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Worst stats mons Challenge


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Hey guys!


I'll be doing a special challenge run, i will use this topic as my journal. Hope you like it 😄


The concept :

- My goal is to beat this game without using strong pokemon to blaze through fights. By episode 18, we have all pokemon at our disposal....yet I can't remember on a casual run the last time i didn't use a top tier mon, even for HM slaving. So this run, I want to see how "bad" the pokemon I'm using can get. The criteria for "bad" will be the stats of the pokemon i'm using, the BST if we want to use the proper term.

Abusing typings and field effects will be key here.


The rules :

- I will give myself access to all pokemon (through debug).

- For each major fight (basically every named fight except very easy fights), I will replay the fights over and over with worse pokemons.

- The goal is to use the lowest team in terms of BST that can still win.

The Maximum BST in my team will be the BST that I track. This means if i use a Dragonite and five early game bugs, it doesnt count, since there's a 600 BST pseudo legendary. Therefore, I'm supposed to have a party of equally low stats pokemon

- I will use items, moves and facilities I am supposed to have at the time of the fight.

IV/EV training are available from start, they just take time.

- If i change forms during a battle, the BST must be updated if needed. This mostly is about the megas and Ditto.

- No items during battle

- Set mode


Banned :

- Pure Power, Huge Power and Fur Coat are banned. They're basically hidden stats.

- Shedinja is banned. He's way too good for his very low BST, and can still cheese endgame fights.

- Smeargle is banned. He is also too good considering his move access.


BST trivia 

- All BST are available here (sort by Total) : https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/List_of_Pokémon_by_base_stats_(Generation_VII)

- The worst BST is Sunkern, with 180. (technically it's wishiwashi solo, but as soon as he transforms he's not anymore)

- The first tier of pseudo legendaries (Dratini, Larvitar...) is 300. Their evolutions are at 420, and the final stage at 600.

- Starter mons are around 300-320, their evolutions are around 410, and final stage around 530.

- Lowest Mega is Mega Sableye, at 480.

- Eevelutions are at 525

- Highest currently available mon is Slaking (lol) at 670. With Megas, it's Mega Garchomp at 700.



Julia - 198 - Ralts/Sunkern/Kricketot/Weedle/Caterpie/Wrumple

Scrafty Gang - 195 - Sunkern/Kricketot/Weedle/Cterpie/Wrumple/Azurill

PULSE Tangrowth - 198 - Ralts/Sunkern/Kricketot/Weedle/Azurill/Wrumple

Fiorina - 210 - Cascoon/Azurill/Wooper/Kricketot/Magikarp/Feebas

Taka - 198 - Weedle/Caterpie/Kricketot/Azurill/Sunkern/Ralts

Taka & ZEL - 198 - Weedle/Caterpie/Kricketot/Azurill/Sunkern/Ralts

Wild Klinklang - 198 - Weedle/Caterpie/Kricketot/Azurill/Sunkern/Ralts

Corey - 215 - Tyrogue/Pichu/Sunkern/Sentret/Wooper/Ralts

(posting discontinuited, no one seems to care 😧. still doing the challenge tho)

Wild Scolipede Gang - 198 - Weedle/Caterpie/Kricketot/Azurill/Sunkern/Ralts

Aster & Eclipse - 198 - Weedle/Caterpie/Kricketot/Azurill/Sunkern/Ralts

Victoria - 198 - Weedle/Caterpie/Kricketot/Azurill/Sunkern/Ralts

Shelly - 245 - Makuhita/Poochyena/Noibat/Zubat/Starly/Ralts


I think it will be pretty fun and challenging. If you see something I don't about a fight, or if you just want to chime in, feel free ^^

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Early game


Ok, so early game is pretty easy until Julia. I didn't do the challenge for the Fern fight or Aster/Eclipse. I also probably won't do it for the next fights in chapter 2, but starting for chapter 3 I will include rivals. I think I will include all named Meteor fights from now on as well.


Items :

- It's possible to have Quick Claws through wild Meowths. So far, they're the only real useful held item available.





So Julia has a high tendency to use Electric moves. In main game, Goldeen is usually quoted as an easy win pokemon to use because of Lightningrod. No ground mons are available.

Here, the lowest pokemon with Lightningrod to use is Pichu, and the lowest Ground type is Wooper. Wooper can also destroy the field with Mud Sport.

Julia's offensive threats, outside of terrain spamming electric moves, are the Oricorio with Air Slash and the Electrode with Sonic Boom.

