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Mah Team Ya Dig?


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I already have pics of them in my siggy, but I'll display their movesets. Note: Idgaf about natures, so I'm not listing those.

Hedgehog (Typhlosion) Level 42

~ Flame Charge

~Flame Wheel


~ Smokescreen (I lieks accuracy hax)

Lust (Emolga) Lvl 43



~Light Screen

~ Volt Switch (This set is actually good only because my Emolga happens to carry and Adamant nature along with being a speedy sonofabitch)

Vicious (Granbull) Lvl 42

~ Headbutt

~Rock Smash

~Shadow Ball

~ Charm (Deadly with the constant para hax since it has its Quick Feet. A surprisingly good powerhouse too, once she gets in her groove)

Le Pew (Skuntank) Lvl 42

~Acid Spray

~ Flamethrower


~ Night Slash (my lovely physical tank. Toxic ALL TEH POKES)

Viper (Arbok) Lvl 42

~Acid Spray

~ Glare

~ Crunch

~ Mud Bomb (This one is a little bit tanky on both sides surprisingly. My status king. Hax ALL TEH POKES)

Ape Escape (Primeape) Lvl 43

~ Karate Chop

~Cross Chop


~Seismic Toss

I just finish beating Kiki on my second try, only because I literally walked in there blind, not expecting the kind of shit she had on her team. (No I didn't sweep with just Emolga). With a little line-up she was quite easy to get through. I know I don't have the most typical pokes on my team, but hey they got me this far without a problem. However, any later suggestions for future back-up teams (after I'm done with episode nine) will be helpful ^^

Edited by Color
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Not bad, but it looks like you might have some trouble with a certain hail team later that has ground attacks and will spam blizzards in your face. If you can, try and get a drought Vulpix to fix that. Also, have fun with the upcoming dragon =)

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Surprisingly Psychic haven't been much of a problem because of mah skunky, but yea I agree with you there, ground types are going to destroy my life once I encounter them XD I have petilil in the box chillin with the others, so if I run into a troublesome gym leaders (coughcough Hardyinfutureepisodes cough) I will be okay. Honestly, the hardest challenges I have had overall is Flobot. Unless the ice gym leader proves me wrong, I've been having a smooth sailing so far.

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You ever play against a Snow Cloak Mamoswine XD with Hail that gym leader is a pain. I only manage to beat her thanks to my Solar Power Charizard and Drought Vulpix. Being a double battle and my vulpix only being level 28 my sun was there to stay.

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Hm, I was thinking about Forretress since I am getting close to the Poison gym.

That will probably be my rotation since it will only get hit for neutral damage from a ground move and I think ice moves are weak against steel as well.

That means my next task will be searching for heart scales so I can at least get Bug Bite (and hopefully gyro ball) by the ice gym.

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