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Stuck on Noel


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I genuinely don't get how his team is giving me such a struggle. I was able to get down to just his Clefable and used my Roserade, but then it spammed Cosmic Power so my attacks did nothing (since the terrain healed) until my PP ran out. Second I swapped her for my wigglytuff with Perish Song (which has been an effing GODSEND) and I got rid of it, but still had his bewear left and again I was brought down.


Here is the team: (all lvl 49-55)

Infernape Flame Wheel, Close Combat, Acrobatics, Shadow Claw (iron fist)

Ampharos: Discharge, Signal Beam, Power Gem, Thunder Wave (static)

Wigglytuff: Hyper Voice, Gyro Ball, Sweet Kiss, Perish Song (competitive)

Scrafty: Crunch, Brick Break, Thunder Punch, Rock Climb (intimidate)

Pallossand: Earth Power, Shadow Ball, Giga Drain, Hypnosis (good for swellow)

Roserade: Giga Drain, Venoshock, Toxic Spikes, Nature Power


Reserves: (levels are kinda mixed, weakest is 39)

Yanmega: Bug Buzz, Air Slash, Ancient Power, Uproar (tinted lens)

Donphan: Strength, Earthquake, Rollout, Rock Smash (Sturdy)

Eelektross: Crunch, Spark, Discharge

Meowstic (f): Psychic, Shadow Ball, Fake Out (competitive)

Ludicolo: Energy Ball, Bubblebeam, Nature Power (Rain Dish) its actually raining in my game where noel is. is that useful? I have a few abi-caps to change to swift swim too


**I had a feeling this would happen. The first battle after posting this I beat him... so nevermind!!

Edited by DecShep
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