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Removing Level Cap and Disobedience


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Is there a mod that removes the disobedience when you overlevel your Pokemon? As in, one that removes the level cap imposed by gym badges. (Yes, I know the game is balanced around the cap, and removing it would mess with the balancing.)

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9 hours ago, alulim said:

(How do I install it?)

Just click the attachment to download and then drag it into your mods folder. 

If you don't have the Mod Pack you can download it from here:

The EXPScale mod should be in there. 

Ame's goal is to make Reborn the most difficult Pokemon game possible and the caps are to that goal what bread is to a sandwich. 
I assume that if it were possible to remove them it would break the game. 

Edited by Devilish
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I downloaded this mod and applied it to my mod folder accordingly, however, it doesn't seem to stop Pokémon from gaining EXP after they've reached the level cap, as my Dragalge reached 81 and subsequently disobeying nor does EXPscale seem to be in the mod pack you've provided unless I'm blind.

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  • 2 years later...

I realize this thread is 2 years old but I found this thread looking up how to do this for myself since I hated having my Pokemon disobey me because I played the game lmao.... super anti-fun so I'm gonna leave the REAL solution below (all you need is the game and PC's default notepad)


Go to the game directory -> Scripts -> Reborn -> SystemConstants.rb. Open with notepad and the level caps for each badge are displayed on top, simply edit the numbers to whatever you like best. That's it, nothing too complicated, happy gaming!

Edited by BiggestLevelCapHater
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  • 1 month later...

adding the way i found for Rejuvenation, im posting it here because this is one of the first things that shows up in google when you search  for how to remove level cap for Pokémon Rejuvenation.


go to the game directory (Rejuvenation - v13 by default) ---> Scripts ---> PokeBattle_Battler.rb and go to the line that says "levelLimits = [18, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 85, 90]" ( this line is around  2/3s of the way though the file. i use notepad++ and did a file search and found it easy) and change the numbers to whatever you want, this only makes sure the Pokémon are disobedient above the levels (18 with 0 badges, 25 after 1 badge etc.). THE POKEMON STILL CAN NOT LEVEL UP PAST THE DEFAULT VALUES, THIS ONLY CHANGES THE FACT THAT POKEMON WON'T LISTEN WHEN THEY ARE A HIGHER LEVEL.


To let Pokémon level up past the limit you have to go to Rejuvenation - v13 ---> Scripts ---> RejuvCustomScripts.rb and change the line "levelLimits = [18, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 85, 90]" (this one is a little further than half they way though) THIS WILL ONLY CHANGE THE FACT THAT POKEMON CAN NOT LEVEL UP PAST THE DEFAULT VALUE, THEY WILL NOT LISTEN IF YOU DO NOT CHANGE THE FIRST LINE. 

There is a second line in the RejuvCustomScripts.rb file, "badgelevels = [15, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 85, 90]" (this one is near the end) i have no idea what this does exactly but i changed it anyway.

Edited by Oglan
forgot to add something
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