Julia's main way of protecting herself against other electric moves is with the Plusle, which has himself Lightning rod. Oricorio is immune to Ground moves.

At level 20, we have a pretty clear leg up on the OTS cheerleader. Especially at such low levels, 5 levels is a big difference.


First attempt : 237 BST max (Bunnelby, Makuhita, Poochyena, Wooper, Pichu, Ralts)

Ok, my first attempt was pretty modest. I figured i would have a balanced team, and include Makuhita and Bunnelby, both at 237. Bunnelby has good ground coverage, and Makuhita is pretty strong as well.

Starting with Bunnelby, I actually managed to kill 3 mons, including the Oricorio, thanks to a missed Air Slash. Makuhita finished off the rest. 5-0.





Second attempt : 210 BST (Pichu/Wooper/Ralts/Tyrogue/Bounsweet/Igglybuff)

I figured i would kick out everyone over Wooper, since Wooper can probably carry with Pichu.

I actually started with Pichu, who has a pretty good setup set at this low level : Nasty Plot/Thunder Shock/Charm/Sweet Kiss

Pichu can easily setup in front of Minun. He is Encore'd, but it doesnt matter.

Depending on Julia's AI, she might send Oricorio, Voltorb, Plusle or Geodude. Plusle ends the sweep, because it has Lightningrod and we can't touch it. In this attempt, Pichu killed everyone. Wooper finished off Plusle and Electrode easily.





Third attempt : 205 BST (Pichu/Ralts/Sunkern/Kricketot/Cascoon/Kakuna)

Ok, now we're really starting to get weird mons. As a reminder, the lowest possible is 180 with Sunkern, which is on our team.

Wooper is out, since Pichu did so well last time. Electrode will be the issue, so everyone is invested in HP and Special Defense. Ralts isn't invested in HP, because she can't go over 60 HP even with investment. Pichu starts off the same, but Julia is a bit smarter this time and only sends Voltorb second before sending Plusle, blocking Pichu. I switch to Ralts, who wins his 1v1. Ralts loses to Oricorio, then I send Pichu again. Pichu beats easily Ori and Geodude. Electrode is the issue now.

Pichu is dead, then i send the bugs trying to poison him. Cascoon is useless, Kakuna manages to poison on his second attempt. By then, Electrode is at +4 and at 60% HP.

Sending the lowest pokemon yet, Sunkern, ends the fight. Sunkern actually stalls with Leech Seed pretty well, and a Mega Drain can keep him topped up. Electrode falls and I win 2-0.





Fourth attempt?

Ok, so if i want to go below 205 BST...I have to take Pichu out.

What does this mean? Well, this means my pokemon pool becomes :

- Magikarp, Feebas, Cosmog, Scatterbug at 200

- Ralts

- Caterpie, Weedle, Wrumple

- Kricketot

- Azurill

- Sunkern


So...yeah. I mean, i'll try. I think it will be pretty difficult, if not laughably impossible. We'll see 😛 If not, onwards to PULSE Tangrowth next time!



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Julia (cont.)




4th attempts...


So, in the 11 Pokemon I have left at my disposal...I figured i could go down to 200 and be allowed to use the fish, Cosmog and scatterbug...but why bother. The fishes are dead weight, Cosmog is setup fodder in a gym where the opponents have Charge Beam, and Scatterbug...is not worth it.


Going down to 198 lets me keep Ralts, who is clearly the only mon here with a semi viable use.

Ralts gets by level 20 :


Double Team <- yeah we're gonna abuse that

Magical Leaf

Disarming Voice


Confusion is the main damage dealer. And Double Team is particularly good in a gym where the spam move has 90 accuracy to begin with.


So I went with Ralts/Caterpie/Weedle/Wrumple/Kricketot/Sunkern


Ralts begins and manages to setup first try on Minun. Minun's charge beam fails twice, then he switches to trying to Encore unsuccessfully. I get 6 double team off and 2hko Minun.

Julia sends Voltorb, who hits a Charge Beam on his first turn, but he dies soon after with a fast Quick Claw Confusion.

Then Minun is out and hits another Charge Beam.





Ralts finishes off Minun, then OHKO Geodude with a Magical Leaf, then kills Oricorio who misses his attacks.

Electrode is out, kills off Ralts quickly with a Charge Beam, getting +1 in the process.


I send out Sunkern who surprisingly finishes the job pretty well, with Leech Seed and Mega Drain.





4th attempt at 198 BST : done 🙂 first try 🙂 Ralts getting Double Team is crucial.


