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Help with Pulse Muk

Turtle Aura

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Hello. I've been attempting to beat this god dam pulse and i'd say im atleast on my tenth attempt of this pulse.


I dont know where any good mons are nor where to find some items or just anything to help me beat this Pulse


Walrein takes out Glaceon  with Body Slam

Meowstic takes out Espeon 50-50 Sometimes i die to it

Ampharos takes out Umbreon with Discharge

Muk takes out my entire team 1v5 or 1v6


Screenshot (51).png

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If you get lucky, you could get a nincada egg in (I think Beryll ward) a forest when you go fight the second pulse Tengrowth. if luck is on your side ( it is like 1/5 other pokemon eggs that can show up.) evolve it with extra space in your party and a pokeball to get yourself a Shedinja. Shedinja completely trivializes Pulse Muk (And most of the other Pulses if im not mistaken) but it is dependent on weather or not the egg appears on your save file for (I think I could be wrong) I don't think you can catch wild Nincada at the point of the game your at


If nothing else, if you can beat the eevee loutions first, you can use a prankster Murkrow for Perish song (You'll have to breed it)

You can find a murkow on windy days in the Aqua Gang hideout.

Edited by Crimson_Mc_Black
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