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While I appreciate that the authors are queer, or queer-obsessed, and I find Cain to be my favourite character in any pokémon game ever..


"Xe said that xyr Gym was at a port."


I'm sorry, but.. SIGH.


I mean, yeah, some of us don't feel terribly masculine of feminine, and some people find themselves constricted by gender nouns. But.. xyr? Xe? This sounds like a 4chan troll to be honest. What's wrong with just using they/them?


I just.. christ, I'm getting old. I don't know why this bothers me. I know it shouldn't, but it's just.. gah. Makes me want to use profanity.


What the heck even is "xe"? What in the what-what-what-WHAT is going on. I'm confused. And frustrated. And a bit drunk, it must be said. But still.


Look, the writers can do whatever they want. That's their right, and they make a good story & game, so whatever. But this bit, this tiny little bit. I just.. I'm at a loss for words.


I'm not quite a senile old man, but feel free to think of me as such. Gods know I feel like it right now.

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What's wrong with just using they/them?

so, this is sort of a matter of the game's age showing. Adrienn was introduced as a character back in 2013, and at that time they/them hadn't really gained traction as a viable single person pronoun yet, or it was just starting to. when we were introducing adrienn as a character to the league we did some research and xe/xem/xyr seemed to be the most popular at the time (not that that was saying much), so we went with that. since then, they/them really caught on a lot more. frankly i wish we had gone with that instead, but it feels extremely weird to retcon a character's pronouns, so we've committed thus far.

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2 hours ago, Risakisa said:

authors are queer, or queer-obsessed


2 hours ago, Risakisa said:

sounds like a 4chan troll to be honest.


2 hours ago, Risakisa said:

I'm confused. And frustrated. And a bit drunk, it must be said.


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