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New player, need help with 1st gym.


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Hello. I started playing this game recently. But I am having trouble with being, well good lol.

I cannot for the life of me get past the 1st gym. I admit I must suck, because I'm finding it really frustrating the 1st gym has a full team of 6. Here is my team:

Monferno Lv18 (Iron Fist)

Kricketune Lv17 (Fury Cutter)

Igglybuff Lv17 (Perish Song)

Stunky Lv11 (Poison Gas)

Pachirisu Lv9 (Volt Absorb)

Espurr Lv14 (Light Screen)

I also just got Budew but its only Lv 8 and I don't want to risk losing its happiness if it faints.


Didn't want to spend too long writing complete movesets, so I just added what their use is at this moment. The best I got was Kricketune wiping 3 of her Pokemon with Fury Cutter. But then she sent out Electrode and it just swept my team with one hit. 

I've seen here users get annoyed when people complain about the difficulty, so I don't want to sound like that. But I am finding it hard to train since my only option is like grass with lv 3 ledbya and a stunky cave at lv8.


Is there some strategy I'm missing? Someone else I can catch or item I can use?

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You should try levelling up your pachirisu more, he is actually very useful for this fight probably around level 15 will do. As for other pokemon options you could try catching a goldeen with lightning rod. There is a house with a fisherman and if you beat him he will allow you to fish in a pool in his house. You can also find the rod somewhere in the city from another fisherman

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Use the upper Peridot alleyway (levels average around 11-12) to beef Kricketune up to the level cap. Would be surprised if at level 20 it still can't survive Oricorio Air Cutter + Electrode Charge Beam given the relatively low levels of Julia's team. This should just clean sweep if it lives those hits. (Can also avoid damage from Oricorio with really lucky Sing hit + good sleep turns)


Volt Absorb Pachirisu puts in hella work in this fight, don't underestimate it. It doesn't do much damage but there's next to nothing any of Julia's team can do to it and you can switch in from another of your 'mons to heal it for free. Also very good on a lot of the trainers leading up to the 2nd leader. Level it to 16 or 17 at least.


Could grab a Trubbish over Stunky to set Toxic Spikes, don't need to level it up much, as you really only need 1 layer for this fight.

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Yeah, teams of 6 mons is what you can expect from every Gym Leader. If you need to train, go to one of the alleys, you should find mons around lvl 10 or so. Use Speed up button as well. Iirc you can also go to Grand Hall and repeatedly fight trainers there.

As for Julia, I know some folks have used Moxie Mightyena to good effect. One thing I like to do is to catch Goldeen with Lightningrod ability. I'd consider ditching Stunky in favor of Trubbish. Trubbish's Toxic Spikes is much more useful as means of dealing passive damage than Stunky's Poison Gas.


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Thank you! I was searching through older threads and found someone mention Trubbish learning TS early. So training him. Did not know about the Grand Hall thats great! I will try with him and if it still doesn't work I will catch Poochy and Goldy!

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  • 1 month later...
On 7/15/2020 at 5:37 PM, DecShep said:

Hello. I started playing this game recently. But I am having trouble with being, well good lol.

I cannot for the life of me get past the 1st gym. I admit I must suck, because I'm finding it really frustrating the 1st gym has a full team of 6. Here is my team:

Monferno Lv18 (Iron Fist)

Kricketune Lv17 (Fury Cutter)

Igglybuff Lv17 (Perish Song)

Stunky Lv11 (Poison Gas)

Pachirisu Lv9 (Volt Absorb)

Espurr Lv14 (Light Screen)

I also just got Budew but its only Lv 8 and I don't want to risk losing its happiness if it faints.


Didn't want to spend too long writing complete movesets, so I just added what their use is at this moment. The best I got was Kricketune wiping 3 of her Pokemon with Fury Cutter. But then she sent out Electrode and it just swept my team with one hit. 

I've seen here users get annoyed when people complain about the difficulty, so I don't want to sound like that. But I am finding it hard to train since my only option is like grass with lv 3 ledbya and a stunky cave at lv8.


Is there some strategy I'm missing? Someone else I can catch or item I can use?

First of all, you do not suck, reborn leaders are pretty difficult to handle, you will get used to it soon( because there are a lot of gym leaders way more powerfull than Julia), so do not go crazy about that.


Your team looks good to me, but... There is a little problem, Julia's trump card. That pokemon is very hard to beat fair and square, so you have to come up with some kind of strategy... Poison him and survive might be a good strategy. However, other good way of winning is that budew you are not using. I think I almost beat her just with my budew and my braixen. The key is taking advantage of budew's attack growth. I casually have a video of that battle where I win that way IDK if there is a way to send it 

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 9/16/2020 at 10:35 PM, words134616 said:

I don't remember Shelly tbh, what was hard about her?

Guaranteed damp rock rain with very little counterplay (which halves fire damage and buffs swift swim anorith + a couple mons with water coverage), which in turn preserves forest field bc fire moves no longer transform it. Anorith has telluric seed so it's guaranteed to get two fast rock slides off, which means something on your team will probably get flinched. On top of that it's a double battle, meaning that your best pokemon can be worn down sooner and you don't get free switches.

Basically, it's a team that constantly does pretty okay versus a lot of the would-be counters to mono bug (fire, rock, stealth rocks) as opposed to relying on one pokemon for each weakness, and it has a lot more synergy when all its tricks work in tandem (in my experience). Not hard to counter if you focus on that, but in previous gyms you could usually bring 1-3 good pokemon + sac fodder and walk away fine: here that just gets you overwhelmed.

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19 hours ago, Charm496 said:

Guaranteed damp rock rain with very little counterplay (which halves fire damage and buffs swift swim anorith + a couple mons with water coverage), which in turn preserves forest field bc fire moves no longer transform it. 

Worse, if one attempts to fake out Illumise and set the forest on fire, on the next turn it will set up Rain Dance again. And if you manage to kill it before it sets up rain, Shelly will send Araquanid to set up.

Edited by nguyengiangoc
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