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Pokemon Reborn Redux [Mod][E18.71 Version Released]


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Hello would like to report Minor Bug in Coral Ward I went into the house where you get skitty and to my surprise its a snubull but however when i gave the ultra potion i get skitty even tho its snubull on the over world granted i did decline at first then save to talk to the lady again for easier soft resetting thanks -TLN PS Loving this Mod beat Julia on master today man what a epic and challenging battle 😄

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3 minutes ago, TheLonelyNihilego said:

Hello would like to report Minor Bug in Coral Ward I went into the house where you get skitty and to my surprise its a snubull but however when i gave the ultra potion i get skitty even tho its snubull on the over world granted i did decline at first then save to talk to the lady again for easier soft resetting thanks -TLN PS Loving this Mod beat Julia on master today man what a epic and challenging battle 😄

yea the master fights are indeed quite a challenge requiring near pro-competitive level strategy in order to win without cheese/stall tactics if u thought julia's master fight was a challenge just wait til later on hehehehehehehehehehe

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9 hours ago, !!yxnT said:
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I've already completed the gang questline and gotten choice specs+litten. 



Yeah once you do, go to silph co for archie or obsidia slums for maxie and talk to them.


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I'm at Florinia and really enjoying it so far.


3 things I noticed

  • Item-ban option was not listed in the features section in the original post, so I unnecessarily downloaded the modular modpack.
  • The first fight of the mythic Magikarp sidequest did not seem to be edited.
  • I wish the rematch trainers in the Grand Hall did not give prize money.

For the two master fights against Florinia, I needed to go back and catch Gulpin and swap with Kricketune, as even super-effective moves did not do much to some of her mons, and Gulpin line seemed to be the only one with Toxic this early. I enjoyed the long grindy games with lots of switches on both sides.


Everyone was holding Oran berry.

I'm curious how other people beat her, especially without Toxic or Leech Seed.

Edited by salgrem
remembered about item-ban mode being a built-in option
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The Taka and ZEL double battle was tough despite my team being overleveled.


I tried Vanillite with Taunt and Mist but then Lileep just Ancient Powered it, and it was not bulky enough generally. Then I tried leaving Lileep alone and wiping out ZEL's side first, and it finally somehow worked.


The top 2 mons were holding Persim Berry, the rest Oran Berry.


I remember the first TM in Desolation was Safeguard and even though I didn't use it in that game, I imagine it would've been helpful here. I kind of suspect I was approaching this wrong all the same because of how tough the fight felt.


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1 hour ago, salgrem said:

The Taka and ZEL double battle was tough despite my team being overleveled.

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I tried Vanillite with Taunt and Mist but then Lileep just Ancient Powered it, and it was not bulky enough generally. Then I tried leaving Lileep alone and wiping out ZEL's side first, and it finally somehow worked.


The top 2 mons were holding Persim Berry, the rest Oran Berry.


I remember the first TM in Desolation was Safeguard and even though I didn't use it in that game, I imagine it would've been helpful here. I kind of suspect I was approaching this wrong all the same because of how tough the fight felt.


me thinks u may want a fire type.............. just a suggestion there, that and maybe a poison type, i would recommend torchic for the fire type but that would almost certainly require u to start over as for the poison type i would personally recommend alolan muk tho idk when that can be obtained off the top of my head as i sent mine in from rejuvenation

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1 hour ago, ArcBolt27 said:

for the poison type i would personally recommend alolan muk tho idk when that can be obtained off the top of my head as i sent mine in from rejuvenation

Did you just move the save file over or did you trade with yourself?

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10 hours ago, ArcBolt27 said:

me thinks u may want a fire type.............. just a suggestion there, that and maybe a poison type


I had a growlithe, which would've probably been helpful against their steel type, but it's been raining over here for a while. I'll definitely be on the lookout for those types.


In the Game Center,


there was a guy who was selling Psyduck, I believe before Florinia. I was just pummeled by regular Corey, and I want it to 1v1 Qwilfish but he's no longer there. I don't get why it's a limited offering.



I realized I actually don't know if this is Redux exclusive since I haven't played the regular version for this episode.


Edited by salgrem
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9 hours ago, Xander said:

Did you just move the save file over or did you trade with yourself?

i used the sharedPC mod from the swm modpack since the sharedPC.rxdata file itself is interchangable thats what i use to get some mons from reborn in rejuv and vice-versa

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Corey master was close but straightforward.



The held items were crucial, surviving or getting KOs that they otherwise miss out. Manectric was there just to turn one flame burst to blow away the mist in order to prevent the other team members from being poisoned. Donphan was holding Oran berry, which prevented her from being KOed by entry damage and fake out into 2 cross chops by croak. Swoobat and Stoutland were holding Telluric seed, which allowed the former to set up and the latter to do enough to KO skunk after +2 air slash and Black Sludge recovery. Hariyama was holding Normal Gem, which allowed him to KO goose with fake out into force palm. Sudowoodo was holding Metronome, which allowed her to 2HKO the bat.


