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Flame Orb



Hi everyone, I was wondering if there is any way I can find a Flame Orb before unlocking all the stickers for the Department Store, since there seem to be availible only at the 11th floor and the Wiki doesn't seem to tell if there is one availible in the Overworld.


I need that for my Flare Boost Drifblim, and the only other way I found to burn him is to go to the Abandoned Power Plant and hoping for a Will-o-Wisp from a Yamask, but that takes too much time and if it faints I will have to do it all over again.


Thanks for the help!

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You can find one in the Chrysolia springs. It's a cave hidden in the north part of Chrysolia forest, but it should become visible after the events in Tanzan mountain are finished.

You'll need to bring a mon with Surf and Strength to clear some boulder puzzles. Oh and you might wanna bring one with Tailwind as well, will be useful in certain rooms to clear the fog.

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36 minutes ago, Edo said:

You can find one in the Chrysolia springs. It's a cave hidden in the north part of Chrysolia forest, but it should become visible after the events in Tanzan mountain are finished.

You'll need to bring a mon with Surf and Strength to clear some boulder puzzles. Oh and you might wanna bring one with Tailwind as well, will be useful in certain rooms to clear the fog.

Thank you so much!


Still need to unlock Surf Though, I have just beaten Ramdomus and going to 7th Street now

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2 hours ago, Ziggz said:

I found a flame orb while mining or foraging if im not mistaken. i gave it to my chrizard but it didnt up its fire attacks. my charizard is solar power. i wonder what the fmae orb does aside burn the user

Solar power is not boosted by burn, only sunlight.

Flame Orb only burns, and is intended for mons that benefit from status conditions, such as Guts.

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Another option for the Flame Orb is to give it to a mon with Magic Guard. Since Magic Guard protects you from non-direct damage like weather and Status-afflictions, what ends up happening is that for the cost of an item slot, you have a mon that is effectively immune to other more debilitating status conditions like paralyze or sleep.

One particular set that you can use: (Also viewable in Smogon)

Sigilyph (Catchable at Citae Astrae Top)
Ability: Magic Guard
Item: Flame Orb
Nature: Timid
EVs: Max Speed and HP, 4 IVs in Sp.ATK
IVs: Typical Sp.Attacker set-up. (31 all stats except for having 0 ATK stat)
- Air Slash
- Roost
- Calm Mind
- Psycho Shift

Basic premise is that you boost up your special defense and special attack with Calm Mind, Roosting in between until you're ready to attack with Air Slash.
Psycho Shift acts as a 100% accurate Will o Wisp once the burn status is already applied, making it easier to withstand physical attacks better. Air Slash serves as your lone Calm-Mind boosted STAB attack that no mon is immune to and which has a 30% chance of flinching a mon slower than Sigilyph (which has a passable speed tier at base 97 before nature, EVs/IVs )
It's bulk is not terrible either, especially after raising HP stat. And naturally, it becomes immune to poison (although Magic Guard moots this already), sleep, paralyze, and freeze after taking a burn. (Although it really shouldn't be fighting ice or electric types unless you get decent amount of calm mind boosts beforehand.)
For that matter, having a lowered attack stat by burn might make it take less damage from Foul Play? (Although it also really shouldn't be staying in on a dark type either if it can help it).

EDIT: And I just realized this thread is actually a couple of years old, dating back 2020.
But Flame Orb is available earlier in EP.19 now, so some of the advice here might actually be interesting.

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