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Changing EVs, missin Crest


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So basically EV-resetting berries are not available yet, nor are EV-resetting CDs who exist in reborn iirc and I would like to ask if there is a way (besides debug) of rearranging Pokémon's EVs.


I would also want to know the conditions needed to get Whiscash Crest from Goomidra Kingdom's vendor, because it won't sell to me and instead it keeps giving me Bastiodon Crest, which I already own!



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Actually the ev berries can be found in the game  they are sold in the lost camp on Route by a certain child that can be found in the Gearen Sewers. As for the Whishcash Crest I'm sorry but I don't know what's wrong since I bought the Whishcash crest first before Bastiodon.

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Edit: Well, thanks to you both, I thought I had the last patch installed but I guess I missed it. And yeah, I totally forgot Berry Kid hahah its all solved then.

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