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Helloooo Rebornians!
Tonight we have the most durable guest possible for our Gym Leader Interview:
Steel-Leader Beatrice and her Steelix Gungnir

Some music to listen too.


Sylveon: It's great to have you and Gungnir here, Beatrice!
Beatrice: I'm surprised I was chosen to be interviewed but regardless let's get on with the interview.
Sylveon: Of course, care to tell us your backstory?
Beatrice: Sure. I was born in the Mysidia region to the East of of the Reborn Region on January 14th, 2022.  My full name is "Beatrice Florete Martel," and my Grandfather was an industrious businessman, having basically been the one primarally in charge of rebooting the Reborn's Rail Infrastructure in 2010 at the time of current events , I'm 18 years old. When I was Eight years old, I was involved in a rather horrific train accident. It was miracle enough that I was even able to survive it, though at the cost of everything below my hips being more or less permanently disconnected from my spinal cord, thus confining me to a wheelchair. Since that event, I had garnered an admiration for Steel Types, as they are durable enough to laugh off something as minor as a train accident. In a sense, I was jealous of both the Pokemon Type, and the people still able to walk.  But, as they years went by, I began to get accustomed to my new lot in life, and began training more intensely, as I was reliant on my Pokemon. On September 20th, 2037, I was approached by a league official from the Reborn Region. Then Steel Leader Titania was retiring, and was looking for a solid replacement. She needed foreign talent as Steel Specialists of any worth are a rare commodity in the Reborn Region. I was recommended to the league by my older sisters, Eliza and Bethanie, who at the time were the Ghost Type Leader of Reborn. Since then, I took it upon myself to keep the paperwork in the region up to date because it would be good practice for if my Grandfather decides to bequeath the company to either me, or Elizabeth once he retires. And there we have it, that's pretty much my backstory.
Sylveon: It's a shame to hear how you became bound to that wheel-chair but you seem to be doing just fine.
Beatrice: So, your next question?
Sylveon: I see that you are close to your Steelix, Gungnir, care to tell why you two share such a bond?
Beatrice: Gungnir was a gift from my Grandfather. He left him for me as an Egg while I was in the hospital after the train incident. since I raised Gungnir from an Egg, he's like a son to me.  At the time, I didn't know that Onix would evolve into Steelix, so that made my eventual choice to specialize in Steel types all the more hilarious. Also, Baby Onix are pretty small. they're about a foot in length and are rather light. of course, Onix begin to grow large and heavy very quickly.
Sylveon: Indeed it certainly would form a bond strong enough to allow you two to be a formidable duo.
Sylveon: Now, for a question from a viewer. Fellow Leader Cervys asks "We know your favorite pokemon, but what is your least favorite?" 
Beatrice: Least favorite? Charizard.  I see it so goddamn often. Like, come on kids, there's more fire types than what Leon and Red used, you know?
Sylveon: I see, do you have a field that helps you to combat the fire-breathing lizard?
Beatrice:  Of course i do. a little bit of Fairy Tale magic never hurt anybody, now doesn't it? although, i believe it's my Big Top strategy that's famous. Which, you know, there's another way to clip the wings of Fire Breathing Lizards. and that's to beat the ever-loving fuck outta them with a Giant Angry Rainbow Metal Murder Snake.
Sylveon: Ooh earlier you mentioned doing the league's paperwork are there other things you do in your free time, perhaps some hobbies?
Beatrice:  Weeeeell, uh.....hehe, this is maybe a bit cliche for a Steel Specialist, but i love watching Mecha Anime. and putting together model kits. And of course, any video-games I play, if I ever get the chance, are almost exclusively Mecha Games. stuff like Armored Core.
Sylveon:  Another fellow Leader Cecilia asked what is your favorite flavor of ice cream?
Beatrice:  Well, my favorite is.....i guess Mango Ice Cream. nice and sweet, with that tropical tint!~
Sylveon:  Ooh, the tropics by chance have you ever traveled to a place like Alola it's plenty tropical over there?
Beatrice: No, not really. i'm not much of a far traveler. i'm perfectly content to spend most of my time in either Reborn or Mysidia.
Sylveon:  How is your relationship with your family members back in Mysidia?
Beatrice: Fairly normal. Dad's a little overprotective of his "little girls," but seeing as I almost died to a Train Accident, and my Sisters are...one person, it's complicated, I don't really blame him. but, he doesn't have to worry much, we're both excellent trainers! Otherwise we wouldn't be a Gym Leader and Elite Four respectively.
Sylveon: Must've been traumatizing almost dying in that Train Accident and then being bound to a wheel-chair afterwards. But let's move on from a more grim topic and onto something a little lighter "How is being a gym leader like?
Beatrice:  Uh.....it's fun! but it can be kinda stressful. Especially when i get a chain of challengers. But, it feels fulfilling, when finally, a really strong challenger comes along.
Sylveon: That sure must be a battle to remember, also how is your relationship with everyone else in the league beside your sisters?
Beatrice:  Fairly positive, I feel. the main gym Leader who I disagreed and argued with often is no longer a part of the league, and since then, things have been pretty harmonius by comparison. less collateral damage, too.
Sylveon: Great to hear, although from what I've seen you and your steel types can take plenty of collateral damage, any last remarks before the end of this interview?
Beatrice:  Um....let's see...if you're going to take on my Gym Puzzle, please be quick about it. i don't like sitting in an Elevator for hours. come on, a Gear Puzzle is not that hard!
Sylveon:  Well, that wraps on our interview it certainly was lovely having you over, and to the viewers lookout for more next time! (Quite literally 😉)
Beatrice:  Alright, see you later!
That's it for tonight folks, I hope you enjoyed it! See you around with the hottest news of the Reborn Devolved League! 
Sassy Sylveon, over and out!
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