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Narcissa side quest in Forlorned cavern help? (Resolved)


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I'm currently at a part of the Narcissa side quest where Narcy and Narcissa have swapped places in time. I followed a guide to go into forlorned cave, but it was occupied with dewpider's, and as I recall a mail man in Grand Dream City offered to use a spray in the cave if you help him with deliveries. Is there a way to fix this? Do I have to catch all the dewpiders in the cave, or ave I locked myself out of the quest entirely?


Edit: never mind, I found a version of Pokemon Rejuvenation that allows for a debug menu so I could teleport into the Forlorned cavern with the crystal

Edited by DreamingDragon
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The cave the dewpiders are in isn't the same cave Narcissa comes from. For the sidequest, the cave you're looking for does not need surf to get in, as opposed to Dewpiders cave. It's the rightermost entrance to the main cave iirc.

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