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Intense Mode Pokemon Suggestions


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Currently playing rejuvenation on intense mode and I was wondering if anyone could give me some ideas for Pokémon to use. I prefer using Pokémon that I haven’t used in other runs before  so I’m looking for some new ones. 

Currently just beat Crawli and my team is:


Dusk Lycanroc










pikachu (waiting for the pancakes for A-Raichu)


Thanks in advance!!


Edit: I’m looking for Pokémon that people enjoyed using in Rejuvenation if that clears up my post. 

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well Crawli is a double battle bug gym leader with a pre-set rain making him actually strong with fire type (Shelly PTSD), buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut he still have no rock/flying /poison coverage or those coverage is kinda slow/ frail. Dusk Lycan is the best option since Accel, rock slide. If you want to take advantage of the rain, Togedemaru and maybe pikachu can be useful with his dewspider. and lastly, you can change the field by getting a torkoal with drought as lead or get use both Dusk Lycan and Solrock then Rock slide spam... with A-Muk behind them if accident happen.

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1 hour ago, redcellbestcell said:

well Crawli is a double battle bug gym leader with a pre-set rain making him actually strong with fire type (Shelly PTSD), buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut he still have no rock/flying /poison coverage or those coverage is kinda slow/ frail. Dusk Lycan is the best option since Accel, rock slide. If you want to take advantage of the rain, Togedemaru and maybe pikachu can be useful with his dewspider. and lastly, you can change the field by getting a torkoal with drought as lead or get use both Dusk Lycan and Solrock then Rock slide spam... with A-Muk behind them if accident happen.

He just beat Crawli.


3 hours ago, SnorlaxLove said:


Give Mr. Mime a try, if you haven't. Fast dual screens and Technician Icy Wind give it a cool niche in a lot of tough battles (especially doubles); for example I led with one alongside Incineroar against Angie to set up screens and slow her leads for a safe Noivern and Lycanroc sweep.


Oricorio's been a beast so far on my mono-Flying run (just past Rift Carnivine). Electric/Flying is just so damn good for so many battles, and that's just one of its possible typings. Later on you can even get a crest for it so its stats don't fall off too hard.

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I think I will focus on suggesting pokemon you can catch right now:


If you have enough patience, it is definitely worth it to try and catch a chansey in the safari zone. After evolving that into a blissey (recommend asap since eviolite isn't available until extremely late in the game), basically every special attacker in the game in single battles becomes a non-threat. Unfortunately we don't get toxic TM available, but thunder wave+seismic toss+softboiled is already good enough. 

I also would recommend trying to catch a swinub in Evergreen Cave, as it evolves into a mamoswine whose has excellent STABs of Ice+ground which hits a lot of pokemon in for super effective damage. 


You also probably want to get a bulky water type of some sort. Personally I got lucky with the mystery egg and got a toxapex (which was immensely helpful as it has access to toxic via leveling up since the TM for toxic is unavailable), but other bulky waters like pyukumuku (which also learns toxic through leveling up), quagsire, and Gastrodon. 

You should also consider catching a torkoal too for the next "gym" battle, it is quite a step up from crawli and you might want to have something, such as torkoal, to offset the field. Torkoal is also in general good because it allows you to have control of the weather.

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Thanks for the suggestions. Picked up most of what people have suggested so far. Torkoal and pyukumuku are interesting so I will get them next. 

I beat Angie so I’m past her now. For some reason she didn’t moonblast my Pangoro so it proceeded to destroy her last 4 mons with a work up buff. 

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