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How do I beat Samson?


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Hello, I am new to this forum so forgive me for any mistakes that I make. I have been playing Pokemon reborn for sometime now and I am at Samson's gym battle (the fighting gym leader) I need advice on beating him. The team I am trying to use against Samson is(all the Pokemon are lvl 70): Swanna, Sandslash(alolan),Rapidash,Jigglypuff,Clefairy and meowstic. Please help me I am stuck at Samson any help would be very much appreciated.( I don't care if your advice involves me grinding Pokemon up I can do that)

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Since you cant go back to the rest of Reborn there are a couple things i can think of


Teach Rapidash bounce, there is a move tutor in the Agate Circus

Check you PC, there might be something there that can help you if it is trained up, if you have a pokemon that knows, or can learn acrobatics by level up, it could help a lot

On route 2 there are some pokemon that could help you, Rufflet, Vullaby, and Hawlucha might be able to help out a lot 

The last thing i can think of is giving Meowstic reflect as halfing the damage you take from physical attacks is very helpful especially in a fighting gym were most of its pokemon are physical attackers.

If speed is problem you are having then you could always try to use trick room


If you dont have the heartscales needed to reteach moves then make a post about it, there are probably a lot of people willing to help you out


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If you have in your PC a Butterfree, a Vivillon, or any of their pre evolutions, you can use Sleep Powder + Hurricane (or Air Slash) + Quiver Dance to sweep his whole team. Otherwise, catch a Hawlucha and give it a Synthetic Seed to sweep with Acrobatics (make sure his own Hawlucha is weakened, though)

Edited by Gastronely
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Wait, i'm not familiar with the circus-locked items. If you have two mons waiting for a Moon Stone, just take them out until you have that stone. Clefairy can probably stay since he's pretty bulky, especially with Unaware, but jigglypuff's gotta go

Same for Sandslash, he's 4x weak to Fighting, and he wont outspeed, so he's dead weight.


Good mons that can be caught outside and can do well : Donphan (route 2) and Meditite (get the Huge Power ofc, route 2)


Physically bulky pokemon are best here, Samson's Hawlucha is unfair and will outspeed you, whether you like it or not. So you should survive his attacks no matter what.

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