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Hey hey hey, my name is Amaral and this is QTMQ, your post of updates on the translation of rejuvenation, before anything, the oldest QTMQ lost their images due to Attachments that are already getting full so with each new QTMQ or something like that, the oldes ones lost their faces.


Now pokedex is completely translated not only to pokemon but also to areas to from pokemon, and search filters.


UWU UnKnOwN, until it looks like I don't have a walkthrough


That's is the instagram??? has so much filter here


I waste my time doing these things, but I still have fun


I know that QTMQ should be every day, but as I said, it’s not every day that I’m working on the script and recently I’ve been focusing on history, since we’re close to finishing that 5º beta to end V12.

Edited by Amaral
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