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Rebuilding my team before Noel

Redstone Gaming

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I'm about to face Noel at Tanzan Grove, but my team is really weak at the moment. I know his team is very strong and I don't have much to hit him with since my fighting type is weak to 4 of his pokémon and I can't even hit Clefable super effectively. Therefore, I might remove half my team if it means i struggle less. Here is the team:

Incineroar LVL 48, Hasty Nature. Intimidate. Double Kick, Flamethrower, Leer (trying to get rid of), Darkest Lariat.

Hariyama LVL 47, Docile Nature. Guts. Force Palm (here so I don't have only 5 PP on STAB), Close Combat, Knock Off, Fake Out.

Cherrim LVL 46, Timid Nature. Flower Gift. Petal Dance, Leech Seed, Morning Sun, Sunny Day.

Pachirisu LVL 46,  Mild Nature. Pickup. Nuzzle, Super Fang, Discharge, Charm.

Donphan LVL 46, Brave Nature. Sand Veil. Earthquake, Rollout, Flail, Rock Smash.

Shiny Fearow LVL 47, Naive Nature. Sniper. Focus Energy, Roost, Drill Peck, Drill Run.

Incineroar is just as good as ever. Haryiama is starting to feel bad but still helps a lot. Cherrim... sometimes helps with Sun (which, if raining, cancels whatever terrain with Rainbow, saved me during Tiki fight), Flower Gift or Leech. Pachirisu is becoming slow, but Nuzzle can cheese certain bosses. Donphan is really strong when EQ is neutral but otherwise is just a meh wall. And Fearow is starting to lack in power. The only good-ish thing I have on my box is a shiny alolan Diglett. I know where to grind, but not where to find new team members.

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Your team is fine but I can see why you're beginning to struggle. But you're at a point in the game where you have a lot of options available. I will try to suggest you some replacements that fits your current gameplay:

  • Togedemaru instead of Pachirisu. I think you can find them around Tanzan Lake (or in Shade gym). This guy has Nuzzle coupled with flinching moves. So, it could improve your current gameplay. I think he can learn Iron Head naturally (and punish Clefable) but I'm not sure.
  • Hippodocus instead of Donphan. You can find them where you encountered the giant Steelix. It's more tanky, can spam Earthquake, has Sandstorm ability, and maybe other utility moves.
  • You can get rid of Cherrim if you can already feel that he burdens you (and I can see why, it's almost a challenge to play with him). I could totally see a Rock type here against Noel. You can find one in the Tanzan Cave or revive a Fossil in Spinel Town. Rock types are good with Hippodocus since they gain Spe.Def when the sand is up.
  • Last but not least, Fearow who will show its limits soon. But Flying types are always good. I suggest you to get a Zubat if you feel playing with Crobat and his deadly Brave Birds. Otherwise, there are Chatot in the forest maze if you like Boomburst and Chatter.

Since you are in Tanzan Lake, you can fish Luvdiscs to get some Heartscales and pay a visit to the move relearner. Maybe you will find some neat moves to teach to your mons, especially Donphan and Incineroar


Good luck with your playthrough!



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