Gardevoir Posted September 10, 2013 Share Posted September 10, 2013 Hello! Gossip Gardevoir here in Interview Intermission, bringing YOU the inside scoop on Reborn's celebrity figures! Did I get that right? I think I got that right. Have to be consistent to my script, you know! And it's only natural that I should have my own program in Reborn. After all, I am Reborn's favorite newscaster. Anyway! As long-ago promised we're here with our first in a series of Leader Interviews, to help you, the average Reborn layman (and/or laywoman), become most intimately acquainted with our leaderly population! Up today? The one! The only! The most esteemed Doctor Sigmund Clownal Connal! ...Though I am limited to the dumpy text of this forum, imagine, dear readers, if you will- roaring applause, shining lights, the curtain opens, and through the threshold does the good Doctor step, the spotlight deigning to remove itself from my grace to cast him in the shine of center stage! So, thank you for joining us on the front page, Doctor- How do you do? Are you well acquainted with the limelight? Quote By necessity, I cannot say that I am. And that is quite all right- everyone's career starts somewhere, does it not? Although I daresay yours might be over before it starts, with your age... Are you still hanging in there? Should I speak softer? I shouldn't like to induce some manner of heart attack. Quote That will be quite all right. ...Yes, well! Let's start with the basics, shall we? Would you mind telling everyone your real full name? Quote Sigmund Connal. ...Well, that was about the most underwhelming answer you could have possibly given, since we already knew that... C'mon, don't you have a middle name? Quote I do. Tell us! Quote It is of no consequence, however: Albrecht. Sigmund Albrecht Connal... Sounds weird. Okay, well, moving right along. We mentioned your age before, and given that you don't intend to have any heart attacks any time soon, would you mind telling us- just how old are you? And what's your birthday? Quote I am fifty two years. My birthday is August 13th. Hm... So that makes you a Leo! No wonder you seem so stuck up most of the time... Quote Excuse me? Hm? Oh, nothing! Quote I am not so concerned about your backhanded remark as I am about the popular fallacy which you have herein reinforced. Please do not promote the folly assumption that something as arbitrary as the date of one's birth can possibly have any impact on their traits or personality. Such magical thinking only results in hackneyed beliefs and self-fulfilling prophecies and will not produce any tangible positive effect on a person's condition aside from the occasional note that "on Sunday, the stars will be in a good place for you to speak to your loved ones." ...Riiiiiight, well... Let's move on to a user submitted question! Are you ready for this one? Quote I expect that my answer will have no observable effect on your procedure- so I may as well say 'yes.' Ah! You ARE an intelligent man after all! Very well, the question the user submitted is this- and it is a critical matter, so please steady yourself... The question is- Do you like pie? Quote ......Yes. ...Please, Doctor, try to contain your excitement! This is a public environment, you know! Quote Your sarcastic wit may be said by some to be endearing. Regrettably, I am not among that 'some'. Blah blah, moving right along~ Mister Doctor, tell us why you decided to join the Reborn League! Quote In order for the children under my care to be permitted to attend this league, I must likewise be present. This is by necessity. Hm? Why do YOU need to be here just so they can? Couldn't you just trust Ame and the other auth to keep an eye on them? Quote As I am the legal guardian of the twins and Charlotte, I am responsible not just for their care, but also their psychological development. I will remind you that the individuals in question are not entirely mentally stable. As such, it is imperative that I maintain a steady observance over all environments to which they are subjected. The children are not to leave the orphanage- it hardly would follow, then, that they should be allowed online. However, I have made a special exception for the children in question as a privilege to them. The condition of the privilege is my mandated presence so that I may ensure there are no incidents. I see... So then I'm curious- when you joined the league, did you choose your own type? Actually, come to think of it, how does an old guy like you even know to play this game? Pokemon was originally a kid's game! Quote The deal that I organized with Amethyst necessitated that I play such a game. In order to observe the children, I would need to be present to the environment. In order to do that, I would need to play as a leader myself. On association, I was granted my choice of the remaining positions, and Amethyst instructed me in how to use it. Oh? So, tell us! Why did you choose the Electric Type. Quote ...Suffice it to say, it suits me. Well that's a non-answer if ever I've heard one... Let's say this: If you were allowed to use an extra type for your team, which would you