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Pokemon Reborn Redux [Mod][E18.71 Version Released]


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@Commander None of them are game-breaking, but at least one has long-lasting impact on your save file: should you choose Fero, then switch back to your MC, the sprite doesn't change back (you now have Fero's sprite permanently) . I don't have more party members so I don't know if it's just Fero that causes this or if there's something in the Party -feature.


The other two are more minor errors: receiving Growlithe egg from the day-care man crashes the game: you can't get Mystery Egg as of now. In Coral Ward, if you refuse to accept Snubbull first, you can't get it anymore and will now get Skitty instead.


It's really up to you to decide if you want to spend time on fixing these sorts of errors. I thought I'd let you know at least. 

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On 4/18/2018 at 3:31 AM, Commander said:

This is something that I'm sure a lot of people probably could see coming but I want to clear some things up and make sure you have an understanding of where I am and why I am doing this. I'm discontinuing working on any moding or anything game making wise almost indefinitely. That means Redux is done and over with. I cancelled Hardcore mostly due to burnout and the workload, but stopping entirely is something a little bit different. I have basically no more passion towards this mod and working and finishing it would be pretty much a hallow experience compared to Hardcore and everything in E2. I'd cut corners in fights and remove all not needed content putting only as little effort as possible just to get it done and over with. Some people would be happy with just that, but not me. I did something like this before and it was absolutely detrimental to me in the long wrong and pretty much lost all motivation on a certain passion I had. So yeah...I'd rather back away now on this over drive myself permanently away from this community. And it doesn't bother me that people around here probably would rather have a finished Redux over me. That's perfectly reasonable as a game will be around here forever, but not always a person. I have a spine so feel free to spout hate toward me and my decisions if it'll make you feel better because I probably deserve it giving you people a false promise in the long run.


So why do I feel no motivation towards this project. The first reason is that I needed help. Working alone has it's ups and downs but it's a self fulfilling prophecy of failure in the long run. Solo developing means working by yourself with next to no means of communication. I'm one of the few people who actually could go weeks without talking to a single person (probably 2 max though) but not as much as I used to. Working with people is more than just cutting the work down. Yes you'll both do stuff to solo at some points but having someone to communicate with is key motivation to continue. In fact, I think Reborn only made it this far purely due to that with it's episodic releases. So I've kind of have been asking for two years for help and pretty much didn't get it. People weren't even willing to do simple tasks which I understand since it's work with 0 payout more or less. This isn't anything new and we've already all known about this because I complained about it all the time. Consider this what would've saved the mod instead of letting it die out. If it weren't for the vocal fans of this mod, it would've died much sooner so I thank you guys for helping me at least get it this far since it probably would've never even existed without it.


We also known that the mechanics changed. Gen VII was a really big motivation killer since it meant redoing the game and pretty much all of my work. The thing about Hardcore is that I kept building off of the previous versions keeping the core of the fights the same with some small fine tuning. That's 100s of hours down the drain. With Gen VIII coming out sooner or later, we're going to go through the song and dance again and at this point I'm just more or less done with the Pokemon series (I'm surprised at this mixed responses of fans with Gen VII, but it's probably like that every gen) that I've been holding off of work until I can see what Reborn's final product looks like. Gen VIII and how Reborn is handling itself makes me now wary to even do anything because it could honestly just be me wasting my time and having to redo a lot of stuff again. This isn't new either, but it's actually a big reason why things started getting delayed and why I wasn't working on the mod at all for the past two months.


So what exactly is different to make me certain of my decision this time? It's more or less I'm getting older and the overall Reborn population is getting younger and shifting towards younger aged user habits. There are some places in this community that are still like they were in the older days where a lot of the older vets hang around including myself which is half the reason I'm still even around, but I've started becoming more and more distant with the casual crowd. In fact, this was one of the few ways I still was even involved with them for so long as it was a connection and discussion point. I loved talking about Hardcore and I still don't mind, but in the back of my mind it's still agonizing the thought that I'll never be motivated to work on this project (I try to avoid the conversation a lot due to this). I'm not going to point fingers or blame people, but I really dislike what the main community has become. It turns me off to the point I even muted certain channels I frequented so I don't even get distracted and annoyed by it. When the community that was the reason you even wanted to convince yourself to work hard and motivated yourself to working on this mod turns into the thing you dread the most, it pretty much makes you not want to do anything with the mod in the first place.


Now before everyone goes all crazy making rumors, I don't hate this place. If I did, I'd be gone by now. I wouldn't make a post saying good-bye or explaining. I'd just leave not saying anything. I just dislilke how a certain part of the community has changed into which was the reason behind how Hardcore was successful and able to be completed compared to now. I'll still be around, and I'll still be making posts and such so don't worry there. Also, I'm not an elitist hating on this change saying it should go back. Reborn growing is a good thing and it should be the way the majority wants it. I just don't want to be a part of it because I honestly dislike a lot of the things younger people do.


