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Legends of the Arena - Final update released!


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It's only been... Another couple years, but it's finally here! Just released half an hour ago, the long awaited final update to what many consider the best written Pokemon fangame of all.




(It's also worth noting that in usual LotA tradition, Strength got massively buffed. It's now a rock type move.)

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1 hour ago, Alisae said:

this is one of the few games i never got around to playing.

what does the game do well that makes it worth playing?

I might wanna try it out if its appealing to me.

Despite the game's simplistic look (especially with the overall lack of custom sprites), the game's main selling point is that it has incredible writing and a great sense of humor from that. The game's a bit on the easier side if you're used to fangames like Reborn, but it's a pretty light-hearted whimsical game that occasionally dives into some really deep personal subjects without being overbearing about it.


Though one should be aware that since this is an older fangame (it's older than Rejuvenation!), only Pokemon up to generation 4 (D/P/Pt) are available, and the game mechanics themselves only go up to generation 5 (as in, fairy types don't exist, and electric types can still be paralyzed and powder moves still work on grass types, I believe). I think level up movesets only go up to generation 5 as well. Some HMs were buffed too - Cut is now a 70 BP Grass move, Rock Smash got buffed to 70 BP, and Strength is now a 100 BP Rock move.

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Yeah, most of the game's soundtrack is lifted from Final Fantasy XI. Yes, the MMO. It actually has an incredible soundtrack, but not a whole lot of people know, because MMO. It would appear that its soundtrack is actually perfect for a lighter-hearted Pokemon fangame.

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