pick? Quote This is hardly of consequence, however... I must answer Water. I have observed mechanical synergy between the types, not only in resistances but additionally in the functionality of rain. Makes sense. Okay, tell us! Who's your favorite Pokemon? And why? Quote Electivire. It is for no specific reason beyond the utility it has granted me in my duty. Okay, okay... Let's move onto some more... intimate questions~ Quote I worry at your phrasing of that. No need to worry, good Doctor! I hardly mean it like that... Well, I mean, I could... Yes! The readers want to know the scandal behind the stethoscope, Doctor- tell us, hm... What's your favorite position?! Quote Senior psychiatrist and operating warden. You are literally THE most boring person. Quote That may be, however I cannot forsake my reputation for mere chortles, as you seem so anxious to do. Excuse me, my reputation is more than just "mere chortles"! I AM Reborn's favorite celebrity, and YOU would do well to check your privilege. Quote I will "check my privilege" when you account for your own narcissistic qualities. Narcissistic? How dare you say that I'm full of myself when I'm the one interviewing YOU! Quote But you do so for the advancement of your own "career," do you not? Well duh! It's not like you're the one getting famous off of publicity. Quote Then your presenting this interview is self-serving, and it is indeed for the sake of your ego. As such, it can be said to be an affect of narcissism. You are infuriating! Would you have me just drop the interview then for the sake of modesty? Quote You may do as you wish. It is not my job to tell you how you ought to change; I only offered my regard of your position. If you find yourself upset by the insinuation of its nature, however, that may suggest a latent discontent in your own opinion. Hmph! Now you're saying that I'm secretly unhappy! Nonsense! I'm a star! I couldn't be happier! Quote You say that so fervently, I must ask: Just who are you trying to convince? No one! Quote Then why say anything at all? Because I was correcting you! Quote So you're trying to convince me? Yes- no! Quote Then who? There's no one else present. Well, the audience will hear this! Quote So you're trying to convince them. I don't need to! THEY already know. Quote Then who's left? ...Hm? If you're not trying to convince me, nor anyone who will see this transcript... By process of elimination, I conclude you must be arguing to yourself. I am not! Quote You seem rather distressed. Not to worry, this is a normal occurrence when one finds unresolved dissonance within their own cognition. If you would like, you are free to call my office and schedule an appointment for us to talk about this. Stop that! This is my session, not yours! Or... your session, not mine, depending on how you look at it... ...The point is stop! Look, we've only got one question left for the interview- this is another user-submitted question, so! "Sigmund- Who is your sister?" Quote ...That is not a question I can answer. ....Hm? Quote The question is improper. I do not have a sister. What? No, my sources are not wrong! It was mentioned before, I'm sure of it! You definitely had a sister, I heard it myself! Quote "Had." Yes. ...Wait, you mean...? Quote She is dead. ...Oh... I, wow. I feel bad now, I'm sorry... Would you tell us about her? Quote Your guilt is as short as your temper. You will express remorse and in the same breath press it further? So sorry, Doctor! And while I will cry for her loss, I cannot leave a hook like this un-addressed! Quote Truly, your sympathy knows no bounds. Hey! Now who's being sarcastic? C'mon, won't you tell us just a little bit about her? What was her name? Quote ...Elizabeth. And how long ago did this... happen? Quote Hrm... Let's see... It would now be.... forty two years. Oh! I did not quite expect that- so long ago! I feel a little better now. But if you're now just in your fifties... Quote Yes, she passed away when I was ten. Goodness! She can't have been very old herself, could she? Quote She was a few years older than I. There is no disputing that it was too young an age to have warranted such an end. Will you tell us what happened? Quote I do not wish to. Pleeeease? It was so long ago, what harm could possibly be done? At least just tell us how she died? Quote ...After much strife and emotional torment, she took her own life. And due to inopportune timing, I became the unfortunate witness. That's terrible! Was there nothing you could do to stop her? Quote ...You have heard, I am sure, the phrase that one can lead a horse to water, but cannot make it drink. This becomes especially true in dealing with self-harming and suicidal patients. When all is said and done, they are solely responsible for their own outcome. To physically restrain them only compounds the sense of lost control which drives them to that end in the first place- for oftentimes, to take control of their own life, or their own physical well-being is the only form of control they feel that they have left in an otherwise turbulent world. To rob them of that is to disarm them of their last ability. In