The 5th attempts have been a total mess lmao. It's simple, if i want to go lower I have to get rid of Ralts, and I litterally only have 6 pokemon left at my disposal : Azurill, Sunkern, the kanto bugs, Wrumple, and Kricketot.

It's impossible, even for the intro boss. Oricorio is impossible, so is bringing a semi alive team to Electrode. I'm confident I reached the bottom.


Next up is chapter 2!




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Chapter 2


Aight, let's get this rollin'. We get our first Double battle, so I figured i'd give it a shot.

Thing is, with our levels, the fight will be easy. So i'll try with the worst possible team first.


Scrafty Gang



The thing about levels is, there's a near direct proportionnality between levels and stats. A level 30 Pidgey has double the level of a level 15 Pidgey...and his stats are something like 1.9x.

So the difference between level 25 (cap) and level 15 (the gang) is so huge that any pokemon can do the trick.

I mean...I succeded first try with the lowest 6 pokemon in the game.

First attempt : 195 (Sunkern/Azurill/Kricketot/Caterpie/Weedle)

Kricketot swept. I mean...Kricketot. Struggle bug hits both opponents, as i'm sure Shelly taught you.

Sunkern eventually was ko'ed, finishing with a 5-0...





ZEL : PULSE Tangrowth



Oooh boy. First raid boss. Level 22 beefed up Filter protected Growth enhanced Mega Drain healing ball of vines.

The moveset is :

Vine Whip / Growth / Acid Spray / Mega Drain

Well, if that doesn't call for a Zubat, I don't know what is. Zubat is 245, as is Starly, who hits pretty hard. That's a good first try i'd say.


First attempt : 245 (Starly/Zubat/Poochyena/Ralts/Noibat/Whishmur)

Pretty strong team, considering what we're used to. It really wasn't a contest, Starly with Aerial Ace hurts really hard. Zubat finishes off for a 5-0





Huh. Well, maybe I went too hard. Ok, lets go lower. Zubat and Starly are clearly too strong for the job, so let's take them out. Maybe our new star can be Poochyena.

Poochyena has something great for raid bosses. Sand attack. That can neutralize a boss pretty easily. He is fast too, and can land a sand attack easily/


Second attempt : 220 (Poochyena/Lotad/Seedot/Sentret/Pichu/Ralts)

Once again, very easy fight. Poochyena manages to 6x the sand attack, since he is only 3hkoed by tangrowth.

After he is done, he attacks a bit before kicking the bucket.

Pichu is up next with a Nuzzle and a Sweet Kiss, totally pacifying the PULSE mon. He is so useless now that i just send in Sentret to finish the fight faster with some Slams. 5-0, could have been 6-0 if i tried to save the Poochie.





Ok...we can go deeper 🙂

If we go deeper though, we can't lower accuracy. Poochie is the lowest BST pokemon to learn Sand attack. Well, Pichu did so great, maybe he can start this time?

If Pichu is our MVP, it's back to the Julia teams...Ralts and Kricketot as our main damage dealers (tangrowth has lower SpD) but we have another weapon in our arsenal.

The worst pokemon in the game, Sunkern, learns two great move for bosses by level 25 :

- Worry Seed. It's kinda cool, Filter is annoying so let's get rid of it

- Endeavor. Yeah, that's kinda nice.

At this moment I asked myself : Do i allow myself to start the fight with low HP on Sunkern to abuse Endeavor? I decided not to. I will always have pokemons at level cap, with full HP. Abusing FEAR Rattata strats is boring. I will go for 0 IVs in HP though.


Anyways...I think we have enough tools.

Third attempt : 210 (Pichu/Ralts/Azurill/Kricketot/Sunkern/Wrumple)

Pichu starts off by Nuzzle + Sweet Kiss. He soon faints, but he did his job.

Sunkern is next. He uses Worry Seed. He is hit. Which is perfect, since the next move is Endeavor, taking away 70% of the boss.

Sunkern dies and Kricketot finishes off the fight easily.





Fourth attempt? Maybe?

Actually, what's stopping us here. Paralysis helps a bunch...if we take out Pichu, who can paralyze? Actually, Azurill learns Bounce at level 25. And we have Quick Claws. So there's that.

Rest of the fight should be the same.

Fourth attempt : 198 (Ralts/Sunkern/Azurill/Kricketot/Wrumple/Weedle)


Azurill leads and Bounces (actually the Claw isn't necessary, he's faster) but misses his first hit. Tangrowth decided to use Growth during the air time, so he is more threatening.

Second Bounce hits and paralyses. Tangrowth eventually kills Azurill and he's at +2...

