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Questions, Translations and More Questions (QTMQ)


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Hey, hey my name is Amaral and this is a QTMQ (Questions, Translations and More Questions) in these posts I will talk about updates of the translation and yes it will have images, mainly to show how it is getting in Portuguese (and before I talked to Ame, and images in Portuguese related to translation are allowed) ok everything explained so let's go.



Well, as QTMQ will be posted every day (I hope so) it will not be a jumble of things just simple things.


As they all say, the best way is to start at the beginning. so that's it "Load screen".


goals are important, so it's better to know what to be doing


hoho am i... of course in a different sav


this is how X is getting ... I say menu (where are the pokemon? hihi find out)


Edited by Amaral
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Hey. I don't want to discourage you from continuing the project, as Jan said, you should REALLY wait until the game is complete, since Jan tends to change a lot of stuff from version to version. Although you can keep translating the stuff that's not related to the story, like the items, pokemon, abilities and menus, for example. Anyways, i wish you the best of luck with this project, I'm sure a lot of people will like it, but as i said, it's better if you don't mess that much with story events, just so that you don't have to check those lines AGAIN.

Edited by Gastronely
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19 minutes ago, Gastronely said:

Hey. I don't want to discourage you from continuing the project, as Jan said, you should REALLY wait until the game is complete, since Jan tends to change a lot of stuff from version to version. Although you can keep translating the stuff that's not related to the story, like the items, pokemon, abilities and menus, for example. Anyways, i wish you the best of luck with this project, I'm sure a lot of people will like it, but as i said, it's better if you don't mess that much with story events, just so that you don't have to check those lines AGAIN.

hi, well i know that there is all this and i have also thought about it several times but i intend to continue to Terajuma Island (i still don't know if i will continue and finish it or stop when we get there) just for people to have a taste of as it will be from now on because I intend to continue the story in V13.

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The achievement that you have to get all pokemon is written wrong, there is no "pegá-los todos" in Portuguese, that just doesn't exist.

I imagine that you put it like that because of the translation of the original song but there are some stuff you would have to consider from that song to put it there.

In the song they did something like "Pokémon (tenho que pegá-los)", as "tenho que pegá-los" in the background. The way you put it you are basically saying pokemon two times in a row.

It would be more accurate to use "Tenho que pegar todos".

Otherwise everything else is pretty good, keep up the good work.

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30 minutes ago, Liroy said:

The achievement that you have to get all pokemon is written wrong, there is no "pegá-los todos" in Portuguese, that just doesn't exist.

I imagine that you put it like that because of the translation of the original song but there are some stuff you would have to consider from that song to put it there.

In the song they did something like "Pokémon (tenho que pegá-los)", as "tenho que pegá-los" in the background. The way you put it you are basically saying pokemon two times in a row.

It would be more accurate to use "Tenho que pegar todos".

Otherwise everything else is pretty good, keep up the good work.

thanks bro, i really hadn't noticed it

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