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Helloooo Rebornians!
Tonight we have ourselves the amazing duo for our Gym Leader Interview:
Psychic-Leader Echo and her Metagross!
Sylveon: Great to have you and your Metagross here tonight, Echo. Also nice outfit looks amazing did you make it yourself?
Echo: Thank you! I like to have Swoobat with me in spririt, even if it's not in my team. I wish I was talented enough to make something like this myself, but no, it was designed by a professional.
Sylveon: Either way I like it. Speaking of which what team are you referring to?
Echo: Well, my battle team, of course! I have a few different stages to pick from for each challenger, and sadly, Swoobat doesn't shine as brightly on all of them.
Sylveon: So your a strategist. Do you think that the psychic type can help you be flexible and face any kind of challenger?
Echo: It definitely has its advantages, but I think flashiness and a stunning performance are much more important than giving every challenger a hard time!
Sylveon: It's always nice to watch a dazzling performance. Now for a question from one of our viewers Flying Reserve Ryouyashi asks "What did you do before becoming a gym leader, and would she ever want to go back to doing that someday?
Echo: Well, to be honest, what I was doing before isn't very different from what I'm doing now! I've been peforming for a long time, so when my gym leader application got accepted, I just added Pokémon battles to my routines! I definitely don't want to go back before all of that. It wasn't a very exciting time.
Sylveon: Another related question from a viewer this time from a fellow gym leader Cecilia! "What inspired you to become a psychic specialist?
Echo: I didn't really get into training Pokémon with the goal to become a Psychic specialist. When I started out, I just used Pokémon I really liked, and most of them just happened to be Psychic types! Since then, I've really grown to love the type, and I still feel a bit of wonder every time I see my Reuniclus levitate objects around the stage.
Sylveon: Do you have any other hobbies other than pokemon battles and performing?
Echo: Between training and preparing performances, I usually don't have that much time for other hobbies, but I do enjoy video games to relax from time to time, and hanging out with the other gym leaders is always a treat! Sometimes, I like to dress up my Pokémon in extravagant outfits for the fun of it. They enjoy it too, I promise!
Sylveon: I prefer the look of my stylish sunglasses but if I ever feel the need for a wardrobe update it's always nice to know I could ask you for advice. But that can wait for now let's continue with a question from Steel Leader Beatrice: "What is your favorite food?"
Echo: It might just be because of the memories associated with it, but I've always thought the Cotton Candy that's sold in front of Agate Circus is the tastiest thing in the world!
Sylveon: We're on a roll with these questions from viewers so let's not stop. Fire Leader Pierce asks "If you could train any other type, which one would you wanna train?"
Echo: Oh, that's an easy one! It'd have to be Fairy. Dazzling Gleam is a wonderful move, and I already use Gardevoir all the time! It's almost as perfect for performances as Psychic is.
Sylveon: I see your Metagross there is itching for some attention. Care to tell us why you two are a pair?
Echo: That's a funny story, actually! Most trainers meet their closest partners when they're still unevolved, but my partner here was already fulled evolved when I met it! It was a member of the Agate Circus, being used for strongman performances. It was really good at them, too! But when I saw it for the first time, I could immediately tell it wasn't happy with what it was doing. So, one time, I took it with me for one of my Laser Light shows, and it was almost like seeing a whole new Pokémon. It was like it was made for it! That's what gave me the idea of adding Pokémon to my shows. After that, the two of us started training together, and I started adding more and more Pokémon to my team. Still, Metagross is always the star of the show!
Sylveon: And it looks so happy compared to other Metagrosses that I've seen. When did you start performing and what did you do before that?
Echo: I was 15 when I had my first real performance, and everything before that was pretty unremarkable, honestly. I went to a regular school- not even a trainer school, if you can believe that!- and practiced a lot in my free time. Singing, dancing, playing instruments, I knew that I wanted to stand on a stage one day, and I tried everything that I thought could bring me closer to that. In retrospect, my social life probably suffered a little during that time, but now I have a whole new group of friends! And fans, of course.
Sylveon: I must say I'm one of those fans I enjoy the way you battle reminds me of the contests in Hoenn and Sinnoh.
Echo: That was definitely an inspiration, I'll admit! Though I think I've struck a good balance between that and old-fashioned Pokémon battles.
Sylveon: Alright any closing remarks before we end for the night?
*Echo jumps on top of Metagross and both of them strike a pose*
Echo: Thank you for taking the time to talk to me, and thanks to everyone listening! My fans make all of this worth it!
That's it for tonight folks, I hope you enjoyed it! See you around with the hottest news of the Reborn Devolved League! 
Sassy Sylveon, over and out!
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