I'll send Kricketot second, to lower the SpA at least. Struggle Bug does the job, especially since Tangrowth uses Vine Whip for some reason.

Kricketot dies soon, then Weedle does some Bug Bites before soon fainting.

Ralts finishes off the fight.





And with that...I think we're done. The early game has been pretty chill so far. This will end in the next post I think, since Fiorina is bringing heavy hitting mons in the dance. And starting Chapter 3, I don't recall any free fights that low stat pokemon can do. I think we will start to see better pokemon soon.



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The daycare is available! I will be able to use egg moves, as long as one of the parents can learn said move (so I can't use yet an egg move if a parent learns the move at level 50)

Basic berries are also available : Oran, and the main status berries.






Flobot is hard u_u

Maractus <- opens with this one





Cradily <- ends with this one


The problems aren't the obvious mons surprisingly...

Breloom doesnt hit that hard with Mach Punch, and his defenses are low enough that any Flying attack kills.

Cottonee is hard walled by Dark types cause Prankster, but is a pain everywhere else.

Cacnea is just cheap luck with Sand Veil, and Flobot always sends it later on, so he's more frustrating than really hard.

Ferroseed needs special attacks. His seed will automatically give him Sand Tomb, but if i'm not careful this ends in a Super Potion use

and the main issues :

Maractus is horrible. He is fast, strong, can flinch with his main move.

Cradily is always last, and requires a specific answer. If not, he can stall most easy mons out there.


First attempt : 245 : Zubat/Noibat/Starly/Makuhita/Poochyena/Ralts

245 is a pretty cool number. The first three Flying types are at this number. I round up the team with Poochyena, who brings Dark-type immunity to Prankster and a terrain-boosted Sand Attack. Ralts cause why not. And Makuhita, which learns Belly Drum at level 25!

Zubat starts against Maractus. Maractus decides to open with Spikes, while Zubat hits with Poison Fang and the poison. Second hit kils.

Ferroseed is next, and I decide to switch to Noibat for Air Cutter spam.

Noibat kills Ferroseed

then Breloom

then Cottonee..

Cacnea dodges a hit, but Noibat dodges the Pin Missile back. Cacnea falls!

Noibat sweep ends at Cradily with a Smackdown. But I send Makuhita for the belly drum and the win. Good game!





Oh, so it was much easier than expected. I guess I can go lower right? 😄

Well...so far, not really 😞


Second attempts : 237

If I want to go lower than 245, I need to take out ALL THREE flying mons. This is kinda hard. Our ace becomes Makuhita at 237.

Then the issue becomes : how to kill both Maractus and Cradily. The other mons can be disposed of by normal strategies.

Including Breloom? Yes, including him. He is actually the easiest mon, even a bounce from baby Azurill.


Maractus is a big problem, and so far my strategy is to kill him with Makuhita after using Sing with Cleffa to make him sleep.

Thing is, Makuhita doesn't make it to Cradily with this strat. And Cradily ends the run.





My team so far is Kricketot (can hit specially), Azurill (bounce off Breloom), Cleffa (just sing tbh), Makuhita (actual damage), Poochyena (walls Cottonee) and Sunkern (endeavor cheese spot)

I want to make a team capable of bringing a healthy Makuhita to the end of the fight, this means disposing of Breloom, Maractus and Cottonee at least.


So far, my attempts ended at 0-2, with Cradily always walling, with Ferroseed or Cottonee still alive as well.





I'll keep trying 🐶 I want this



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Florinia (cont.)



OK, so we left last post with a small problem : how to defeat Maractus without having to call in Makuhita.

Looking at Maractus, he's a pretty strong physical attacker, and pure Grass type.

Well, who can defeat Grass types with high defense and has low BST?

Well, the first stage "harden spam" bugs, that's who.


Looking at the stats, Cascoon and Silcoon have better physical bulk than Kakuna and Metapod.

Taking out Cleffa and Sunkern.

Second attempt : 237 : Cascoon/Azurill/Poochyena/Makuhita/Silcoon/Kricketot

Both Cascoon and Silcoon are fully invested in HP and Defense.


Cascoon easily wins his 1v1 against Maractus. Bug Bite takes 70% out HP in one hit. Maractus doesn't even try to attack and lays down 2 Spikes instead.


Flobot sends Ferroseed. And depending on the AI, it will either use Leech Seed or Sandstorm. If it's leech seed, Cascoon loses the 1v1. If not, he can win. (I made 6 attempts)

Breloom is next and Mach Punches the Cascoon down. No problem, I send Azurill who easily Bounces off.



