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Celestian Cascade battles


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Im having a really hard time beating the battles so far and i heard there's another one after?? the grunts are easy but the blake and fern battle i have been so close but havent been able to beat them. Right now my team is chesnaught, gigalith, greninja, noivern, alolan ninetales, and alolan pikachu. If anyone has any team members to tell me to use or just any changes to make right now to my team that would be helpful. Also in my pc i have a clefairy, type null, arcanine, toxicroak, happiny, archen, swanna, pallossand, dragalge, nidoking, houndoom, abra, fennekin, seel, riolu, altaria(max SpA and HP IVs), meowth, kricketot, pachirsu, joltik, mightyena, numel, lotad, buneary, bronzor, blitzle, onix, gulpin, espurr, snubbull, emolga, mareep, gothorita, lillipup, difloon, ponyta, meditite, oricorio, fearow, turtonator, skitty, flabebe, tyrouge, accelgor, weezing, boufflant, loudred, pykumuku, cyndaquil, jigglypuff, makuhita, vanillite, litiwck, heracross, misdreavus, licktung, and ditto. im also able to go get anything that would be available for me. I just really need some help and would appreciate anyone who would be kind enough to. And who knows, maybe i might switch my team around because of the help.

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Try switching out Noivern as he gets destroyed by almost every mon on their teams. You could replace it with a Machoke or a Meditite instead, both of which you can find on route 2. Fighting types are good against most of their mons and the only one that can effectively take care of them is Fern's Decidueye with Brave Bird. Be careful with using Ninetales, Blake can abuse Hail with Blizzard and his Sandslash' Slush Rush. The Litwick, Houndour and Onix you have in your party can also be of great use if you can afford to train and evolve them.

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3 minutes ago, Seal said:

Try switching out Noivern as he gets destroyed by almost every mon on their teams. You could replace it with a Machoke or a Meditite instead, both of which you can find on route 2. Fighting types are good against most of their mons and the only one that can effectively take care of them is Fern's Decidueye with Brave Bird. Be careful with using Ninetales, Blake can abuse Hail with Blizzard and his Sandslash' Slush Rush. The Litwick, Houndour and Onix you have in your party can also be of great use if you can afford to train and evolve them.

ok thank you sooooo much. I was thinking about getting rid of the noivern and my houndoom is already colse to the level of my team. Do you think a Mamoswine would be good nstead of alolan ninetales?


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1 minute ago, Yooommeee said:

ok thank you sooooo much. I was thinking about getting rid of the noivern and my houndoom is already by my team. Do you think the Mamoswine would be good nstead of alolan ninetales?


Mamoswine could work if you avoid Blake's water types.

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