short, a person with a desire to die cannot be stopped. What must be stopped is that desire. Oh! I get it! That's why you went into psychology, isn't it?! Quote I cannot deny that. After Lizzy left us, I was infuriated that no one had been able to aid her. She attended countless doctors, swallowed numerous medications- In the end, she was barred from the only treatment that might have still helped. I entered the profession with the purpose of correcting that flaw; so that I might save children in the future from the same grip of despair... At that age- it is too young for any to die. It is with pride that I protect the children of my orphanage from the danger of the streets, the world, and their own darkness. I would be lying if I said I thought much of you before, but I'm rather impressed. Although one thing- when you say that she was barred from treatment- why was that? Quote Petty law. Irrational fear. Public stigma. One of her therapists had mentioned that in the past, this form of treatment had been effective with similar patients- but a recent legal ruling outlawed the practice. ...Outlawed? What kind of treatment would that be? Quote You haven't guessed? It was ECT. Electro-convulsive Therapy. In lay terms, Shock Therapy. Could that really have saved ... Elizabeth, right? Quote Lizzy fit the former criteria to have applied for ECT with a reasonable chance of success. However, at that time because of the social stigma associated with the practice, there were none willing to preform it. She thus, was allowed to perish. This is a mistake I intend to correct. In my present work, though discouraged by the popular grievances, I explore the limits and applications of ECT so that we may all be better informed as to the truth of its usage, risks, benefits. And, so to ensure that there is never again, a little girl who finds cause to cut her life out when there may yet have been hope for her future. I see... That is almost noble of you, Doctor, if still slightly unnerving... Quote Any cause for unrest regarding the procedure is purely imagined. When done properly, there is no notable risk. Well, that's easy for you to say... Much easier, I will confess, then talking about such a marred past. So I thank you, Doctor, for joining us in the first edition of Interview Intermission. Thank you for your time! And to everyone else- that's all on today's Interview Intermission! Until next time! XOXO Gossip Gardevoir 9 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wendel Posted September 10, 2013 Share Posted September 10, 2013 Gardevoir you're awesome. But I still think Sigmund's a creep Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Void Hollow Posted September 10, 2013 Share Posted September 10, 2013 Oh wow, Sigmund is not as bad as I thought... after all, he likes pie... 5 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Godot Posted September 10, 2013 Share Posted September 10, 2013 Funny, I always thought Sigmund's middle name was something along the lines of Donald or Mallard... ha ha get it, it because he is a Quack! **Shot** Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Manes Posted September 10, 2013 Share Posted September 10, 2013 The feels... ;~; Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NeoDarklight Posted September 10, 2013 Share Posted September 10, 2013 Huh. Honestly, even if that IS his backstory, that does not excuse the fact that he used improper treatments for various mental disabilities to detrimental effect, while fully aware that safer, more effective alternatives for each specific malady were available. Shock therapy isn't for everyone. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Z Posted September 10, 2013 Share Posted September 10, 2013 nice concept, Sigmund, I've got to admit that you're respectable. Keep on doing that psychiatry stuff. Gardevoir, awesome job, keep on interviewing other GL Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Fush Posted September 10, 2013 Share Posted September 10, 2013 "I will "check my privilege" when you account for your own narcissistic qualities." I'm starting to really chuckle from Sigmund's sense of humour. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Color Posted September 10, 2013 Share Posted September 10, 2013 I never knew Sigmud was so...aged? All this time I thought he was in his thirties or at least very early forties. No, he is about the same age as my dad XD Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maelstrom Posted September 11, 2013 Share Posted September 11, 2013 Might be the same age as somebody else's dad who I know is a psychologist but I don't think he ever really talked that way. Hmm. Ame, maybe you recall better the one I'm thinking of. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Administrators Amethyst Posted September 11, 2013 Administrators Share Posted September 11, 2013 Oh, that's kind of an interesting coincidence... You're... strangely right, though my father is couple months older, and no longer practices any direct form of psychology. I hadn't even thought of that (lol i had to seriously think about what my father's age even was) ((actually i might be three years off... im blonding and cant remember exactly how old either of my parents are...)) Anyway, he was too busy doing his photoshop-torture to bother writing out any real elaborations c: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