Flobot is 3 down ^^ and now...Cradily is next.

OK, guess I was wrong....wasn't there a rule that said the Ace was necessarily last? Well, Azurill Bounces off hoping to fish for a paralyze...but Smack Down also works on Bouncing mons! Azurill faints.

The good part is, Azurill bouncing stalls long enough for the Sandstorm to end.


Makuhita is out, Belly Drums, and Cradily Stockpiles. Thanks 🙂 Force Palm is OHKO



Cottonee is out. Makuhita manages to hit another Force Palm for 80% health, he is killed by a Nature Power -> Sand Tomb.

Poochyena is out and this is where most of my resets come from. At this point, Florinia can :

- Try a Poison Powder which fails cause Prankster on Dark Type. Poochie gets the kill.




- Heal off with a Super Potion. Poochie cannot kill easily, and eventually Flo switches out for Cacnea.

Cacnea is another bag of worms, this ******* is hax incarnate.

The fight is Poochie/Kricketot/Silcoon vs Cottonee/Cacnea.

In my successful attempt, Flo did use her potion, then sent Cacnea. I let Poochie faint, then Silcoon beat Cacnea, then Kricketot beat Cottonee.


1-0! GG






Wow, that was hard. Can i make it harder? If i want to lower the BST, I need to take out Makuhita...

Beating Cradily seems to be the wall here, I need a strong pokemon that can setup and resist Smack Down.

Hmm...well. I looked a fair bit. And I found something.


There is a pokemon that learns a fighting setup move by breeding. Resists rock. And has decent physical bulk....

That is...Wooper! He can get Power up Punch by breeding off a Lucario.

With that, Makuhita is out.


Third attempt : 220 : Cascoon/Silcoon/Poochyena/Kricketot/Azurill/Wooper

Wooper fully invested in HP and Defense.

Early fight is the same :

Cascoon > Maractus

Cascoon > Ferroseed

Cascoon < Breloom

Azurill > Breloom

Azurill < Cradily

Now...Wooper is out.

Wooper hits off his PoP while Cradily Stockpiles. Then Cradily Recovers while each PoP does 60% at +6 attack.

Eventually, Florinia uses off her Potions.

This is a PP battle, PoP has 20 PP, Recover has 10. Cradily doesn't even attack, it tries Sandstorm on the off turns.

Wooper wins!

Cottonee is out, he is 2hko'ed by Slams. Well, he does Leech Seed-Protect, so it takes 3 turns. And I guess I was lucky since Slam has crap accuracy.

Cacnea is last....he goes down to 2 PoP.






Third attempt is a success...but then I noticed.

The BST maximum in this team is Poochyena....and I didn't even send him out. Actually, I only use three mons.

So let's just do the fight again with lower pokemon so Wooper is our highest rated mon'.


Fourth attempt : 210 : Cascoon/Azurill/Wooper/Kricketot/Magikarp/Feebas

Same fight. And I just took Magikarp to a Gym battle and won! Take notes Corin Rouge! 🐶


Second badge is OK. Can I go lower? Hell no. There is no one left alive that can survive Smack Down, let alone deal enough damage to Cradily.


Next up...Taka, Taka+ZEL, and Corey!



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Chapter 3


With Chapter 3, I don't get specific tools for now.

I did get TMs for Substitute, Facade and Attract at the Casino.

I also forgot, but there's quite a few held items I can get by catching mons and finding on the road :

Misc : Big Root, Bright Powder, Mental Herb

Recovery : Black Sludge

Type bonus : Black Belt, Silk Scarf, Sharp Beak, Miracle Seed, Silver Powder





I'm pretty sure I can defeat Taka with Ralts. After all, level 35 is now the limit, and Taka's pokemon are still level 25.

Taka has Exeggcute, Chatot and Tangrowth.

Exeggcute isn't a problem at all with all the bugs at our disposal

Chatot might be an issue. His Chatter is a pain, even with access to Confusion healing berries.

But, then I checked Ralts.


Ralts gets Psychic and Calm Mind by level up..well that's gonna be easy.


First attempt : 198 : Weedle/Caterpie/Kricketot/Azurill/Sunkern/Ralts


Weedle one shots the Exeggcute.

Weedle is one shotted by Chatot

Ralts two shots the Chatot with Psychic, the Persim Berry does work to prevent confusion.

Then Ralts actually puts in some work and almost manages to beat the Tangrowth. He falls, not before making Taka use his potion, and leaving Tangrowth at 10% HP

Kricketot finishes off.





