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Help assembling my team?

Fauna Joy


So I've been looking around to try and find some wiki or guide I can use to plan my team ahead of time. I like to choose the right team of Pokemon to cover as many bases as I can. I found a spreadsheet someone made, but it was way too big and complicated for me personally. If I could get some help figuring out what parts of the game are accessible at what times, that would help the most, as  the one walkthrough I've found only mentions the areas with gyms and badges. For example, are there certain areas that aren't accessible until a specific event has to be completed?

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So, first things first, reborn is a very large game. Every non legendary pokemon is available at some point, but your team will likely change when running through it. As for some general tips without getting more information for what you're looking for in a team:


Torchic or mudkip are probably the best starters. Torchic because of speed boost bulk up and mudkip because of an imunity in the first gym and just both being overall solid choices. If you have a general preference of a starter it should be fine to run as very few are actually weak.


Second there aren't a lot of choices before the first gym, but event pokemon you can find using either the spreadsheet or a walkthrough like this one 

(it is a little out of order at parts, but still easily followable) that guide while being an episode out of date is still great for the vast majority of the game up until past the wayer gym and like 2 or 3 small changes. It also has all the pokemon you will run into in an area.


I am good to help you further though. So what areas are you looking at that you want mons from? What type of team do you want? The more info i have the better ill be able to help you.

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That's the walkthrough I was talking about, it wasn't as helpful as I was hoping.


Generally I like to complete my team as soon as possible. In regular-length games around the 4th gym is the latest I'll go for a well-balanced team, but since this one is so long I'm not sure how that calculates. Normally I also tend to stick to version exclusives, but that's not really a factor here, so there's a lot to pick from. I should mention I generally tend to stay away from bug type, just don't like it. I also tend to avoid the early "rodent" Pokemon like Ratatta, and early Flying types like Pidgey. They tend to not really be all that good in the long run IMO.


I chose Fennekin for my starter since it's my overall favorite. The way I build my team is by ticking off what kind of coverage I have. I use a paint program and a chart of type effectiveness and physically tick them off. So with Fennekin, my ticks would be Grass, Ice, Fighting, Poison, Bug, and Steel covered.




Edited by Fauna Joy
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I understand your teambuilding scheme. I kind of did the same thing back in the days. But knowing the game, I advise you to pick everything that goes in your way. It's very difficult to have a plan and the difficulty of some battles will sometimes force you to adapt your team.


Imo, the motto here is work with what's available. And since the 'good' pokemons are locked far in the game behind sidequests, you may use those 'rodent' pokemons. But trust me, it's an opportunity to play new faces. I had nice surprises discovering new pokemons saving the day. 


You may still want to plan your perfect team. But most of the pokemons will be available at the 15th badge. So, spoilers alert I guess. 

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I'm looking at the first few areas, the "wards", and there really doesn't seem to be much that's any good. Any good ones I'm seeing on the Wiki seem to be special encounters or something. The rest are normal types and bugs with the occasional dark and poison type sprinkled in.

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I feel you on having a team planned out and working around type coverage.


For the first gym if you're trying to avoid bug types and the rodent archetypes you're looking at usong some of these mons probably:

Budew event pokemon

Either the minccino or espurr event pokemon

Either the zebstrika or tyanmo


Also just because you expressed a bit of confusion at special encounters: Event pokemon in reborn are pokemon that have some sort of requirement other then walking in grass/cave/surfing. Some are as simple as interacting with a mon in the overworld and having a pokesnack, while others like the budew require certian weather or time conditions. Regardless these mons are evnt mons or special encounters because you can only get the mon from that event for either a long time until it shows up in the wild in a different area- or in rare cases its the only one you can find in the game.


With those four (starter included) at like a level 16-17ish and playing with switch style you could probably beat the first gym. You can always catch something to be a meat shield switch in, but really it depends on how fast you adapt to reborn style field effects and how they change battling along with your overall comfortability with pokemon.


Out of the ones mentioned the budew gives you roserade for a nice team mon which would tick off water, rock, ground, and fairy in addition to your fennikin ones.


After the first gym you don't get acsess to a whole lot more but once you get to the onxy ward you could pick up a luxray from the game corner as well as see what you get out of two eggs (likely to be a water pokemon) that you can find inbetween the first and second gym. Otherwise if you're not adverse to fighting types you can get a manky, pancham, or makuhita for a fifth or something like a buneary to get an early game loppuny that in the late game can be a mega


Between the second and third gym (beryll) you'll have acsess to the mystery egg sidequest which will give you 1 of 18 good mons- though some may not be to your liking or may conflict with a mon you already have. Either way its possible to slot something nice in from it.


