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Is fantastic. I found it by chance just the other day, bringing back a glimpse of my childhood as well as satisfying my adult(psht hardly) humor.

Having just beat Florina through much stress and cursing I'm really impressed with the difficulty and uniqe little plots in the game.

The only thing im having difficulty so far is actually keeping my pokemon at or below the maximum level. Im hoping that changes with the cap being 35 and having 4 pokemon to train.

So far I've got my Charmander, Luxio, Shiny Crowbat(I love the increased shiny rate by the way), and of course me beloved Kadabra. I plan on going to either an Aggron or a Slaking depending on which one is available in the game if not both(im trying to play the game without looking up pokemon locations) and I havnt decided on my 6th slot and have no clue whether to shoot for a Dragon type or a Water type. I'd love a Seadra but im pretty sure they arent in the game yet.

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I probably will, Slaking with Giga Punch has always piqued my interest though.

I see you have a Flygon, every come across problems having two flying types in your team? Im thinking either Polywrath or Flygon as my 6th.

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I probably will, Slaking with Giga Punch has always piqued my interest though.

I see you have a Flygon, every come across problems having two flying types in your team? Im thinking either Polywrath or Flygon as my 6th.

Flygon is Dragon and Ground.

Yeah, it makes absolutely no fucking sense, but it's true...

FLY-GON? And he's not Flying and Dragon... Ugh, OK then Nintendo... As if that wasn't bad enough, his stats are terrible. He's outclassed by every other fully evolved Dragon... I hope who ever made him got fired.

Disliked, flagged, unsubscribed... PewDiePie did it first. <-That was a joke. ^^^That wasn't.^^^


Welcome to Reborn by the way. <:D

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Slaking IS in the game, he is the Obsidia Park at night time, with a chance of like 1-5%. but you'll find it as a Slakoth and train him up.
Aron can be found later on in the game (around the 7th badge), but you need Headbutt in order to obtain one :)

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Welp Im trying to find a 5th pokemon soon so as to keep my pokemon under 35 till i get another gym badge. When is polywag or horsea available, if at all? Or any other suggestions, I need either a water or a dragon type.

OH, and thanks for all the welcomes, I really appreciate it.

Edited by Bahzull
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I figured Horsea wouldn't be. A lot of my all time favorites are in the game yet. Horsea/Salamance/Dratini. And theres no way to get a Squirtle besides picking it as a starter and Charmander>Squirtle any day. Im thinking im going to end up just grabing a Goldeen as a filler. Maybe a Gyarados I guess. Since both Arron and Polywag seem to be way later in the game.

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