With Taka out, I can get my first Sticker, and access to the 3rd floor...with weird random items. Metronome, Red Card and Eject Button are noteworthy.



Taka and ZEL



OK, so Taka has the exact same team. ZEL does bring three Eevolutions : Glaceon, Espeon, Umbreon.

Standard rules for doubles against 2 persons : I can focus down one of them to leave the other alone in a 2v1 situation.

Question is, who do I leave alone?

I sent a team to lose a fight and see what the leads (Exeggcute/Glaceon) do


Glaceon does Icy Wind, for paltry damage.

Exeggcute uses Leech Seed.


Hmm. Well, Ralts is my main damage dealer, and I was planning on using a Calm Mind to make the Chatot a OHKO. So Leech Seed is more an issue than Icy Wind. I want Exeggcute gone asap. I guess i'll focus down Taka.


First attempt : 198 : Weedle/Caterpie/Kricketot/Azurill/Sunkern/Ralts


This team took a few tries to get right. Namely, who do I start with.

Weedle finishing off Exeggcute is an issue, because Chatot is next and will run wild on the poor bugs.

So i'm starting with Weedle and Ralts.

Then I noticed that Exeggcute doesn't use Leech Seed on a specific target, so I restart if he uses it on Ralts.

So...I could use a calm mind, but I want to go for 2 calm minds. This will help against the Tangrowth and the Eevelutions. This means stalling one turn with Weedle, String Shot will help a bit to make Glaceon slower.

Ralts is invested in HP and Defense. Everyone has Persim Berries.


Third try...here we go.

Turn 1 : Weedle uses String Shot, Exeggcute seeds Weedle, Glaceon uses Icy Wind, Ralts uses CM


Turn 2 : Weedle takes down the eggs. Glaceon uses Icy Wind again and takes out Weedle. Ralts uses CM

I send out Caterpie, Taka sends Chatot


Turn 3 : Chatot Chatters down the bug

ZEL switches to Umbreon (oops, i kinda forgot to have a coverage move on Ralts. He learns a Fairy move too <_<)

Ralts takes down Chatot

I send out Sunkern (0 IV in HP, 252 EV in both defensive stats)


Turn 4 :

Umbreon attacks Sunkern with Feint Attack

Tangrowth attacks Sunkern with Acid Spray

Sunkern is in red...I expected something like that. I prepared Endeavor. Tangrowth is taken down to red too

Psychic kills Tangrowth \o/

Taka is gone in 4 turns! Now all it takes is ZEL, he has all three of his mons.


Sunkern falls, Ralts uses Charm to stall the Umbreon down.

I send Kricketot, who starts using Struggle Bug. Umbreon uses two Confuse Rays on Ralts, and eventually confuses him, bypassing the Persim Berry.





Ralts hits himself in confusion while Umbreon is taken out.

Glaceon Quick Attacks down the Ralts. Whoops. I guess i only have real weird mons now.


Kricketot and Azurill actually beat down Glaceon with Slam and Struggle Bug 😮


Then Espeon is last. I'm too scared of Slam missing so I use Helping Hand to make the Kricketot hit harder. It becomes a 2hko on Espeon.









wait wheres caterpie's item. did i forget to put a persim berry? or did it get used on death cause it was chatter.


Phew...I can't believe I beat that double battle with this team...I keep saying I can't keep getting away with it. We'll see. I think it's done for good though. Next up is Corey!



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Long post incoming ^^


Wild Klinklang




So I figured I should also fight the notable wild mons when I can. I actually could have fought this one at level 25, but I kinda forgot. My bad 😛 Let's whack him now.

As a reminder, this Klinklang comes up at lv35 in the Railway. I remember him having Clear Body, so no lowering his stats...and I think he uses physical attacks.

I'll just send my worst team. It actually has good boss killing moves :

- By now, Sunkern is unironically a boss killing machine, with Worry Seed, Leech Seed and Endeavor

Worry Seed is super important here, because then...

- Ralts can Charm

- Kricketot can Struggle Bug

...damn, i'm actually getting to know these mons quite good 😄


Here we go : 198 : Weedle/Caterpie/Kricketot/Azurill/Sunkern/Ralts

Starting off with Sunkern with full investment in Defense and HP.

Aaaand...oh wait. Klinklang uses special attacks. Reeeeeeeeeee

I'm getting 2hkoed.

Then i try again with proper investment....Mirror shot lowers accuracy. I miss.







8th try é_è


Leech Seed connects





Then Worry Seed

Then the Endeavor misses cause of accuracy drops, but it doesnt matter. Everyone in the team is full specially defensive.