As for any possibility for Redux being complete, we'd have to hit the final episode/version of Reborn without a C&D, no Gen VIII content, and I still have to have time and interest to work on modding. If I do, I'd possibly make a version but it'd be a one and done type deal. That's a lot of ifs so please don't get your hopes up. I'm saying it's possible but not likely. Also just as a last little bit of advice: if you can battle, you can make Hardcore. I started out with near 0 experience and I didn't even have a framework or even the subcommunity you guys now have. So if you guys really want that hard mode of Reborn, I'm sure one of you fans could build it if you really wanted to. Otherwise, you can accept that there'll never be a hard mode mod for Reborn just like I have.


You are completely accurate on everything you just said.  Times are changing, and so is the community.  As people like us are getting older, there's not a lot of time to do anything.  Remember when I said I was gonna play Pokemon again?  I find it really, really, really hard to these days.  Sure, Pokemon is one of the things I think about on an everyday basis, but when there's so much to do, there's not a lot of time to actually sit down and do something productive with it, whether it's playing the games, making your own, etc.  Both school and work have been beating me down, beating me down, never letting up, to the point where if I even try to do anything Pokemon related, I just lose all motivation and just play something else.  I keep thinking to myself, "Yeah, I'll make my game", or "Yeah, I'll sit down and beat Ultra Moon and the rest of the games I own", or "Yeah, I'll make that playthrough of Reborn and Rejuv", but then I just don't.  Like you, I just don't have any motivation anymore.


Gen VIII is going to have to be really great if I want to be motivated again, but I just cannot see how that will be possible when everything is going to be changed, depending on how it is going to be.  I am worried for not only the community we have here, but for the Pokemon Community as a whole.  The demographic is changing, the game is changing (Seriously, there is just too much of Gen VII in Reborn now. 7.7/10) Everything is changing, and I feel like if it keeps up that way, then Pokemon as we know it will never be the same as it once was. 



Now I might get a little sentimental when I say this (And perhaps a suck-up, but who cares?), but I just want to say that you are one of the most inspiring, passionate, and greatest people that I have ever met in Reborn.  I am just so glad to have the chance to work with you, from the old days of Revolution to Reborn Hardcore.  Because of you, I got to learn quite a bit of new information about RPG Maker XP, what it takes to make a good story (Although I'm still working on how I can make a good story for my game without going overboard), and because of that, I'll be able to take it all to heart.  You actually care about RPGs like Pokemon, and its community (Even though the community is declining).  Reborn might not be the same as it was years ago, but I just want you to know that you made a legacy.  You made a legacy that is just so... Hardcore, in a sense.  Even if there's never going to be a fully-fledged hard mode for Reborn (Tried twice, might I add), that legacy is going to be around for quite a long time.  Perhaps even inspired others to try and fulfill that legacy, too...



tenor.gif?itemid=5014845 (Even if I wanted to though, I would likely have my hands tied.  I mean, I couldn't even do the Pokemon leagues that I signed up for!)


In all seriousness though, take all the time you need and rest easy.  You have done a great job, and when you do find that motivation, we'll all be here for you.  Whether Reborn makes it to the end, or it gets CnD'd, just know that it's been one wild, crazy, hell of a ride.

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3 hours ago, Trevore said:

You are completely accurate on everything you just said.  Times are changing, and so is the community.  As people like us are getting older, there's not a lot of time to do anything.  Remember when I said I was gonna play Pokemon again?  I find it really, really, really hard to these days.  Sure, Pokemon is one of the things I think about on an everyday basis, but when there's so much to do, there's not a lot of time to actually sit down and do something productive with it, whether it's playing the games, making your own, etc.  Both school and work have been beating me down, beating me down, never letting up, to the point where if I even try to do anything Pokemon related, I just lose all motivation and just play something else.  I keep thinking to myself, "Yeah, I'll make my game", or "Yeah, I'll sit down and beat Ultra Moon and the rest of the games I own", or "Yeah, I'll make that playthrough of Reborn and Rejuv", but then I just don't.  Like you, I just don't have any motivation anymore.


Gen VIII is going to have to be really great if I want to be motivated again, but I just cannot see how that will be possible when everything is going to be changed, depending on how it is going to be.  I am worried for not only the community we have here, but for the Pokemon Community as a whole.  The demographic is changing, the game is changing (Seriously, there is just too much of Gen VII in Reborn now. 7.7/10) Everything is changing, and I feel like if it keeps up that way, then Pokemon as we know it will never be the same as it once was. 



