, Starmie, Darmanitan, Garchomp, Gengar, Bisharp.


I figure I won't need a fairy or electric type if I have coverage moves on Starmie, which'll let me deal with dragons and water types. Heracross covers fighting and bug STAB, Darmanitan for a powerful fire type. Garchomp to replace Krookodile (as much as it pains me to), for a more powerful ground type, while I still have a dark type in Bisharp and Gengar for ghost/poison.


Am I missing anything? I figure Gengar may be obsolete with Bisharp, so should I go for a flying type like Aerodactly or Staraptor?


Another way I could probably go with it is keep Marshtomp in, but I wont have electric coverage anymore, so I'd need a grass or electric type.


Anyways, I'd love to hear what you guys think!

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4 hours ago, hepengild said:

I figure I won't need a fairy or electric type if I have coverage moves on Starmie

About that, yeah, you will REALLY need those types, since Starmie doesn't have am incredible damage output. There are a lot of good options at the moment. For fairy types, you can use Sylveon. It has a great special attack, great bulk, and access to Misty Terrain. For electric types, you can go for Rotom or Eleektross. The first has more speed, and you can change it's typing at will, and the latter has really good coverage.

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