I want to lower its special attacks, so i send Ralts in order...wait. I sent Ralts. Not Kricketot? Misclick 🤷‍♂️

Ralts gets one shot


Kricketot does his job





And Caterpie stands there for the glory. GG!










Now's a good time to tell the route I want to choose. Without spoiling anything, I will save the cops, get Saphira abducted, defeat Solaris, refuse to give the ruby to Blake, and refuse to fight Taka (i will fight him for the challenge, but refuse at the end)

Sadly, this means Corey has a horrible field to fight in.


Corrosive Mist Field poisons everyone every turn...most other field effects are similar to Corrosive Field, which basically puts a Poison Stealth Rock on the field.

The only way to make the field simply Corrosive at my disposal is Gust, Twister, Hurricane or Tailwind.

Now his team

Skrelp is a pain because of his Sash. He isn't threatening though.

Croagunk is free

Mareanie is kinda bulky and always crits us.

Nidorina has Hustle, which means she either one shots us or misses outright

Skuntank is a freakin' pain. He is immune to Psychic (you see where i'm going with this), has access to Flamethrower, hits both physically and specially with Pursuit/Acid Spray...he's evolved...

Aaaand Crobat. If you don't resist Poison, prepare to die in one hit.


Ok, so.

I did a few trial runs to get the hang of it...

Ralts cannot set up in this fight until Skuntank is gone. And Corey has the tendency

Corey's AI will always switch to Crobat during a Dig turn, this can be a way to force him out.

But overall, he's not so bad.


My first proper run will aim to destroy the field, and bring a Steel pokemon. Which would be our first.

Who's the lowest Steel mon'?

Alola Diglett, at 265. Comes with Iron Head and Bulldoze. And Sucker Punch. 😮

First attempt : 265 : Alola Diglet / Diglett / Ralts / Hoothoot / Starly / Noibat. Which is my lead, with Tailwind.

Here we go :


Noibat (HP/SpD) blows away the field




Skrelp barely does a third with Acid. Noibat can two shot with Air Cutter, Roosting away the damage.

Croagunk is next..OHKOed by Noibat




Mareanie is out, and luck leaves my side. I miss two Air Cutters in a row, and Mareanie finishes me off.

Hoothoot is next, with Extrasensory. He makes quick work of Mareanie, which brings Skuntank out.





Uproar does some work!

Crobat is out and Corey is already on the ropes. Crobat does OHKO (this will be a recurring theme) Hoothoot. I send out Alola Diglett, who haxflinches Crobat to death. 3 hits.

Nidorina falls to a Bulldoze. GG!






Well that was a quick first attempt. What if...we could go lower.


If we want to go lower, we need to get rid of our ace, the Digletts. At this rate, we might as well say goodbye to Hoothoot at 262 too.

Well, thinking about it, Noibat did pull in some heavy work...let's make him our ace.


Second attempt : 245 : Noibat/Starly/Ralts/Zubat/Poochyena/Sentret

Starly brings new tools : Take Down, enhanced by Silk Scarf and Reckless ability. Pretty damn strong.

Zubat isn't really capable offensively, he can tank Poison attacks.

Poochyena learns Sucker Punch as well!



Early game is the same :

Noibat beats Skrelp and Croagunk

This time i don't get unlucky and Noibat beats Mareanie



Noibat falls to Skuntank sadly...

I send out Starly, who two shots with Take Down!

Poor Starly has barely 10 HP left when Nidorina is out...he crits her for ohko! Recoil takes him out 😦


I know who's left...Crobat. Only him, versus Ralts, Poochie, Zubat and Sentret. Should be fine, right?




Ralts is out and loses nearly half health to the field.

Oh, i forgot that. Psychic, maybe?

Crobat uses Venoshock! OHKO!

Ok, maybe not.


Zubat is out, and i start sweating. Confuse Ray hits, as does Venoshock. Second Venoshock is lethal.


Poochie is out. Hmm...I could go for a Sucker Punch, but it's not like he would ohko me, right? Besides, he's confused. Let's go for Crunch.

Crobat uses Venoshock! OHKO!

Ok, maybe not.


Ok, so Sentret is out...against a Crobat with full HP. Just confused. Yeah, that will go well.


Well what do you think :

-Crobat hits himself in confusion

-Sentret hits SLAM

-Crobat hits Venoshock, bringing Sentret to a sliver of health.