James Posted September 11, 2013 Share Posted September 11, 2013 Nice interview, that arguement was pretty funny and Sigmund's backstory is as i predicted At the same time im kinda upset that we didnt get any info on Episode 10...i made like 5 teams so far while waiting lol #Nolife Im jk though...well about the no life part, still have 5 teams ready for action though...So Ame how's it going? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Summer Posted September 11, 2013 Share Posted September 11, 2013 GG finally returns! I hope this series is going to be a thing >> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
XXMaster_GreyXX Posted September 11, 2013 Share Posted September 11, 2013 Is this seriously true? Woah that's a sad story... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Manes Posted September 11, 2013 Share Posted September 11, 2013 This makes me wonder if the Gym Leaders are RP'ers or... I donno. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Heracross Posted September 11, 2013 Share Posted September 11, 2013 Hmm. I feel like I should come up with my own news show and give Gardevoir some competition. I'll have to think of a catchy name and some good stories. Muahaha. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arom Posted September 11, 2013 Share Posted September 11, 2013 Wow... You know, getting to know a good character's backstory was always a interesting thing to do, and is even more interesting if the character itself tells it in first person... I loved this. Nice job, Gardevoir. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Requieon Posted September 14, 2013 Share Posted September 14, 2013 I now only want to maim Sigmund, as opposed to wanting to dissolve him in a vat of acid before. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FlamingBattleSword Posted September 16, 2013 Share Posted September 16, 2013 I still want to throw Sigmund into the volcano with Medicham. If I had been there when Kiki died, things would not have ended the way they did. My master team would have made short work of Team Meteor, and still had the strength to take down Team Rocket, Team Aqua, and Team Magma. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Z Posted September 18, 2013 Share Posted September 18, 2013 Come on guys, be gentlier with that poor Dr.Connor Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Z Posted September 18, 2013 Share Posted September 18, 2013 (edited) BTW how do i can put on my trainer card and my team as signature? can someone help me? Edited September 18, 2013 by Captain Z Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ArmoredGuardian Posted September 19, 2013 Share Posted September 19, 2013 Hmmm Lizzy ................. LIZ is Sigmonds sister but that's impossible she died in front of him.......or did she..... DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNNN ame you have talent you should right books :I Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kingd353 Posted September 30, 2013 Share Posted September 30, 2013 I haz 2 stupid questions 1. how could sigmond become a gym leader? last i checked reborn already has an electric gym leader in the form of that one explosion obsessed hottie i forget the name of 2. hey gossip gardivour can u tell us your level and moves? i'm kinda curious lol Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mashew Posted September 30, 2013 Share Posted September 30, 2013 On 9/30/2013 at 7:50 AM, Kingd353 said: I haz 2 stupid questions 1. how could sigmond become a gym leader? last i checked reborn already has an electric gym leader in the form of that one explosion obsessed hottie i forget the name of 2. hey gossip gardivour can u tell us your level and moves? i'm kinda curious lol The actual Reborn league has nothing to do with the game. The league came before the game, Julia was our season 1 leader. Sigmund is our season 2 leader. It's a tad confusing I'll admit that. As for your second one, GG is... level 100 and has constantly changing moves I believe Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kingd353 Posted September 30, 2013 Share Posted September 30, 2013 On 9/30/2013 at 8:07 AM, Makoto said: The actual Reborn league has nothing to do with the game. The league came before the game, Julia was our season 1 leader. Sigmund is our season 2 leader. It's a tad confusing I'll admit that. As for your second one, GG is... level 100 and has constantly changing moves I believe if it has nothing to do with the game why the fuck did he mention game characters and his in game psotion as the girl's gaurdian? and level 100 o.o part of me doesn't want to belive that because of her personality >.>but ok then "note to self geta a masterball... i kinda wanna capture gg lol Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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