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A List of Event only Pokemon?


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There aren't a whole lot of 'mons that can be missed permanently. The only ones off the top of my head are Pancham and Scraggy in the Obsidia Slums, although despite the Pokedex claiming Sigilyph is available later in the game I've never had any luck encountering it outside of the Citae Arc D'Astrae which you can't revisit after entering the Agate City checkpoint, so you might want to grab that one just in case. There are also a few 'mons that get more luck-based to obtain, mostly event 'mons in Reborn City like Emolga and Murkrow, and some you'll have to breed to get their pre-evolutions.


EDIT: You can miss Skrelp as well, I believe. Good Rod in the poisoned lake. Not available after the Agate checkpoint.


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Thanks for the replies so far. The following is a list of event pokemon only based off the Obtainable Pokemon Chart for others who might find it of use. Unsure of its accuracy:

*=Event but either evolution or pre-evolution are able to be caught in the wild/repeatable event. ^=Chosen Starter. &=An Evolution or Pre-Evolution is avalibe for yet another event.
Squirtle; Jigglypuff*; Abra; Ghastly; Lickitung; Magikarp; Lapras; Ditto; Eevee; Aerodactyl; Chickorita; Cyndaquil; Totadile; Togepi; Misdrevious; Sneasil; Smoochum; Elekid; Magby; Lavitar; Treecko; Torchic^; Mudkip; Lotad*; Ralts; Whismur&; Loudred&; Trapinch*; Lunatone; Solrock; Castform; Bygon; Bedlam; Turtwig; Chimchar; Piplup; Kriketot; Glameow; Gible; Munchlax; Riolu; Croagunk; Rotom; Tepig; Oshawott; Lilipup; Roggenrola*; Scraggy*; Zorua; Gothita; Solosis; Tynamo; Litwick; Axew; Deino; Larvesta; Chespin; Fennekin; Froakie; Honedge; Helioptile; Goomy; Klefki; Rowlet; Litten; Popplio; Bounsweet; Type: Null; Mimikyu; Jangmo-o; Poipole.

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