Otherwise possible mons to get could be a shuppet from the graveyard to get ghost psychic coverage, or using a differnet electric type like mareep if you didnt pick one up ealier.


By the time you get to the lapis ward leader you'll have, if i recall correctly, acsess to all of reborn city which is where you can start to play more to your personal tastes and its harder for me to make recomendations. Looking at the potential team ive put together lacks you could grab a geodude/graveler or a sandlash. 


Really though the best advice i can give is what the other poster brought up, is that trying mons you normally wouldn't can really suprise you and change your views. For me personally ive found that mons lile arbok, ratattata, grubbin, or many of the early game mons i personally regarded as not good put in some major work in my runs of reborn. Its made it so in the multiple runs of the game ive done i always try to do something new with a team.


Beyond that the only other advice I'd give is try to bring a team of six up to an even level as soon as you can, even if you replace some of them down the line or have to use duplicate types, before the first gym even. Also as the other poster mentioned some fights in the game may just striaght roll your team, and you might need to adapt it or bring ina new pokemon in order to make it manageable.


Still at the end of this i thought id put together a possible team that you could run and get going fairly early (before the lapis gym fight). If you yourself are trying to look at mons you can find id really try giving the spreadsheet or guide i linked another try, but theres also this forum for helping you find mons.


One caveat that i forgot to mention is that beyond just the normal morning, daytime, and nightime, many event pokemon are also have certian weather requirements or need to be fed a pokesnack in order to be battled or have them join. So if you find yourself unable to find a mon its worth checking for special requirments by use of this on the hunt forum or the other options you may find from googling. It can be worth it to get a weather changing mod if you are looking to either collect or catch all the different event pokemon you can find. If you're interested i can point you in the direction of that mod or you can find it through googling.


Potential Team 


Grass, ice, bug, steel, fighting, poison


Water, rock, ground, fairy 

Loppuny: (considered normal fighting due to moveset along with eventual dual typing from mega evolution)

Normal, dark 


Psychic, ghost


Fire, electric, flying

Mystery egg pokemon:



Type pool left uncovered



I apologize if this was overly wordy or unhelpful, and if there any other specific mons you want to know where you can find in the game im happy to help out, and i hope you have fun with your runthrough of the game. Or if you need any clarification on something i wrote. Either way, cheers and best of luck.

Edited by erikabyte
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Try catching any pokemon you see fit for your team like catch a lot of pokemon I have a two boxes full of pokemon near the level of my actual team and try training them after you beat cory because I think that's the time the trainers you could train at appear at the grand hall. Also go everywhere if the weather changed because event pokemon could appear in different weather.

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no matter how perfect ur team maybe ,the gyms and the boss fights find a way through em.....so catch as many moons and try em all ...and EVS and IVS matter  a lot so ....try breeding or trading!!

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5 hours ago, lucari said:

no matter how perfect ur team maybe ,the gyms and the boss fights find a way through em.....so catch as many moons and try em all ...and EVS and IVS matter  a lot so ....try breeding or trading!!

I've never done any EV or IV training, it's way over my head.


I'll take a look around to see what there is. I'm hoping to get Tynamo since that line has immunity to ground type with Levitate.

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Ok the team I've figured out from just the various wards:

Delphox: Grass, ice, bug, steel, fighting, poison

Hariyama: Normal, Ice, Dark, Steel

Banette: Psychic, Ghost

Vanilluxe: Grass, Ground, Flying, Dragon. It also learns Steel moves, so that covers Fairy

Eelektross: Water, Flying. It also learns Poison moves, so also covers Fairy

Water type egg: Fire, Ground, Rock, plus whatever secondary type might be covered.

Edited by Fauna Joy
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So if I'm reading the Wiki right, traveling between wards, specifically back to Lower Peridot, should change the weather. But it hasn't been changing anything. Am I misreading it? https://pokemon-reborn.fandom.com/wiki/Weather


Edit: Never mind, I found a video that talked about how to change the weather and got me my Tynamo.

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Sounds like you're on your way then. I just wanted to say that it isnt necessary to iv or ev train, although ev training can be easy once you get the hang of it, but just be ready for reborn to change the way you play.

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