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Help with Adrienne?

Fauna Joy

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So I just spent a few days training up some pokemon to try and wipe her team, but it isn't working. I keep getting wiped out by the first two she sends out. My team, all level 80, on the edge of 81:


Eelektross: Ion Deluge, Iron Tail, Zap Cannon, Discharge

Archeops: Pluck, Acrobatics, Steel Wing, Iron Tail (I got this to try and avoid Earthquake, but it keeps getting wiped by Rock Slide)

Weezing: Sludge, Venoshock, Gyro Ball, Sludge Bomb

Roserade: Magical Leaf, Nature Power, Petal Blizzard, Venoshock

Mawile: Iron Head, Poison Fang, Ice Fang, Play Rough

Steelix: Stone Edge, Ice Fang, Iron Tail, Dragon Breath (Was originally out first with Eelektross, but kept getting wiped by Earthquake.)


I'm kinda annoyed that the type match-ups were changed in recent generations so dual types like Steelix and Hawlucha aren't given same-type resistance to counter balance their weakness.

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I'm not the most competitive player, but I do have some ideas that might help.


I'm not sure how willing you are, but Metagross is a good option. It can have Clear Body to ignore intimidate, and then use bullet punch. I believe I also had Lycanroc for Accelrock. (Although I think I got rid of Gardevoir first and saved Granbull for last) If you can get someone with Tailwind, you can get rid of their field (while boosting your speed) plus it turns the field into fairy tale field which also gives steel type moves a boost which hits 5/6 of their team for super effective. But it also turns fire type moves into part dragon (like flying press) which makes them not hit fairy types. Another option, which is a beast elsewhere, is Escavalier. It has tons of resistances, high def/sdef, and if it has shell armor, gets boosted def in the fairy tale field.


IMO I would get rid of Archeops, since its ability cripples it after damage which it most likely get very quick. And add in Escavalier or Metagross.

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Beldum is located in the Byxbysion Wasteland. I'll link a video, but basically you use a data chip at the poison gym healing machine (and USE it), go to Route 1, ride a tauros, faint in a battle, you get teleported back to the poison gym but still on tauros and you climb through the areas. I know it sounds like its a pain but its not too bad.


You just need strength and its Lv1 so someone with thunder wave and maybe false swipe. But if not, a Scizor should operate the same, only 5 points weaker in attack but it would get a technician boost for bullet punch!



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Set up Tailwind, and get a few Pokemon with Slash. Bisharp and Braviary work wonders as they offset the two Intimidate users with Defiant, both learn Slash, and the latter gets Tailwind. After using Tailwind, you'll be in a Fairy Tale Field (boosts Slash and makes it Steel-type, then boosts Steel moves, so it's disgustingly strong and super effective) and your entire team will have doubled speed, likely for the duration of the battle with how hard you'll be hitting. Bisharp might consider a Focus Sash to avoid getting taken down turn 1 by Gardevoir (your base speed is lower and Reborn uses gen 7 speed mechanics, so there's no way to outpace it turn 1), but Braviary's free to hold a Metronome or Silk Scarf.


You could also use Whimsicott for Prankster Tailwind, and though it doesn't have Slash your Mawile's Iron Head should do just fine damage. The previously mentioned Escavalier is also amazing in the Fairy Tale field even with its terrible speed taking no advantage of Tailwind.

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10 hours ago, Seel The Deal said:

Set up Tailwind, and get a few Pokemon with Slash. Bisharp and Braviary work wonders as they offset the two Intimidate users with Defiant, both learn Slash, and the latter gets Tailwind. After using Tailwind, you'll be in a Fairy Tale Field (boosts Slash and makes it Steel-type, then boosts Steel moves, so it's disgustingly strong and super effective) and your entire team will have doubled speed, likely for the duration of the battle with how hard you'll be hitting. Bisharp might consider a Focus Sash to avoid getting taken down turn 1 by Gardevoir (your base speed is lower and Reborn uses gen 7 speed mechanics, so there's no way to outpace it turn 1), but Braviary's free to hold a Metronome or Silk Scarf.


You could also use Whimsicott for Prankster Tailwind, and though it doesn't have Slash your Mawile's Iron Head should do just fine damage. The previously mentioned Escavalier is also amazing in the Fairy Tale field even with its terrible speed taking no advantage of Tailwind.

😮 I'm glad I gave advice someone agreed was good!

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5 hours ago, Fauna Joy said:

Ok I think what I'm going to do is swap out Eelektross, Archeops, and Roserade for Bisharp, Braviary, and Metagross. It's going to take some time to get them all, but at least Agate Circus makes it easy to train and get moneys.

It is a pain but I will say Metagross for sure is worth it, its helped me out SO much throughout later challenging battles. But I think in general Steel types do very well in general in Reborn. Bisharp I think is a great choice too, I think I'm gonna go for it in my next run. I also got rid of Roserade, I liked to use toxic spikes but her field prevents status, too many steps to get rid of it then set it up. Especially with Venoshock being the only viable poison move it can have.


Let us know when you beat them! (Or xyr? Idk I prefer them)

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First of all, slight correction, Adrienn identifies as non-binary not female and uses the pronouns Xe/Xem/Xyr. They/Them/Their is also acceptable. 