Notably, skunk did not sucker punch my Swoobat, instead opting to night slash. In the case it did, I would try swapping Stoutland for Dodrio.


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2 minutes ago, salgrem said:

Corey master was close but straightforward.

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The held items were crucial, surviving or getting KOs that they otherwise miss out. Manectric was there just to turn one flame burst to blow away the mist in order to prevent the other team members from being poisoned. Donphan was holding Oran berry, which prevented her from being KOed by entry damage and fake out into 2 cross chops by croak. Swoobat and Stoutland were holding Telluric seed, which allowed the former to set up and the latter to do enough to KO skunk after +2 air slash and Black Sludge recovery. Hariyama was holding Normal Gem, which allowed him to KO goose with fake out into force palm. Sudowoodo was holding Metronome, which allowed her to 2HKO the bat.


Notably, skunk did not sucker punch my Swoobat, instead opting to night slash. In the case it did, I would try swapping Stoutland for Dodrio.


good stuff................. out of curiosity what abilities does hariyama manectric and stoudland have? personally i would recommend static intimidate and thick fat respectively as for swoo i would recommend unaware to help it combat possible enemy setup strats

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3 minutes ago, ArcBolt27 said:

good stuff................. out of curiosity what abilities does hariyama manectric and stoudland have? personally i would recommend static intimidate and thick fat respectively as for swoo i would recommend unaware to help it combat possible enemy setup strats

Thick fat, lightning rod, and intimidate respectively. I don't plan to keep Manectric for long since it's probably useless in double battles due to its stab being damaging to allies. For Swoobat, ability Simple lets it become pretty threatening with calm minds, which he's already learned. It has pretty low defenses so I doubt it would be useful defensively even with a good defensive ability. Against setup, I so far have roar on Stoutland and Whirlwind on Hariyama.

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17 hours ago, !!yxnT said:
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what about the fourth guy?



It might be one of the two guys that were chilling in Lapis post episode 16 ( one magma and one aqua saying that there is nothing going on there ). OR one of the three people that you stopped from tossing that zigzagoon/pachirisu to the river. I'm not really sure.


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55 minutes ago, salgrem said:

Thick fat, lightning rod, and intimidate respectively. I don't plan to keep Manectric for long since it's probably useless in double battles due to its stab being damaging to allies. For Swoobat, ability Simple lets it become pretty threatening with calm minds, which he's already learned. It has pretty low defenses so I doubt it would be useful defensively even with a good defensive ability. Against setup, I so far have roar on Stoutland and Whirlwind on Hariyama.

i was recommending unaware as it makes it so when swoobat is being attacked the enemy will do less damage to u if u have buffs up (less physical damage if physical defense is buffed and vice versa) and it also lets u ignore enemy buffs as well and do more damage in the process, really useful when dealing with seeds...... believe me i know how useful simple can be but there's times where i wouldnt have won a battle if it wasnt for unaware...... if anything lightningrod can be useful in doubles against other electric types as if you team manectric up with say swoobat they will be forced to not use electric moves due to lightning rod which can help swoobat in more cases than 1... worst case scenario if its main stab hurting allies (im guessing discharge?) u can always teach it charge beam or something of that sort then u wont have to worry as much.... sure u may lose the cleave but u also gain increased surviviability in doubles which u will NEED later on

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10 hours ago, Pozyher said:
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It might be one of the two guys that were chilling in Lapis post episode 16 ( one magma and one aqua saying that there is nothing going on there ). OR one of the three people that you stopped from tossing that zigzagoon/pachirisu to the river. I'm not really sure.



"Ame" tells me to look for hardcore's original creator in "places very isolated from people"


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39 minutes ago, !!yxnT said:
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"Ame" tells me to look for hardcore's original creator in "places very isolated from people"



Ah yeah. I think it's in the digital world.Where you fought terra.


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19 minutes ago, !!yxnT said:

can't go back in there


Are you sure? I thought he was there and you also had to fight him as well.

Well if that is not the place i don't know.Sorry.


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He is in the wasterland inside a building , where you go to see Aya.


And anyone know where to exactly find the guy Miss Evergreen asked us to find ? ( Hardcore HQ missions ) ? Commander told me he is on our way to Titania , so i suppose the desert , but still can't fine him


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On 2/11/2019 at 12:40 AM, Zarc said:
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He is in the wasterland inside a building , where you go to see Aya.


And anyone know where to exactly find the guy Miss Evergreen asked us to find ? ( Hardcore HQ missions ) ? Commander told me he is on our way to Titania , so i suppose the desert , but still can't fine him



Go to train town, head south and you should see Commander. Don't pay when you're given the choice and you will fight 2 of his pokemon in a double battle. Beat him and he'll tell you some stuff about clearing Jonathan's name and ask you to meet him in Calcelon. 


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