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So, I've been very off and on with Pokemon Reborn, I really love this game but i am terrible at it. I want to get better at Pokemon but I really do not know how. I learned the hard way that I can't brute force my way through this entire game and I tried, and got somewhat far but hit a wall that was my own inability to understand how pokemon works. I'm absolutely terrible at team building and knowing which pokemon work together and why, even when I go ask for team advice, it hardly works out, because I just can't answer the questions of "What is your strategy" or "What are you trying to achieve with this team?" and so, here I am, seeking knowledge, any help would be appreciated, i really want to finish this game.

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I just started a new game, so currently I have:


Lv 12

Speed Boost

Jolly nature


Espurr (Male)

Lv 10

Own Tempo

Naughty nature (I can't wait to get to the point where I can change this)



Lv 10


Lax nature



Lv 5

Leaf Guard

Quirky nature


Magikarp (got via wonder trade)

Lv 9

Swift Swim

Sassy nature



Lv 9

Run Away

Docile nature


as I said, I just started a new game, don't have many options. Main thing is, I just don't know how to get better at the game, the main line games being so easy, and all that, and me never really being big into the competitive side of pokemon, I couldn't tell you the first thing about pokemon strategy, which is where I am lacking.


As for how far i am, I still haven't gotten past the first gym.

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Hello again I will divide this up into basic and specific tups

Basic: in the opal ward the building that you get your starter in there are rebattleable trainers and they scale with your badge level great for grinding levels


Catch a few pokemon that you will train so you can swap them out with some of your other team members for hard fights



Male meowstic is a setup mon great for boosting your team's defense with his ability prankster it allows all status moves to gain priority so teach him light screen reflect psychic and thunder wave. Use an ability capsule on him


Gyarados great pokemon has access to dragon dance waterfall earthquake and bounce. Although he is outclassed by azumarill

Which you can get if you are lucky with mystery egg or between agate city and glass factory is another location for azumarill huge power makes it hit like a freight train.


Roserade doesn't learn a bunch of poison moves so you are going to have to teach it sludge bomb. Otherwise a great pokemon


Blaziken is one of the best suicide mons it should be taught hi jump kick flare blitz brave bird and swords dance. 


Kricketot is great early game but later should be replaced by a stronger pokemon like excadrill who is fast and strong.


And zigzagoon should later be replaced by a pokemon of your choice like magnezone ampharos or any pokemon of your choicw

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Well considering that you're playing against AI in the game there isn't really much apart from needing to know basic type advantages. You should also be aware of certain stat spreads of Pokemon as that'll allow you to use them most effectively and allow you to exploit their weaknesses.


I will say for this game its imperative that you learn about the different field effects as a lot of gym leaders will use them to their advantage. Most of them time they have some sort of cheeky gimmick that swings the odds in their favor but once you learn how to counter those field effects you can nullify their advantages and turn the tables on them.

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Magikarp (at level 20) and Torchic will carry you pretty far, you'll have to defeat Julia though, then it's gonna be pretty chill.

Kricketot is great for early game. Good choice.

Roselia (Budew evolved) is pretty good early game, do keep in mind that he will eventually fall off since Shiny Stones are hard to get by, so it wont be a Roserade for a long time. But you have time for that.

Zigzagoon is fine, a pickup mon is ok. Don't expect him to carry you in battles, but he wont be dead weight early on


Your team is fine 🙂


If I would make a "pokemon crash learning course" I would order it this way

- Type chart

- Knowing the typings of pokemon (basically, as soon as you see a pokemon, you should know which moves are super effective or not. that includes knowing who has levitate/water absorb/etc)

- Knowing roughly the stats and of pokemon (basically, knowing that its a bad idea to use special attacks on chansey, that the opponent electrode has a good chance of outspeeding you, making educated guesses about if your attack kills or not, same for the opponent)

- Knowing about viable sets (this can be done by research tbh...for example what the above user said about gyarados being great with DDance. no need to do it all in one setting, just look up pokemon when you have questions)


If you already have that then i'd say you are already set for playing Reborn. Sure, you'll fail at some bosses, and you will need to try again in order to get the hang of terrain shenanigans...but that's the point of the game.

Edited by Beaufils
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If you don't feel like trying to memorize types and stats, Bulbapedia is super useful for looking that kind of stuff up. Also, the SWM Modpack includes a mod that shows your opponent's types if you think that would be useful.

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For team building in the future just in general, I suggest having most Pokémon being a dual type. If you can get a variety of types on your team then you can use that Pokémon in battles against different types, and give yourself an advantage.


Ground and Dark types are a must, as Electric is only weak to Ground, and Ghost would be hard to counter with another ghost type, so Dark can cover it.


If you can, try not to have both types be resisted by one type, unless it’s Steel (as it resists 11 types) or you can get a good move that can be super effective against it. Take Scolipede. A bug and poison types, which Steel, and Poison resist both types. Might not be a good choice. However, Scolipede can also learn Earthquake, countering the 2 types that completely wall it.


Have a good variety of Physical and Special attackers. Having all Physical or all Special attackers would be terrible if you ran into a tank that soaked up all your damage. Try to use moves that go with Physical or Special, whatever stat is better. A Machamp can learn Special moves, but because it’s Physical Attack is better, using Physical moves would be the smarter choice. Likewise, Alakazam can use Physical moves, but it’s Special moves are much better. Take this into consideration when learning new moves. Starting off it’s not a big deal, but as you go on it’ll become much more important.


Abilities are very important, especially in this game. When determining what Pokémon you want on your team, look up it’d Abilities. Things like Speed Boost, which raises your speed stat once every turn, or Sheer Force, which doubles Physical Attack are great. You can also use them to set up, Prankster makes it so any non attacking move goes first, meaning you can get off a quick Toxic on them, no matter what their speed stat is. Drizzle sets up the rain, boosting water type attacks, so maybe get a Pelipper to help boost your water type attacks.


When you find a Pokémon you don’t know, look it up. You can not only see it’s type, but also see what it might use. If it seems like it’s meant to set up and sweep, take it out quickly. If it’s meant to wall Special attacks but has terrible Physical defense, use Physical moves. If you come across a special attacker, maybe use a special wall to stall it out.


There’s plenty more, like items, but for those you can just look them up and see what they do if you don’t know. I feel these are the most important tips I can give when creating a team, just in general. Hope I helped!

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