Now I might get a little sentimental when I say this (And perhaps a suck-up, but who cares?), but I just want to say that you are one of the most inspiring, passionate, and greatest people that I have ever met in Reborn.  I am just so glad to have the chance to work with you, from the old days of Revolution to Reborn Hardcore.  Because of you, I got to learn quite a bit of new information about RPG Maker XP, what it takes to make a good story (Although I'm still working on how I can make a good story for my game without going overboard), and because of that, I'll be able to take it all to heart.  You actually care about RPGs like Pokemon, and its community (Even though the community is declining).  Reborn might not be the same as it was years ago, but I just want you to know that you made a legacy.  You made a legacy that is just so... Hardcore, in a sense.  Even if there's never going to be a fully-fledged hard mode for Reborn (Tried twice, might I add), that legacy is going to be around for quite a long time.  Perhaps even inspired others to try and fulfill that legacy, too...


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tenor.gif?itemid=5014845 (Even if I wanted to though, I would likely have my hands tied.  I mean, I couldn't even do the Pokemon leagues that I signed up for!)


In all seriousness though, take all the time you need and rest easy.  You have done a great job, and when you do find that motivation, we'll all be here for you.  Whether Reborn makes it to the end, or it gets CnD'd, just know that it's been one wild, crazy, hell of a ride.

Hey man, i hate to break the sentimental atmosphere, but since i get you didn't read the posts after that one, he's back at it, albeit with a different policy than before.

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Pretty much the 3 stages of being a Hardcore/Redux Fan:







(And then repeat)



I love the sentimental stuff regardless...even if it kind of sounds like I'm dying or something when almost nothing changed. Anyways, busy as always.


@Zargerth That's different than minor stuff and I'll look at and fix it. There's a couple factors that affect the trainer such as I believe I set the variable to be chosen at the beginning, but it could've been accidentally deleted due to a certain crash and forgotten about or I could have gotten two trainers mixed up. The Snubbull thing I'll fix as well, but I have no idea what's going on with the mystery egg. I'll look into it but no promises that it'll be fixed. Those are good errors to report. I'm fine with those. The stuff I'm not going to fix are typos and base game errors such as the Poison survival crash and such.

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@Commander I get this error message with the Growlithe egg:


Edit: I tried breeding another mon this time and I still got the same error so it doesn't seem to be just the Growlithe egg that's bugged like I initially believed. Have you done any changes to how breeding works?




Edited by Zargerth
It's not just the Growlithe egg
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  • 2 months later...

So long time no talk and before anyone asks: no, Redux is not getting another release yet and no, it's not dead. I just wanted to give you guys a slight update since I do work on it from time to time but nowhere near as much as I used to. Now this may shock you but I actually planned to schedule a release some time in August/September. To my surprise cutting back on a lot of the game's content made this much easier to manage the boatload of fights needed to be created or tweaked. That kind of brings me up to what Redux E18 and E19 will be like. You'll notice that a lot of features will be gone for both of these versions. If it doesn't affect the main story (bar a couple of little quests and tweaks), it's going to disappear such as HCHQ, etc.


Before anyone gets upset, I have plans to bring everything back in one final version which will be up for open modding. All of the unfinished features and ideas will be there and all the old event changes and even the old CoM with adjusted levels. Even though I am leaving these parts of the game unfinished, there's no point in me just letting them rot away and maybe someone would get their interest piqued and continue the modding of Redux once I'm finished. Maybe not. So there are 5 releases to my plan. E17 was August/September, Roughly 3 releases for E18, one release in E19 for a finished product, and then an open mod with all the old features.


And you are probably wondering the obvious question of "Why don't I just transfer the stuff for each episode like I did before?" That's because it takes a month to do that. I have to transfer all the stuff which can take over two weeks, test everything which takes a couple days, then fix whatever decided to break, and then update all the mapping events and variable names. I have to do the same exact thing twice so it's just best to work on the meat of the game which Reborn will likely be nearly finished when I'm done with that. But here is what's staying:


-Level Limiter (the game is based around this)

-No Items

-Alternate and Mastery Fights

-Spinda, Tailow, and Lucky Egg


So here's the good news: I got done with the designing phase of this segment a lot faster than I thought. All the battles have been edited and all I have to do is simply test and fix stuff...which still takes a long time. Being ahead of schedule means I know I can get this done in August. With the release of E18 happening so soon, I'm going to give you guys two options:


Option 1: Release the segment as soon as it's finished

Option 2: Hold off on the release and combine it with the next segment


Now if you guys go for option 2, I'll make it worth the wait since that's extra time I don't have to spend getting a release done and receiving feedback or fixing stuff. Let's see...what's something within reason. How about I make a superboss version of whatever character you guys want. I'll make a poll but whatever is the most popular vote will be implemented. I'm willing to do any Reborn character including the Redux ones or even the oddballs like Cradbury. Unlike Master Fights, Superbosses don't have any restrictions so I will go ham on it. There is one other surprise I might consider doing but that isn't Redux related and not anything really big.


