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Reborn Online


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I would like to know if is in program the possibility to trade or fight with others players of reborn in the future. It would be amazing and some players (like me XD) could be complete the entire pokedex because when i started the game for the first time i defeated pachirisu and now i can't even have him :(

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You could always just use a simulator like Pokemon Online and stick your stats in to challenge other players' teams. Reborn has their own server.

I don't think RPG Maker XP has the functionality for online play unless using something like BYOND to support it, so I doubt we'll see anything like that really. If you want something like that I'd look towards PokeMMO or Pokemon Cyrus Online.

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I always thought of the game as a single player experience...

As for online we do have the server....

On weekday nights 8-12 EST we do have our pokemon league (this is where a lot of the game's backstory originates)

A person challenges one leader a night whom is available at the time... the leader scheduales on what days you can challenge them is on the left of your first comment...

Our rules:

1. You can only challenge one leader a night

Type /reborn on the server for details, /lines to see who is availible and the queue, and /challenge (insert leader name here) to challenge a leader, ie /challenge Laura

2. You make and register one team on your trainer card to challenge the league with. You may change held items, evs, ivs, and nature. Changing the pokemon's moves, hidden power type, or the pokemon themselves is forbidden. if you do, your match will be null and void. If you make any changes to your team on your trainder card, your badges will reset

3. Challenge leaders with the name on your trainer card

4. You may only challenge a leader within 4 ranks of you. Meaning if you are starting now you can only challenge the 4 on the top, in order to challenge higher level leaders, you must defeat the rank 1 leader and then the rank 2 leader ect. We give the option of 4 ranks because sometimes not all leaders are available, we also wanna give you guys variety.

5. Have fun... oh ya no legendaries until you finish the league your first time... but ya have fun! ^-^

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Just looked at the line up now, our entry level leaders are Laura, Aya, Sigmund, and Bennet

In order to challenge titania you hafta beat laura, to challenge Anna, you must beat both Laura and Aya

I also wanna remind you guys that leader's ranks do change biweekly depending on their performance

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wow thanks :D and exactly what is the server? i can choose the pokemon for the team directly on the server right? sorry for the tons of questions but this thing is very interesting and for now i don't know anything about that ^^''

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Missing out on event Pokemon will only be a temporary setback, so no worries there. Anyway...

...Don't make me regret saying this...

...It's actually not entirely impossible for some multi-player features (that is, probably just battling) to be instated in the future. I know there was at one point the structure for it within Essentials, but I think it was removed because it was so incomplete. So, although it would be absurdly difficult to implement, the possibility is there someday.

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Missing out on event Pokemon will only be a temporary setback, so no worries there. Anyway...

...Don't make me regret saying this...

...It's actually not entirely impossible for some multi-player features (that is, probably just battling) to be instated in the future. I know there was at one point the structure for it within Essentials, but I think it was removed because it was so incomplete. So, although it would be absurdly difficult to implement, the possibility is there someday.

That's it...I'm checking the future with the TARDIS to see if you'll ever do it... XD

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I'd find it more interesting to have a kind of co-op double-battle version of the game where all the challenges are ramped up to account for 2 players doubling against the game.

For battling other players, it seems the official game has that covered. This game is about story and I really like that focus. Loving it so far! And the challenge is just the icing.

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I promise nothing. I assure you from the beginning it won't be anything near an MMO. Maybe if the city were five times larger and the story events weren't all so centered around your character. As it is, the main series has a better layout for an MMO than Reborn does.

While co-op games would be cool, (and if you've heard me talk about my future project I am all over that) I don't think that would be practical.

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