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Mime Jr. and the Odd Incense.



Good day, everyone. I have a dilemma. As you can see the title, I have a problem with Mime Jr. and the Odd Incense, because I want to have a shiny Mime Jr. , but I have to evolve a Mime Jr. into Mr. Mime (while knowing Mimic) and I have to give it a Odd Incense to get a Mime Jr. , so what's the problem? The problem is that I don't have a Odd Incense and the only Odd Incense in the game is in the Orphanage, but also also, the Orphanage is closed and the Odd Incense was hidden in there that I didn't see it (seriously how the hell didn't I see it). Now I am bummed out and asking for your help. Do I have trade with a Reborn user to get a Odd Incense (I don't if that exists) or should I pray to Lord Bidoof in Coral Ward in the morning just so I can get shiny Mime Jr. with its 5% encounter rate. Help will be appreciated and may you have a good day.

Edited by Wolf5002
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2 answers to this question

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3 hours ago, Duskfang Shadowpaw said:

Hey there,


I could give you both, if you want

If you guys trade please keep it to PMs this is a place for asking for information



8 hours ago, Wolf5002 said:

Good day, everyone. I have a dilemma. As you can see the title, I have a problem with Mime Jr. and the Odd Incense, because I want to have a shiny Mime Jr. , but I have to evolve a Mime Jr. into Mr. Mime (while knowing Mimic) and I have to give it a Odd Incense to get a Mime Jr. , so what's the problem? The problem is that I don't have a Odd Incense and the only Odd Incense in the game is in the Orphanage, but also also, the Orphanage is closed and the Odd Incense was hidden in there that I didn't see it (seriously how the hell didn't I see it). Now I am bummed out and asking for your help. Do I have trade with a Reborn user to get a Odd Incense (I don't if that exists) or should I pray to Lord Bidoof in Coral Ward in the morning just so I can get shiny Mime Jr. with its 5% encounter rate. Help will be appreciated and may you have a good day.

Currently those are your two options I believe next episode the insenses should be obtainable again thougb

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1 hour ago, Starry Knight said:

If you guys trade please keep it to PMs this is a place for asking for information



Currently those are your two options I believe next episode the insenses should be obtainable again thougb

Oh I'm sorry if I did something wrong. I don't know how trading works around here.

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