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I'm stuck at Ramodus


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I've been trying to beat Radomus for a while now and can't seem to prevent him from setting up trick room. A couple times I've been able to take down his Reuniclus but then his slowking uses trick room instead. Twice I've been able to get him down to his Gardevoir and Metagross but i can't beat them.

My team is:

Krookodile lv. 56 (earth plate) - foul play, Sandstorm, Crunch, Earthquake (moxie)

Drapion lv. 54- Poison Tail, Fell stinger, Toxic spikes, Night slash (keen eye)

Spiritomb lv. 53- Ominous wind, Dark pulse, Nasty plot, Pain split (Pressure)

Arcanine lv. 58- Crunch, Flare blitz, Retaliate, Flamethrower (flash fire)

Palosand lv. 59 (Spell tag) - Giga drain, Earth power, Destiny bond, Shadow ball (Water compaction)

Ampharos lv. 60 (Rock incense) - Ion deluge, Discharge, Power gem, Signal beam (Static)


I also have pokemon in the P.C. on rotation: 

Blaziken lv. 60(Black belt) - High Jump Kick, Blaze kick, Brave bird, Sand attack (Speed boost)

Donphan lv. 50- Earthquake, Rollout, Giga impact, Strength (Sand veil)

Klingklank lv. 51- Gear Grind, Mirror Shot, Discharge, Metal sound (Minus)

Camerupt lv. 51- Lava plume, Earth power, Rock slide, Yawn (solid rock)

Mightyena lv. 50- Take down, Rock smash, Sand attack, Crunch (Moxie)

Rapidash lv. 48- Inferno, Agility, Fire blast, Bounce (Flame body)

Oranguru lv. 48(twisted Spoon)- Foul play, calm mind, Psychic, future sight (inner focus)


Usually I lead with spiritomb and palosand to take down his reuniclus but the furthest i get with that is my ampharos against his metagross and gardevoir.

I'm sure there has to be something I can do with these pokemon but i just can't seem to find a way to beat him.

I do have one ability capsule.

Does anyone know if there's any other pokemon i could try or maybe another strat.

Edited by drphsycodave44
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