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EV training guide - reborn


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Hello pplz,


I was wondering if there is a guide on EV training for reborn?

Is there a way to reset the EVs of ur pokemons?

How do u guys do it to train the EVs for ur pokemons efficiently?


Thanks for the answers!

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You can buy EV reducing berries at the second floor of the department store in. Theres a place where you can buy an 'EV reset disc', or something, but I don't reccomend using it, it's too expensive. As for EV training, there is this super helpful guide for EV training in Episode 16: 


Edited by Gastronely
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The department store sells berries which can reduce the EVs of a certain stat, and Power Items which increase a certain stat's EV gain by 4 for every EV gained.


(The guide Gastronely linked is mostly for late game it seems, if you're still in the early part of the game I'd recommend this):

Most people go to the railnet and battle the woobats repeatedly, since it's really fast and they give Speed EVs which is usually the most trained stat.

If you need HP you can go to Seacrest's garden, there's a high chance for Wurmple, caterpie and hoothoot, so it's a good place regardless of day/night.

I usually train Att/Sp.Att together with Speed or HP, since those are the most common stats you need for an attacker beside their respective attack stat. Same goes for Def/SpDef if possible, since EVs for those stats are more uncommon. If not, you can train both at Seacrests garden as well, Ledybas for Sp.Def (only in the mornings), or with Venonats on the rooftop in Onyx ward, and Def with Pineco (headbutt tree).

Edited by Edo
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Thanks for ur answers, im actually ingame at the phase where i will face luna but decided on my main 6 pokemon team and was wondering on their EV values.

Do u guys go for max on 2 stats and the rest on a third stat? Or more mixed?

Can u give me some examples in terms of values of EV? I mean what are the values i should aim for?


Thanks again!

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3 minutes ago, netbean said:

Thanks for ur answers, im actually ingame at the phase where i will face luna but decided on my main 6 pokemon team and was wondering on their EV values.

Do u guys go for max on 2 stats and the rest on a third stat? Or more mixed?

Can u give me some examples in terms of values of EV? I mean what are the values i should aim for?


Thanks again!

I always go for two max stats, dividing it up on three doesn't make much difference imo

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3 minutes ago, netbean said:

Ok so for a physical attack pokemon i could go:

att : 252

speed/hp : 252

speed/hp : 6


and spA:

spA : 252

speed/hp : 252

speed/hp : 6

in general yeah. While there are exceptions where you can invest in defense instead of HP, the difference isn't too big, so for a beginner this is good enough.

If you're not sure which stat to invest into, I advise you to invest in the highest stats, that's usually never wrong.

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Just now, Edo said:

I advise you to invest in the highest stats, that's usually never wrong.

Or be like me and invest in special attack on a Carbink (which saved me the Charlotte battle in a fairy monotype tbh)

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I usually look at the base stats first - for example: if the special attack base stat is really low, then there's no point in training the EVs for that stat. if you've got a pokemon you want to be able to hit hart and fast, go for special attack or attack and speed, on the other hand, if you've got a pokemon that's really "solid" with high defenses, it might make sense to turn it into a "staller" and increase the defenses even more. It really depends on the specific pokemon and what you want it to do (took me ages to figure out how this works😅)

smogon university is what helped me figure it out (I only looked at the pokedex where they suggest EV training and move sets , no idea how their other stuff is. I basically google "pokemon name strategy").

also, pokerus speeds things up (try to get it through online trading, if you get it just randomly in game, you're stupidly lucky).


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