-Sentret hits SLAM

-Corey uses Super Potion

-Sentret hits critical hit SLAM

😐 wtf

Crobat and Sentret both are in red...it's a loss right? Confusion is guaranteed to end (don't @ me on that)


lol no I have quick attack





GG 😐




I will never badmouth Sentret ever again 😐😐


next up, i had a whole post prepared for the third attempt who got swallowed by a misclick on "previous" button, rip.



Edited by Beaufils
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So this was becoming quite long and I think hard for you guys (you-you are reading right? 🐶 ) to scroll down and figure out where the post is, so i spoilered each fight to make it easier.


And now, back to Poison Gym!


Corey (cont.)


Third attempt



With the flyings gone...who can crush the field? Only one pokemon can, in my entire pool. Makuhita, with Whirlwind (why can he learn that tho)

Third attempt : 237 : Makuhita/Poochyena/Bunnelby/Ralts/Wooper/Sentret

Wooper, in particular...learns Earthquake. Yeah, that will cldearly do some damage.


Let's go!

Makuhita starts, and I immediatly notice that there will be massive variance depending on who WW brings out.

This took 6 tries...one of the attempts finished like this <_<


In my winning try, i brought...Nidorina!

Makuhita beats Nidorina with Smelling Salts, then Croagunk as well..




Skrelp is back out and takes down Maku.

It's earthquake time!

Wooper takes down Skrelp in 2 hits...

then Mareanie..




Then last pokemon, Crobat, is out! Wooper is killed 😞

Ralts is sent out but doesn't do anything again...I send out Poochyena

And Poochyena beats Crobat with Sucker Punches. GG!




Well that went much smoother than last time.



Fourth attempt



Fourth attempt makes us say goodbye to Makuhita...which most importantly means goodbye to means of getting rid of the field. We are getting poisoned every turn now.

Who am I taking for this?

Well, there is a pokemon that doesnt mind Poison that much...he still does, but he has Guts. Tyrogue. With such great offensive moves as Tackle...and Bullet Punch. And Fake out, which is actually a good move.

I still need to get rid of Bunnelby, so let's bring Pichu in. He can do stuff against Crobat...hopefully.

Fourth attempt : 220 : Tyrogue/Pichu/Poochyena/Sentret/Wooper/Ralts


Tyrogue Fakes outs, then he can't finish off with a Guts+Silk Scarf boosted Tackle. With attack investment. Dear god.

He does still win his 1v1, don't get me wrong. Skuntank is out and easily wins




Earthquake time ^^

Wooper is so damn slow he is hit by everyone on the way, but he's Ground and can tank hits, and OHKOes Skuntank, Croagunk and Mareanie before falling to his own poison.


Nidorina is probably out, so i send Poochie. He does his work and beats Nidorina in two Sucker Punches.

Crobat is last...


Sucker Punch does some damage, before Poochie falls.

Pichu is out, tanks a hit and manages to pull a Nuzzle. His Sweet Kiss fails though.

Ralts is out...he is still outsped by Paralyzed Crobat é_è he falls. Damn, Ralts didn't do anything so far...

Who's last? Sentret 🐶








Fifth attempt



So last attempt went pretty well (apart from the useless Ralts) and i won 1-0 with the Terrain.

Our Ace is Poochyena, if we want to go lower we have to take him out. I think we can try it out...

Fifth attempt : 215 : Tyrogue/Pichu/Sunkern/Sentret/Wooper/Ralts

This time, Ralts has speed investment.

Sunkern is the replacement, his job is mostly the "boss killer" he's been so far, with strong statuses against a single target.


Early game is the same :

Tyrogue barely beats Skrelp

Tyrogue < Skuntank

Wooper > Skuntank

Wooper > Croagunk

Wooper <> Mareanie

This time, I send out Ralts against Nidorina. Ralts outspeeds and ohkoes with Psychic 😄

Crobat is out...bye Ralts


same stuff :

Pichu with Nuzzle

Pichu with missed 😞 Sweet Kiss

This time I send my boss killer Sunkern in the fold. Sunkern manages to out a Leech Seed before dying

Sentret is last and Slam+Quick attacks for the win (with leech seed assist)


Phew 😮




Sixth attempt



No, I never managed a sixth attempt...my ace is actually Sentret at this moment. For all the memeing I do with Sentret, he's actually pretty good here. Moreover, all the replacements are garbage : they either can't hit Crobat neutrally (all the bugs) or are ohkoed (fairy babies). Even with paralysis and confusion, I couldnt do it.

So this is where Corey ends. 215, still a small bump over Florinia.

Hope you guys like it so far 😄

Next up, chapter 4!



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