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Hey everyone! I figured i would create an account for my future runs.


So....I am a twenty something French guy who, like most of us i guess, fell in love with Pokemon when I was a kid. I got Blue on my birthday, and the rest is history.

I don't really remember how I came to learn about Reborn, but I actually downloaded it for the first time about four years ago. I think it was Ep16 back then, i could be wrong.


I played until Julia, then stopped for two reasons :

- Back then, I didn't want a fangame to change too much the rules of the game, cause I knew them by heart by now, and it would confuse me when playing the main games again.

- My computer was a mess, and couldnt run Reborn without turning into an oven.


Both of these issues were "solved", meaning I quit trusting GF with making interesting and balanced products, so my attention came back to fangames. On a totally different matter, i just happened to buy a new great laptop. So I downloaded again Reborn a month ago.

I just finished Episode 18, i still have some breeding to do, but all content is done. And what a great game!

I mostly came for the gameplay, the limitations on pokemon level and the tough boss teams meant the game would be exciting every step of the way. And the way the game gives you progressively better mons means you can't just grab a killer mon and destroy everything. Terrains are pretty great too, we have to think differently than in normal pokemon to use them effectively.

The story was surprisingly good...it's really everything i wanted without knowing : multiple interesting characters, branching plot lines, darker themes...I can't wait to see what happens to them in E19.


So...while waiting for E19..I have multiple ideas for challenge runs I want to do here. There's lots of threads about monotypes, I think that could be cool. I have some other ideas as well.


Anyways 🙂 Hello everyone and nice to meet you 😄

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