But of course I should at least give you a general idea of what the episode is like. Most of the non leader fights were barely touched so they likely will feel similar to the Hardcore variants if not the same. Certain fights got completely revamped such as Cal. And all the gym leaders have 1 fight that is pretty much the same but the other was completely revamped. I'd say about 7 fights will feel completely fresh and new while the others kind of feel the same. The previous version only had the Master fights with light edits making the total only 2. E1 & 2 combined had I'd say 4. The next segment would have about 10 fights that fit that category so it's going to take a while.

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I...don't know if it's me getting lazier or better or the AI just working in my favor for this but I got testing done a lot faster than anticipated. Everything fit my minimum criteria so I guess I may as well give you the demo now to keep you tied over for E18's release. I also learned why Swellow is available so late. Still not gonna axe it because it doesn't snap everything into a million pieces. Anyways only minor edits outside of the battles but everything goes up to Aya. Enjoy.


Download Link


Edit: I still am considering the super boss but...I have an idea on how voting for it is going to go.

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@Zargerth That's not an error...that's a feature.


While I actually knew about that error, I decided not to touch it until E18 since we are kind of close. I really can't explain why it does that but maybe Marc fixed it in the next Episode since it has a bunch of AI fixes in it. Please report any that you see because I do want to double check in E18 before making adjustments.


Well not much news to go on but Serra and Noel are more or less done before the testing phase. I did learn a new trick. Remember how I said I couldn't figure out how to make it rain in Shelly's Gym:



Maybe she just doesn't like to get wet


So I have a new trick under my belt which I can manipulate the weather to my will. So yeah, Shelly will no longer have that Pelipper for Master Mode...which should scare you.

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@Commander Speaking of features,



Is it intentional that Aya doesn't get her Murkwater field back if you used a Terrain-changing move (in this case Electric Terrain)? Her field returns to Wasteland field instead. Anyhow, that surprise battle was a very nice addition. I think Aya's battles were overall my favorites of the battles in this episode/segment.


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Developers
4 hours ago, Angelkitsune said:

So i just notice pokemon Reborn Redux and i find it interesting so i decided to download it but all i got is a RAR File and i dont know how to use it can someone help? ( •̀ ω •́ )?

RAR is an archive format like ZIP. Download a software like 7zip to unpack it.

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Okay so E18 Redux is going to be taking a very, very long time to make as I've finalized the draft of my approach. I had to draw a plan and solutions that I can do without overworking myself and I think I found it. I'm going to estimate a year from now for a release. Could be sooner. Could be longer, but there'd still be a long wait for the E19 version. I just want to say that while people wonder why I've gone dead silent on the Redux project. It's now shifted back to my main focus after a hiatus.


As for help, I got a list of tedious things someone can do. There is one project I'd like help with because it requires reading and editing what I think is an array within an array. I have ideas on how to edit it, but that's actually quite a bit complicated for anyone willing to take the challenge. Like probably the hardest thing to do with HC (even though if it works like I think it does it should be quite easy). The other is a simple backsprite which if I don't have I just don't have it and it'll just be a missing thing from the final product. May as well give 99% instead of like 50% for a single reason.


And...for the certain news. When I said I wasn't going to build in support for SMW or whatever the pack is called, I didn't expect the official release to have it installed as well. I'm not really all that fond of the idea, but E18 Redux versions will be compatible with those mods...I think. I am not supporting the use of the mods in any way nor removing this feature. What that basically means is if you use a mod and something happens, that's completely on you. It's not Waynolt's responsibility to make his mod compatible with mine nor is it my decision to spend time making it more compatible with Redux. It's also thanks to this I predict a lot of crashes due to me modifying the scripts already all because people won't listen and then I got to spend 20 minutes fixing a bug that isn't a bug all because someone used a mod. Please don't make me go through this or I will remove that compatibility.


And with that, I'll be silent for a while. Once I get to testing, I'll post teaser screenshots. That won't be for a while because my primary focus is getting a draft of all the fights done.

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  • 2 weeks later...
7 hours ago, Equitia said:

I downloaded Redux, but, whenever I try to extract or do anything with it, an error message pops up saying, "Can not open file [Pokemon Reborn Redux] as archive". Does anyone know what I can do to fix this?

It's probably due to the fact it's a .RAR file. Downloading WinRAR (it's free even if it says it isn't) and using that to extract it should work.

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On 8/27/2018 at 8:51 PM, Commander said:

It's probably due to the fact it's a .RAR file. Downloading WinRAR (it's free even if it says it isn't) and using that to extract it should work.

Doing what you said worked btw. Thanks. 🙂

Edited by Equitia
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