Aggron with Sturdy and Heavy Slam, Charizard with a Flame Plate Boosted Flare Blitz and Agieslash with Iron Head are all sweepers here.

(Note: The Honedge line is not available in-game at this point I'd managed to score one in a Wonder Trade some time before and bred it for a shiny).  


I'd considered Bisharp but was afraid for its Dark typing. True, Drapion has the same problem but mine is fast and bulky. 


Iron Head one shots Gardevior. 
Heavy Slam for Granbull.
Flare Blitz for Mawile
Brave Bird Swanna took out Whimsicott.
Charizard surprised me and two-shot Togekiss with Flamethrower
and Aggron and Drapion teamed up to take down Florges. 


I'm seeing suggestions to set up Tailwind. In my experience it's better to avoid that because Tailwind removes the mist to reveal the Fairy-Tale field which boosts Adrienn. It also converts Fire attacks to Dragon which renders xyr Mawile almost untouchable. 
The key to my success was avoiding xyr tailwind.  

Edited by Lucifer Morningstar
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1 hour ago, Lucifer Morningstar said:

First of all, slight correction, Adrienn identifies as non-binary not female and uses the pronouns Xe/Xem/Xyr. They/Them/Their is also acceptable. 


Aggron with Sturdy and Heavy Slam, Charizard with a Flame Plate Boosted Flare Blitz and Agieslash with Iron Head are all sweepers here.

(Note: The Honedge line is not available in-game at this point I'd managed to score one in a Wonder Trade some time before and bred it for a shiny).  


I'd considered Bisharp but was afraid for its Dark typing. True, Drapion has the same problem but mine is fast and bulky. 


Iron Head one shots Gardevior. 
Heavy Slam for Granbull.
Flare Blitz for Mawile
Brave Bird Swanna took out Whimsicott.
Charizard surprised me and two-shot Togekiss with Flamethrower
and Aggron and Drapion teamed up to take down Florges. 


I'm seeing suggestions to set up Tailwind. In my experience it's better to avoid that because Tailwind removes the mist to reveal the Fairy-Tale field which boosts Adrienn. It also converts Fire attacks to Dragon which renders xyr Mawile almost untouchable. 
The key to my success was avoiding xyr tailwind.  

Imo I disagree about the field. Yes it boosts her fairy moves, but it also boosts steel moves as well. Those boosted fairy moves won't do much to a steel type (who typically have great defenses anyway) 


But I agree about aggron. There's so many battles I honestly didn't remember exactly how I beat them just that I had like all steel types. One of which was my trusty shiny aggron with heavy metal. Heavy slam practically obliterated their entire team. I also had Metagross for bullet Punch though but it didn't survive and esca helped finish.

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8 hours ago, Lucifer Morningstar said:

I'm seeing suggestions to set up Tailwind. In my experience it's better to avoid that because Tailwind removes the mist to reveal the Fairy-Tale field which boosts Adrienn. It also converts Fire attacks to Dragon which renders xyr Mawile almost untouchable. 
The key to my success was avoiding xyr tailwind.  

I think the big thing with Tailwind for me, is not only does it double your team's speed, BUT changing the field removes the 50% special defense boost from the Misty terrain, which makes special attackers, like, actually usable. Even super-effective hits from Pokemon with over 100 base SpAtk would be doing less than half to her bulkier mons like Togekiss and Florges, and don't even bother hitting Granbull at that point since it's at 2.25x after the Assault Vest and also has Intimidate. With mostly physical attackers it's a more manageable field but changing it makes the battle faster and cleaner overall if you go in with a plan.


Mind you that's all my preference - there's more than one strategy that works for every leader and everyone's going to prefer something a bit different 😛

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14 hours ago, DecShep said:

Imo I disagree about the field. Yes it boosts her fairy moves, but it also boosts steel moves as well. Those boosted fairy moves won't do much to a steel type (who typically have great defenses anyway) 

True about the boosted steel moves and I was able to withstand Fairy-tail boosted Dazzling Gleam fairly well in my unsuccessful battles when Adrienn managed xyr tailwind but xyr still managed to do a lot of damage to me resulting in mostly 2-shots. 


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Maybe not all steel. If you have anyone bulky in general that would help too. But like 2-3 good steel types are good. Aggron is good because it isn't weak to fire. Escavalier isn't weak to fighting or ground. 


I think no matter what they will get rid of the mist eventually if you don't. I didn't have anyone good enough who could learn it so I gave up on it and they set it up themselves anyway and my esca and agg sweeped

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Right now my team as planned, all level 80 close to 81.


Weezing: Sludge, Venoshock, Gyro Ball, Sludge Bomb

Mawile: Iron Head, Poison Fang, Ice Fang, Play Rough

Steelix: Stone Edge, Ice Fang, Iron Tail, Dragon Breath

Bisharp: Dark Pulse, Slash, Night Slash, Iron Head

Metagross: Meteor Mash, Psychic, Metal Claw, Zen Headbutt

Braviary: Tailwind, Air Slash, Fly, Slash


Bisharp, Metagross, and Braviary still need some leveling up, so I have time to replace any of these before I'm ready to take on Adrienne.

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