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Minor Bugs


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i was training my newly obtained electric against wild pokemon near the rangers outpost  in route 2 when i stumbled across a pidove when i used thunder fang after it had used roost it was still super effective but when i fought a tranquil wiht the same conditions thunder fang did neutral damage to it

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ah yes, my favorite pokemon, diagonal line


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EDIT: found some more lil things.


I can't step on the white square in front of me, it just acts as ice


Same with the tile Tristian is standing on, I can't step on that either, it just works as ice. 


I can't tell if I'm completely stuck here, either, cause i haaaate ice puzzles and i can't get to the exit on the right LMAO. 


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  • 3 months later...

Hey so I know that the tiny key is obtainable in the route 2 pokecentre but it doesn't show up for me. Like I'm in Cellia North already and I've done all the ranger tasks, already even found 2 ranger keys, but no matter what, I don't have the option to buy the tiny key? Can anyone help or like, give me the key's item code? I can be a scum and just cheat engine it into my game.

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  • 2 weeks later...

In Addenfall Woods, it is possible to walk around and get to the Black Foxes without triggering the event (blue square).

This doesn't trap you (you can just go back and step on the trigger square for them to notice you), but it's rather weird that you can walk right up to them without them noticing, and then step back on that specific square and the event triggers.

bug report 2.PNG

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

It's "Y'all" not "Ya'll", it's meant to mean "You all" and "Ya'll" doesn't really make sense comparing it to other words using apostrophes like "don't" which means "do not" and "it'll" which is "it will." image.thumb.png.7286a1c31449a9707186780b5a68ddb7.png

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No idea why the audio is as quiet as it is here, but in Pokemon Desolation when you enter the forest where you fought the Team Fox grunts + Amelia after defeating them then the music is normal until you stop surfing in which it then turns into the epic bad stuff is happening oh nooooo music.


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  • 1 month later...
  • 5 weeks later...

Hard to screen capture this issue but I just downloaded the most recent patch of the game to try it out and the name entry isn't working for me. no matter what I type it is replaced with "Bbsto" when I submit. I'll update once I know if this problem carries over to nicknames as well. I tried scrolling through the other minor bugs but didn't see this issue and was skimming to avoid spoilers, so sorry and thanks in advance if this has already been addressed somewhere!

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  • 3 months later...
  • 6 months later...

I've been training my persian who knows the move "Fake Out" against the colour wheel in Agate Circus, I always start with persian and use Fake out on first move, but whenever I'm against the yellow team, the opponent doesn't flinch, I keep restarting the game and whenever I'm against yellow team it happens again. Thought it might be the pokemon's ability but it flinched the first couple times I was against it.
Against the Brown team I noticed something else I found strange where Ursaking suddenly became poisoned without any caption or any obvious reason.

Just used fake out against a zubat in glitch world and had the same issue where it didn't flinch... :/ 

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  • 7 months later...

In the latest version, I can connect and use the Switch Pro Controller, but I cannot rebind the 'X' 'Y' 'A' and 'B' buttons. When hitting F1 and clicking a button to reassign, pressing these buttons won't register. The base controls DO work, you just can't change them. 

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Just started playing the newest update and for some reason my electric type moves aren’t registering as super effective against flying types. Originally they were working fine and the only Pokémon that I have with electric type moves is Boltund so it could be an issue there. I just wanted to make this know as I am approaching Aderyn and from previous versions, don’t want to face that monster without a type advantage. I will continue playing to see if I can give a more specific cause for the issue if needed.


Edit: sorry if I missed this but I believe it is caused by a Windy field effect so it may be an intentional part of the update 

Edited by jdc40
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  • Global Mods
  On 1/28/2023 at 10:53 PM, DownloadTestWantedReborn said:

Some of my Pokemon had their abilities changed after updating. My Decidueye had Long Reach (now has Overgrow), my Ambipom had Skill Link (now has Technician) and my Togekiss had Serene Grace (now has Hustle). Others have probably changed too, but those three really caught my eye.



This is due to a change in the data structure in our scripts, which essentially reset the abilities given to some Pokemon due to their personality value. Sadly there's not much we can do about it apologies! Ability Capsule are available throughout the game and in Credit Shops to help you in that regard.

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